• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 27,617 Views, 1,920 Comments

My New Life in Equestria: Helping Has Its Ups and Downs - HAZESHIFT

Waking up in a tree usually doesn't mean its gonna be a good day...today on the other hand I find it to be the opposite...at least in the short run as i find myself in a world of ponies

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There were flashes. Flashes of everything; light, color, shapes and sound. My mind had the hardest time putting it all together. Everything felt like it was a mix of moving too fast and too slow. I couldn’t think about what was happening, or what happened five seconds ago. I couldn’t even figure out how long five seconds was.

I heard a sound. Either that or it was being projected in my direction. I heard one tone that got progressively louder, though if it actually was doing that, I couldn’t tell.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaa,” just a long tone. I couldn’t put anything together between my mind being scrambled, and the heat and pressure invading every fiber of my being. I could even see right then was some blue and this weird black blur. My field of vision moved away from that in some direction. Was it right, left? Up, down? In, out? My view came to something purple; I think I knew what it was. It was a she, right? It was right in front of me but the dots wouldn’t connect.

Before anything even started coming together my consciousness latched onto something else. My vision focused on another black blur although I think it was farther away than the one I had seen already. I heard something come from it and I’m not sure but I was able to understand the words, “GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU SON OF A BITCH!”

The black blur was suddenly surrounded by many different colors. In a flash, the colors moved with frightening speed. Even if I was in a normal state it would have been hard to keep track of how fast whatever I saw was moving. After losing track of it I heard a sound, or a cacophony of sounds, it was hard to tell which. But along with the sound or sounds something else happened, the pressure I was feeling moved.

Suddenly everything snapped back. My blurred vision dissipated, I took in a gasp of air, and everything came back. I saw that the black blur in front of me was one of Tirek’s tentacles that had impaled me. It was no longer in my body for some reason and without it holding me up, I fell. I didn’t feel myself landing on my back, and the pain radiating from the hole in the left side of my chest was far beyond anything I’d ever felt. At first I wanted to scream but I didn’t have enough air, and trying to take in a breath hurt too much.

As I lay there, my eyes fell on Tirek. He wasn’t calm and composed at the moment, more like in a rage or hurt. Little bits of something were sticking out of various parts of his body, little bits of metal slowly being melted by the fire and whatever else made up Tirek’s insides. My best guess was that it was Flintlock. I remembered hearing him gush about how he had enchanted his armor so that he could turn it into one giant shrapnel bomb. Although I wasn’t sure if he ever got it to properly work.

A nice, soft feeling on my cheeks drew my attention as my vision was drawn to tear filled, violet eyes. “Dan! Dan say something! Say anything!” I could hear her choke on tears as she pleaded for me to give some kind of sign. But with a hole in my chest, I think talking was out of the question. Weakly, I lifted my right arm, it felt like it weighed a ton. As able as I could I placed my hand on top of her head. From the distance between us it wasn’t hard to notice the small shock as I gently stroked her mane. The look of distraught on her face slowly fading and a little more peace filling in. “Oh thank Faust, I thought I lost you,” she said nuzzling into my hand, even with the pain that feeling still felt better than anything. “I can’t believe you would do something so so-” I could see her about to start bawling again but she stopped when a golden glow lifted her off me.

“You can finish that sentence some other time Twilight but right now I think it’s a good idea that we help Dan,” Celestia came into view along with her giant mace floating gently beside her. Her white coat was smudged with burn marks and other things. “Although you might just want to go with brave or stupid,” she said as she lit up her horn again, this time the magic flowed into my giant wound. I felt nothing at first, then the warmth built up. With a sudden spark it felt like every part of my body had icy hot on and in it. “You know Dan, I never actually named this healing spell. It can heal a great deal of many things, including those things that have been lost. I haven’t had to use it on many, in fact I’ve used it on you the most. Maybe I should name it after you,” she said her magic still flowing into my body.

“Is he going to be ok, princess?” Twilight hovered next to Celestia.

