• Member Since 15th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen September 26th


Scy Storm here. Long time fanfiction writer, now writing MLP stories. Chat moderator for FIMFiction. 2-time enshrinee on Equestria Daily, 3-time on Canterlot's Finest.


Princess Cadance drops in on Twilight Sparkle in a surprise visit. The two old friends, now sisters-in-law, spend a day together in the town of Ponyville, reflecting on memories of their pasts. Along the way, some new revelations work to forge a stronger bond between them.

Featured at The Round Stable on May 10, 2012.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on December 1, 2013.

This story is Complete!

Chapters (1)

Twilight calls her friends to the library to assist her in a spell she wants to try out. Her friends freak out when the spell turns out to sound a little more serious than initially assumed. They soon find out, however, that their fears were entirely unfounded.

Featured at The Round Stable on November 30, 2011.

This story is Complete!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is haunted by feelings of self-hatred, stemming from the day she left her family to be on her own. Never wanting to see her best friend in a crazed state of distress again, Rainbow Dash resolves to reconnect her with her estranged family and bring an end to the personal demons once and for all.

Featured at Equestria Daily on September 28, 2011.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on November 21, 2013.

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna makes a surprise visit to Ponyville to spend some time with the girls who freed her. The royal pony's incredibly cheerful demeanor quickly leads to much confusion and amusement among all parties involved.

Part of Equestria Daily's Happy Luna contest.

This story is Complete!

Chapters (1)

Lyra's public performances continue to fail to draw the crowds she needs to kickstart her career. It takes the love and care of a certain earth pony to snap her out of her rut once more.

Featured at Equestria Daily on August 26, 2011.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on November 8, 2013.

This story is Complete!

Chapters (1)

Life in Equestria comes to a grinding halt upon the surprise return of an ancient foe. A princess finds herself brought to the forefront of the conflict, as she must help guide the chosen heroes on an uncertain journey to save their land and friends.

Story currently on hiatus as I work on other projects. It is also pending a slight rewrite.

Chapters (3)