I like MLP and I like writing. Don't really know what else to say. I just hope people like my stories!
An unassuming author whose writing comes slowly. Loves romance, humor, and Spike; dislikes darkness, despair, and character-bashing. If you come away from his stories smiling, he's done his job.
Just a pile of meat and chemicals that writes romantic, comedic and sexual stories and comics.
Hello! I am Ceehoff, and as you see, I'm the author of "Equestria's First Human". Welcome to my FimFiction page! Here, you can read the other stories I have written other than EFH. Enjoy your stay!
I'm a guy who writes about ponies. Not much else to say at the moment.Also, all my stuff is featured on Equestria Daily, so you know it's legit!
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
I'm a guy. I like My Little Pony. I don't like to talk about myself. Let's leave it at that.
Scy Storm here. Long time fanfiction writer, now writing MLP stories. Chat moderator for FIMFiction. 2-time enshrinee on Equestria Daily, 3-time on Canterlot's Finest.
Just a humble pony writing stories. https://twitter.com/#!/Fluttermommy
I didn't choose the skux life, the skux life chose me. (Can also be found at luckydreamsart.tumblr.com!)
Also known as HUE JACKMAN! And more recently, Blaasz. My twitter: https://twitter.com/Blaaszz
Pinkie Pie is best pony. (Though all my fics are about Spike and Rarity.)
I'm that one black guy. "Easy reading is damn hard writing." Nathaniel Hawthorne