“As long as I can hold the spell. I’ve also taught it to Luna and Cadence but I’m the most proficient at it and it will take less time to-”

“PRINCESS, ABOVE YOU!” a shout interrupted the princess and caused us to look skyward as a tentacle came down at us. But in the nick of time a pink shield surrounded us and absorbed the impact. Cadence appeared next to Twilight, still using her magic to do something to the shield.

And did you think I simply would allow you the time, Celestia?” I could hear Tirek calling from wherever he was. He sounded like he was in at least a little bit of pain.

“Tia, I’ll keep him busy, you focus on healing Dan. Cadence, keep this shield up no matter what, while the rest of you rest for a while. This battle is not over yet,” Twilight said before leaping at Tirek while her sword swung in her magical grip.

The minute she left my sight, Twilight came back in staring down at me. Her watery, red eyes and slightly runny nose made for a sad but slightly adorable sight, if I wasn’t halfway in the grave it would be more adorable. It looked like she just wanted to hold me and never let me go and if it wasn’t for Celestia she probably would. Her element sat atop her head crooked and loose and as she cried next to me I could slowly see it falling off. When it did she didn’t give any reaction to it, she let it hit the ground with a thud.

Slowly I moved my arm, it didn’t feel as heavy as before but still it was a bit of an arduous task, reaching over I grabbed the tiara and struggled to lift it up high enough. Luckily, Twilight understood and stooped her head low enough for me to put it in place.

“How do you do it? How do you always seem to never worry about anything even when you’re hurt?” she asked chuckling while tears still fell to the ground.

“Well…” I started to croak out the words. “It’s easy…I’m in too much…pain…to worry,” I think I managed to smile at that before I started coughing.

Easy there, Dan. Even though you’re being healed, you still have only one lung. Keep your words to a minimum and poignant at that,” Celestia warned. I nodded knowing to never mess with someone giving you medical treatment.

“PRINCESS INCOMING!” I heard somepony shout as a loud thud hit our magical shield. Celestia turned carefully as to keep her magic going and Twilight helped crane my head up ever so slightly so we could see the form of Princess Luna pressed against the magical barrier. Her sword was inches away from her holding various tentacle at bay.

Really, did you think only one of you, and the younger one at that, would be enough to sate me?” Tirek laughed as he continued his assault on Luna. She was putting up a fight but from what I could see, it wasn’t a fight on even terms.

“I was afraid of this…Cadence! Shining!” Celestia called the two of them over. When they got closer they had two different reactions to my injury. Shining’s cringe was short and in my state hard to notice. Cadence on the other hand seemed to go in slow motion in comparison to her husband.

“Oh I think I’m going to be sick,” the mix of pink and green on her face was kind of funny regardless of the pain.

“You’re going to have to hold it in, Cadence. I’m going to need you to heal him and we can’t have your composure affected by it.”

“Wait, why me?”

“You’re the only one that knows the spell that is neither fighting nor needs to be. Tirek is too powerful for my sister alone. The two of us shall keep him at bay long enough for you to heal Dan. Shining will use his shield again to keep the girls and the guard safe while we fight and hopefully by that time we will have him subdued enough for Twilight and the others to use the Elements on him.

“O-ok, th-that’s a good plan. I can—” while she was stuttering nervously, I reached over and grabbed one of her hooves. She flinched at my touch before looking down at me. I gave her a smile before I gave her a thumbs up.

“I trust you. You’ll do fine,” I told her trying to give her a confidence boost, although I wasn’t sure how it would sound coming from a guy with a hole in his chest. When her nervous smile turned more genuine I guessed it’d worked. There was a chilling sensation as Celestia’s magic stopped and then another warm sensation as Cadence took her place.

“Ok, Cadence. Just remember from your training, keep the flow constant. Too little and his parts may be underdeveloped, too much and it might grow out of control,” I heard Celestia tell Cadence as she lifted her mace from the small hole she made when putting it down. Once she lowered it onto her shoulder she stood still for a second before she disappeared in a flash accompanied by a sound similar to a cannon going off. Since I still couldn’t see everything, I could only rely on the sounds and what the others told me. So from what I could tell, Celestia went into “serious” mode and just bowled into Tirek at only she knows how fast.

“So, Dan. How are you feeling?” Cadence broke the silence.

