Pipp is awake at 3:00 AM. She can't sleep. Something nags at her mind. Something is keeping her awake. Why can't she sleep?
Sometimes I write stories.
Found 12 stories in 16ms
Total Words: 295,484
Estimated Reading: 19 hours
Pipp is awake at 3:00 AM. She can't sleep. Something nags at her mind. Something is keeping her awake. Why can't she sleep?
Nightmare Night.
It's one of Equestria's oldest traditions. Or, it was before the pony tribes became divided hundreds of years ago.
Months after Sunny and her friends helped the pony tribes of western Equestria see the light about pony unity, the time of year approaches when Nightmare Night used to be held. Sunny sees an opportunity to revive the ancient tradition.
But how does an Earth Pony do something like that without scaring the bejeebers out of everypony?
With a musical, of course!
It's going to go exactly as you would expect.
Argyle Starshine and Caela Fullbright live in Maretime Bay in a big lighthouse near the edge of town. It's been passed down on Argyle's side of the family for generations.
The couple are expecting a foal soon. On a night during a full moon, they have a conversation about the past, the present... and what the future might hold.
Dear Miss Princess Celestia,
I hope you get this letter okay. Not really sure how you get yer mail, but I'm gonna wrap it nice and fancy so they know it's for royalty. Wouldn't want it to get lost.
Ma and Pa said to send you this letter because it's Family Appreciation Day. They said you like to get letters from fillies and colts across Equestria so you can see how happy everypony is. I think that's mighty sweet of you, Princess.
Now, how do I start this thing?
Spike and Rarity were an item.
In the aftermath of his greatest mistake, Spike copes with what happens next.
Maretime Bay...
A town of sailors and merchants - all Earth Ponies, of course. The thought of a Unicorn or Pegasus wandering in is impossible.
And then, of course, a Unicorn wanders in.
It's the beginning of an adventure hundreds of years in the making!
Now updating every Thursday (I mean it; I do!!!)
Arc 4 is here! Sunny and friends, with newest addition Regan, head north. A storm is brewing above the Frozen North threatening to swallow the Realm, and the Yeti Prince is behind it. The first real test of Sunny’s resolve has come – and she may not walk away this time without losing something.
Three new mares enter Ponyville, and they've got some changes to make to everyone's favorite little pony-filled hamlet.
EDIT (October 2021) - First G5-inspired fanfic ever published AFAIK. Obviously this was just based on complete speculation knowing nothing about the characters.
One winter in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie is forced to move out of Sugercube Corner when an infestation of sugar mites in her room gets to be too troublesome. Luckily for Pinkie, Fluttershy has space in her home and doesn't mind having a friend over in a time of need!
But having Pinkie around so often leads Fluttershy to discover feelings she didn't even know she had. Is there more to these random bouts of flushed cheeks? And if so, what will Pinkie do when she finds out?
That is, if Fluttershy tells her.
Roughclaw was the last hippogriff anyone thought about when it came to romance. But in truth, he was consumed by the idea of courting the one he loves.
The problem was that a simple, grizzled stone mason and chiseler like him had nothing to offer that well-off, handsome hippogriffs couldn't provide. That was until Roughclaw read about the ancient jewelberry.
This is my story that earned a top 10 spot in the Iron Author speed-writing challenge of Ponyfest 3.0, hosted by Xepher. This version is heavily edited but maintains the same basic premise.
Something inside Happy Pants is telling her that today is a very special day!