• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen July 1st

Minds Eye

Are you not entertained?


Deep in the northern hinterlands, the Merrie river cuts through two sister cities—divided as much by war, politics, love, magic, and the arts as by the river itself.  A reluctant peace brokered by Princess Celestia of the rising Equestrian nation rules the present day, where the Guards of both cities must balance their duties, words, and even their thoughts amid the uncertain daily routines.

This story is a companion piece to Noble Thought’s The Primrose War, meant to be an introduction to the themes and plot elements found therein.  Set before the main story starts. Thanks to Noble Thought and Carapace for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Mere days before Twilight Sparkle's coronation as the sole leader of Equestria, Princess Celestia invites an old friend to help her answer a question: How did I do?

Cover art: Celestia Studying, by buttercupsaiyan

Thanks to Noble Thought for editing.

Chapters (1)

A chance encounter in Professor Fluttershy's class makes Sandbar ponder Ocellus in a new light. Namely, what makes a changeling... a changeling? And not a spider or an insect? Thankfully, he has his friends to talk to, and together they arrive at an articulate and scientific conclusion.

Stuff is weird.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Glimpsing the Future

Life is changing for Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Nearly two years together have seen tumultuous meetings with each other's parents, Twilight's ascension, and even the growth of their new home together in the middle of town.

They've come a long way, but now, on the brink of their future together, there is one question left to answer.

Thanks to Noble Thought for editing

Cover art: Hold Me by TangoMangoFandango

Chapters (1)

"Once upon a time, before Celestia, Equestria was suffering terrible hardship. Raising the sun every morning was so hard it took five great sorcerers plus Star Swirl the Bearded to do it. And every day, the unicorns helping Star Swirl would use so much magic they lost their powers forever."

A poem

Chapters (1)

Luna has a few questions for her sister after her little performance in Twilight's play. Namely, where does she get off raising the sun during the night like that?

This could get ugly...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Staff Meeting

Twilight joins one of her changeling friends in the novel he's hiding in.


Together, she and Stormy Night climb through paragraphs and sentences, debate arcs and scenes, and reconstruct some of the emotions within.

Thanks to Noble Thought for prereading.

Cover art: Twi's Desk by Shastro

You can click here if you're curious about the AU tag.

Chapters (1)

Babysitting Rumble on Hearts and Hooves Day turns into more than Flitter could have expected.

Thanks to Noble Thought for editing.

Cover art by nejcrozi

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Staff Meeting

Spike guides three of Ponyville's newest residents through the wonderful world of gainful employment.

Thanks to Noble Thought for prereading.

Cover art by badumsquish.

Chapters (1)