“Well…I finally feel like…I lost that weight…I was trying to lose,” I commented getting a smack on the arm from Twilight which I barely felt. As I looked at her I noticed that everyone had come over and crowded around us.

“Can you try being serious at least for a moment?” the anger in her tone still outweighed by the sadness.

“I’ll try, but honestly besides-“ I vaguely waved my arms around my giant hole of a wound “this, I think we are on the up and up,” I managed to go a whole sentence without having to cough or pause. “Celestia and Luna got Tirek, Cadence has got me, and when he’s down and out, you and the girls will blast him back from whence he came…and I can basically speak normally again…so I’m gonna say it. What could possibly go wrong?” I really hoped being mortally injured would keep that remark in check. But as if on cue, something happened.

With a yell, Tirek crashed into our shield, casting a dark shadow over us as he leaned on it. From my position, I was staring up at his face as he slowly got back to his hooves. Slowly his eyes opened and we saw eye to eye.

Hmm…still alive…well I can’t really have that, now can I?” he said slamming one of his large hooves into the shield causing Shining to wince. He kept Celestia and Luna busy with a mass of tentacles while he battered the shield, which now had cracks slowly forming. Slowly I pushed Twilight a small bit away from me, fearing what was about to happen. As he reared up for possibly the last strike, Celestia and Luna both hit him. Luna’s sword cutting into his shoulder and Celestia’s Mace catching him in his back. The roar of pain that came from his mouth was deafening.

I will not be deterred so EASILY!” he said through the pain. With his eyes on fire, he came down once again on the shield and this time it broke with an explosion.

I closed my eyes as I felt the blast wash over me. The feeling was similar to getting hit in the gut, and with my injury the pain did feel a bit worse than normal. As I laid there in pain, still I couldn’t help but notice the tingle of magic spreading in my body was gone. That and I wasn't lying flat anymore, I was a bit more upright. Finally opening my eyes, everything seemed to be tinted pink. Cadence still stood next to me and we were surrounded on all sides by a bubble. Twilight and the others were off to the side from us and in between us, Twilight and the others, and the princesses, stood Tirek; the wounds on his back showing and his fiery eyes ablaze in anger.

Well this seems to be a more favorable position,” he said as he blocked Cadence and I off from the rest of the group, using his attacks to keep us on guard. “Now let’s see if I can finally finish what I started,” he said staring at me as a tentacle raised itself in the air. “I hope you don’t mind that you won’t get to see the end of this battle,” he said as the tentacle swung at us.


The explosion from my brother’s shield knocked me away from Dan but thankfully didn’t hurt me. I was able to get up and see that Dan and Cadence were on one side of Tirek while the rest of us were on the other. My legs moved on their own and I found myself running at a sprint but I barely made it a few feet before a large white wing blocked my path.

“Princess?!” I practically shouted at her.

“Twilight, calm yourself and think. I know you care for both of them but you must think; if you rush out there right now you, will be killed,” Celestia’s voice sounded angry, though it wasn’t directed at me. As if just to prove her point, with speed I could barely see she swung her mace and batted several tentacles away. I managed to glance just around her and saw that Tirek was staring straight at Dan and Cadence while directing almost all of his tentacles to keep us away from them. It looked like he was saying something to them.

I tried my best to focus through all the battlefield noise and managed to hear the last thing he said. “I hope you don’t mind that you won’t get to see the end of this battle,” I watched as one of his tentacles rose up and then connected with the side of Cadence’s bubble. It made a sound like a bat hitting a baseball and then both of them were airborne. Nobody could react fast enough as both of them sailed past our reach to who knows where. I just stopped and stared at the spot on the horizon where they were. My sister-in-law and the human I summoned here and fell in love with were gone, and I didn’t know if they were ok or hurt.

“Twilight?” I felt a hoof on my shoulder, I turned towards everybody still in shock I didn’t know what to do or say. Pinkie was the one who had her hoof on my shoulder, her grip was a little tight but I could guess why. “Dan and Cadence…” she couldn’t finish that sentence as tears started to fall. “What do we do now?”

