Some Help? For Realzies? · 3:23am Feb 21st, 2015
Okay so I already have writers block and would love to have some help. I've been having some new story idea's and need some help on what I should do. Write the new story idea's until my writer's block for my original story is complete? Or should I not do that in case if I end up having the same problem as I am now? I just want some help, I honestly don't know what to do right now and it's killing me.
Heh, Sonata Dusk is my 5th favorite character for two reasons:
1. my favorite Dazzling/Siren
2. I always think of her as the least evil Dazzling/Siren, and I always think she wasn't evil to begin with
Hi, SonataDusk97! Thanks for checking out "For When It Rains." If any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for the favorite on A Dazzling Always Strikes Back!
You're welcome I love your stories X3.
Thanks for the fav on The Struggle is for Realzies!!