• Member Since 12th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


An artist that sorta sometimes writes sadfics, my dudes.

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Who the Heck Are You?

Hello! I'm TheCrystalRing, and I've been participating in online fandoms since 2012! I'm mostly known for art nowadays, but I started out as a writer! I aim to post more of my fandom writings online for people to read, I hope you enjoy your time here!

Also, I welcome fanart, translations, and podfics/readings of my (public) works, I just ask you to let me know ahead of time, link back to the original, and show me when you're done! ^^

Find TheCrystalRing at...

Twitter: twitter.com/thecrystalring

Twitter (Art Only): twitter.com/crystalringarts

Youtube: youtube.com/user/TheCrystalRing

DA: deviantart.com/thecrystalring

Tumblr: thecrystalring.tumblr.com

Fanfiction: fanfiction.net/u/3606229/

Ao3: archiveofourown.org/users/TheCrystalRing

Website: thecrystalring.com