“I…don’t kn-” I never got to finish the sentence because of the laughter Tirek emitted. It was loud like he had just had some kind of victory.

AHAHAHA…I believe that is what your little ponies call a ‘home run’, eh Celestia?

“OH well now that remark was just uncalled f-... Twilight what are you doing,” Rarity cut her remark short as I moved around Princess Celestia and towards Tirek.

Well will you look at this, a little unicorn coming towards big old me? So what does one of the Elements of Harmony want with me?

“That ‘home run’ as you put it was my sister-in-law and the human I love, one of whom you almost killed. I was honestly completely lost about what to do after you did that, you might have been even able to win. But you just had to go and make that remark.”

“Oh and I guess you’re mad at me now, huh?” the mocking gesture he made not helping my anger as I felt the air around me get a bit warmer.

“Mad? I don’t think mad quite covers it, but since you haven’t been in this time period for so long I think I’ll enlighten you!” I said just before I shot him with a Celestia sized blast of magic. He tumbled backwards in surprise and I waited for him to look at me again before talking. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m Princess Celestia’s student prodigy, and I may or may not have a few mental tweaks. But most importantly I don’t get mad… I GET ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS!!!”

Tirek batting us into the air like a ball was terrifying at first. I couldn’t get a last look at Twilight or anyone else before it happened but I appeared to underestimate how much strength Tirek used, we sailed through the air for a while before we crashed.

“-N! –AN! DAN!” I don’t remember what happened directly after the crash, I came to with Cadence shouting at me as I opened my eyes.

“Please stop shouting,” I said coughing slightly again.

“Oh good you’re still alive. I was worried there for a minute,” she said while tears fell onto my face.

“Thank you. Now where are we?”

“I think we landed in the Whitetail Woods.”

“Alright and how do we get back to the others?” talking still hurt but I pushed through the pain as best as I could. When Cadence didn’t respond I used every bit of strength I could to prop myself on my elbows. “Cadence? How do we get back?”

“I don’t think…we can. Keeping the shield together and the healing magic during the crash used up a lot of magic and energy. I have enough left in me to get you fully healed, and after that I don’t…know,” I watched her pace, tears still streaming down her face.

“But we have to get back…they’re still fighting,” I said trying to will my body to move. “My squad, the princesses, the girls…Twilight…your husb-”

“DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!” she shouted at me while pushing me back down onto my back. “But what can we do? We’re tired, injured, and who knows how far from everyone else. We could try and make our way back somehow, but if my magic runs out, Dan…you’ll…” she never finished the sentence, instead breaking down in tears.

I pushed myself up onto my right side and began the slow and painful process of dragging myself closer. “Cadence…” I had to pause after I got closer to her, it hurt way more to move than I thought it would. “I may be hurt but I can still think moderately straight…I know our situation…is bleak. But we’ve got to…try…I’ve got to try. If I can’t help then…AH!” my little winded speech was cut off when the feeling in my chest felt a lot more intense than before.

“Then you wouldn’t be you, now would you, Dan?” a new voice came from somewhere and it felt like I had heard it before. I looked down at my chest and saw that while Cadence’s magic was still flowing into my wound something else was as well, something that glowed brighter and felt more powerful. “Over here by the way.”

I looked and stared in awe. Whatever it was looked pony shaped, more Alicorn shaped to be specific. It glowed a pure white, and the power that radiated from it made Celestia’s and Luna’s feel like small candles next to this blazing star.

“Who are you!?” Candence shouted stepping in front of me, shielding me from this
unknown being

“Me? Well I have many titles, a lot of them forgotten to time and all, but mostly, right now for you two, I’m a friend,” the voice coming from it sounded female and as she slowly walked towards us, the light around her dimmed.

“Friend? But I’ve never heard of another Alicorn in my life?”

“Well that is true so far…at least for the time being, some big changes are coming soon, especially for you and your husband,” the female figure said still walking towards us.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Cadence tensed up her horn lighting up for an attack.

