• Member Since 16th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 3rd, 2017


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Roleplay · 3:04pm Dec 14th, 2014

Hello, I'm very bored and if anyone would like to do a roleplay on kik or something, doesn't matter what genre, but it could help me write some stories that some of you been waiting for, it could be another gory one or a romance one, so tell me if anyone wants to roleplay

Report Till_The_End · 340 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
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Thank you very much for the favorite on my story!

1874953 weird, I didn't get an annotation for you commenting on my page, oh well, but thanks for commenting on my profile pic :twilightblush: ....and aren't you the one who introduced me to the watch dogs group? :rainbowhuh:

Your user picture, is nothing but pure badassery.

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