“Oh good things! Good thing! Well a few bad things, there’s a bad guy involved but only for a little while I promise!” I looked at Cadence who was sharing the same kind of confused look as I was. “Oh and you really shouldn’t be using the last of your magic like that. Not that it would do much to me anyways, but you should still have some respect for your elders, Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“How did you know my name?” Cadence finally took a step back after getting caught off guard. The figure was close enough us now that both she and Cadence were standing over me.

“Oh I know everything about you Cadence, and I’ll give you an example but first…” she said reaching up with a hoof and touched Cadence on the nose “Boop! Now do you feel better?”

“I…I do…and my magic is back..how did you?”

“Oh come on, Cadence. You already know who I am. Just dig in that brain of yours until you find it. But until you figure it out, I need to have a talk with Dan,” Cadence fell back onto her haunches, dumbfounded at what was going on.

“Well well, Dan. We finally meet face to face,” her pure white eyes staring directly into mine.

“That voice…” my mind jumped to a few places where I heard a mysterious melodic voice talking to me.

“Oh, so you do remember me contacting you those times. After the carriage factory incident, during your little stint in the guard, that dream where you turned into a pony and Twilight turned into a human,” she quickly rattled off every time I could think of.

“Are you reading my mind?”

“Sorta, I mean I was there so I remember it as well…but anyways down to business. I’ve been watching you, Dan. You were brought to my attention and I brought you here to determine if you were the right being for a job…by the way, it’s not exactly polite to be lying down when someone is talking to you, you should stand up.”

“But my injuries-”

“Should be practically healed. Didn’t you feel my magic earlier? Now come on stand up and let me get a good look at you,” she said as I felt tingles over my body and was lifted up on my feet. But as her magic let go I didn’t fall, everything felt ok, my hand reached for my chest and only felt skin. There wasn’t a wound there anymore but it was still glowing. “See now, isn’t that much better,” she didn’t have a mouth to speak of but I could feel her smile.

“Ok, you’re all knowing and super powerful…you would normally have my attention but I need to go help the others.”

“Oh ,I’m here to help you with that. I can’t fully explain everything here but if you accept my offer, I’m going to give you the power to help those you care about and those you have yet to meet,” she said cheerfully.

“What’s that suppo-”

“Ah, Ah. There’s no time to explain everything. There’s still a fight going on and you’re needed, Dan!” her tone was like a mother, tough but very instructional.

“What’s the catch?” I had a feeling there was something I should know about.

“…Well ok, I should mention that. It is pretty important. After you finish this fight, I’m going to need you to come with me for a little bit…you’ll need to leave this world entirely, if only for a little while.”

“WHAT!” Cadence surprised me with a shout as she finally broke out of her stupor, “How could you do that? why can’t he remain here with us while you inform him about this ‘job’ you want him to do?! Dan is part of our family and-”

“I’ll do it,” I said without a seconds thought.

“But Dan!” Cadence turned on me, her face a mix of emotions.

“Trust me on this, Cadence. Call it a gut feeling but I don’t think this will be the kind of situation that won’t have a happy ending. Right?” I said looking at the white figure.

“Only if you’re willing to work….I take that back I already know you are. So, yes.”

“But Dan, she said you’ll have to leave for a while. What do you think that will do to Twilight?”

“I think she’ll be happy to know I’m alive first…other than that, I’ll work on it. But I do have a bit of a plan…and now it involves you, come here,” I knelt down next to her and whispered my plan to her. I smirked a bit at the look of shock on her face from what I told her. “That’s your job while I’m gone, ok?” she just nodded weakly as I turned back to the figure.

“So you’re ready?” she asked.

“Yeah, what do I have to do?”

“Well it’s sort of like when you got your armor…although this time it’ll be more cohesive. Just visualize in your mind the power you want to wield. Although I do ask not to think of something too…overpowered. However, if you do I’ll tone it down a bit anyways…so all in all think away,”

“You know you’re pretty strange,”

“Well there’s a reason for that. But no time to explain, now get to thinking!” she prodded me in my chest where the spot where my wound was still glowing. My best guess about it was that it had something to do with her.

“Alright, ok...” I told her before I started thinking about what kind of power I wanted. Being the nerdy guy that I was, it was hard to narrow down what exactly I wanted. I wanted enough power to help me win this fight but I didn’t want to have to deal with it when I wasn’t fighting. If I was going to have this power it needed to be at its peak when I was angry. Fortunately for me that helped me narrow down my choices considerably to one I thought was the best option.

“Oooh that’s nice and creative, surely what most people wouldn’t pick when they think ‘angry’. Although I might have to tweak the part about the extra bits. But everything else seems good.”

“Glad you approve.”

“Hey, no backtalk. Now hold still, the process might make you feel uncomfortable but that’s just because I have to adjust your being so you can hold that much energy without… breaking anything.”

“Do you mean breaking me or breaking everything around me?”

“Yes,” was the one word reply I got as her horn lit up and a beam struck me in the chest. It was the tingly feeling I felt before, except this time it sort of felt like the treatment I got in the spa way back when. It felt relaxing, like every part of my body was being taken care of. I’m not sure how long it lasted but when I opened my eyes I felt more alive than ever.

“So how do you feel?” the figure asked as I stretched, ridding me of the little pins and needles feeling I had.

“Like I’m gonna go punch an evil centaur demon thing in the face really hard,” I responded as I walked over to Cadence and wrapped my arm around her barrel finally breaking her little trance.

“Hmm, what going on?”

“Well while you were in a trance due to the plan I told you, our mysterious benefactor supercharged me and now I’m going to take care of our badguy problem the Deus Ex Machina way.

“Oh really?” was her response.

“Well more demi-deus than full deus but you get the point. Oh and by the way since I know you don’t know, the battle is that way,” she pointed to off in the distance. “Now good luck you two!” she gave a quick wave as she turned around and walked into a portal that opened behind her.

I stood there for a while before saying anything. “Cadence, do you honestly have any idea who she is?”

“No, but she seems weirdly familiar…in a good way though,”

“Agreed…alright then, time to get back into the action. Hold on tight,” I said before I started to get a bit of a running start.

“Hold on to what exactLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!” the end of her sentence turned into a shriek as I jumped forward much faster than I had anticipated. I had to squint as the wind hit my face. It was like I was flying almost but without using my magic, I guess my new powers would need a little breaking in.

“THINK YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH ME ON YOUR OWN!?” I shouted to Cadence, who quickly teleported from under my arm one second and was flying beside me the next. Together we got closer to the battlefield and things looked a bit more beat up than when we left. A couple more craters, and fire dotted the land as we got closer. And as we got closer, I could see the dark figure of Tirek slowly getting bigger.

I focused on him and felt my anger start to boil, he basically killed me and tried to do the same to my friends. That was something I could never forgive anyone or anything for.


We had been fighting Tirek for awhile and so far it had only been a stalemate. Twilight unleashing her true power was truly an astonishing sight, if many of my ponies weren’t in mortal danger I would be proud at the magnitude of power she displayed and then threw in Tirek’s face. With her help, Luna and I pushed Tirek back. While we wanted to try and use the elements against him, with Twilight in her current state it would be pointless.

Unfortunately, Twilight ran out of steam and we were set in a stalemate again. Luna and I stood next to each other panting slightly after an exchange of attacks.

Out of breath already, you two? Seems like you aren’t in as good of shape as last time we fought,” Tirek taunted us trying to provoke us in some way as to get us off guard.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to call a lady’s figure in-”

“TTTTIIIIIRRREEEEKKK!!!!!” a deafening shout tore through the area. I looked to the direction it came from only to see a blur move over us and at straight at Tirek. The impact was explosive and I shielded everyone from the force of the blast.

“Sister, what was that?”

“It sounded like Dan!” Twilight, who had been resting and being taken care of after she collapsed from magic exhaustion woke up with a start. She dashed to the edge of the shield, her eyes watching the dust clear. When it did, standing there next to where Tirek used to be was a human, his skin brown like clay with small black lines on him; some outlining his muscles and other simply looking artistic. His white hair stood up as if the electricity in the air held it there. And his eyes, blazing white and burning with an intensity of my own celestial body.

“Dan?” Twilight took a tentative step forward once I lowered the shield.

The human turned around and blinked his eyes no longer white but the blue we knew, and his hair changed back to it’s mopish brown state. “Do you know any other humans who would make such an entrance?” he said letting us all know who exactly it was.

I had about two seconds after I made my remark before Twilight tackled me to the ground with a hug that would make Pinkie jealous. I felt wet as her tears fell on my chest.

“I thought…I thought you were-”

“Well I think I technically was for a bit but honestly I wouldn’t be able to tell. But in the future let’s just say I was, makes for a better story,” I laughed a bit as I managed to sit up and pry her off me, though I would have loved to stay like that. The others raced up to us many of them shouting questions and worries. Cadence flew and and glomped on Shining and the two were having their own little reunion.

“Dan, what exactly happened to you,” Celestia words shushed everyone, her tone wasn’t exactly happy but I could tell that she was at least happy I was alive.

“Well…it’s hard to explain…but I got some help.”

“Help from who?” Pinkie asked dangling herself on top of my head.

“Well I don’t honestly know. I never got her name.”

“HER?” It didn’t take much insight into Twilight to feel the anger radiating off of her, “You need to explain better. Now!” She poked me in the chest barely pausing to look where my wound had been.

“Twilight, I’m sure he has an explanation for it but-“ Celestia told her but paused as the ground started to rumble. “We have something else to attend to,” she said looking in the direction Tirek went after I punched him. As it turned out, I punched him so hard that when he flew backwards his head was low enough to the ground that he ended up digging a trench through the ground.

“Now that everything is back almost to the way it was, we can now use the elements on him. Luna and I shall-”

“Hold it, Celestia. You and your sister can rest for this. He’s mine,” we stared at each other for a minute as the rumbling got louder and she waved me on, knowing that I wanted to be the one to beat him after what happened.

“Dan, be careful,” Twilight told me while holding onto my pant leg while the others retreated to a safe distance.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to go a lot different this time. Just be ready to blast him. Possibly after I reduce him to an actual puddle of…whatever he’s made out of,” I said making her laugh.

“Good to see nothing has changed with you,” she said trotting off to where everyone else was.

“Yeah…nothing's changed,” I said, just a bit sad about knowing what would happen after this fight. While thinking about it the rumbling stopped and everything turned calm, except for the shadow which grew over where I was standing. I jumped back in time for Tirek to crash into the ground hooves first.

YOU!? I killed you!” his tentacles moved in an angry swarm.

“I got better,” I told him the simple truth.

Well I guess that means you’re back to sacrifice yourself for the good of the team again?” he snarked.

Actually, this time it’s going to be me kicking your ass, both literally and metaphorically.

Well that’s an interesting proposition. But let’s see if you can back it UP!” a tentacle burst up from the ground again in front of me, but this time I was ready, catching it with one hand.

“Really? The same thing twice?” I said as I held it while he tried to get it free of my grasp. “Well you know what they say, Tirek. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame ON YOU!!!” I pulled with all the strength I had and felt the tentacle give way and watched as Tirek was pulled down into the ground and then quickly out again and fly into the air. Pulling downward, I launched towards him and slammed my fist into his face, sending him tumbling.

I quickly got behind him as he slowly rose to his feet and, just like I said, kicked him square in the behind. The kick launched him spinning straight into the air. I waited as he fell and completed his fifth or sixth rotation. When he got close enough I jumped and just let into him with a flurry of punches, the heat from his body was nothing compared to my power now. As we hit the ground, I stayed above him still throwing punches like I never wanted to stop. That was until a lone firework lit the air, signaling that Twilight and them were ready to finish this. I pulled my last punch and leapt away from the quivering mass that was Tirek and waved them over.

“Alright I think I made my point. Let’s end this. Fire away girls.” I said, still staying close by in case of any last minute shenanigans.

One by one they slowly floated into the air and their eyes went white, the magic coursed around them and fired into the sky. The rainbow came down hard on Tirek, and if he was unconscious, he didn’t show it, since he screamed in pain.

AAAARRGHH NO I WILL NOT BE BEATEN LIKE THIS BY YOU PATHETIC PONIES AND YOU MONSTER!!!” he struggled against the push of the elements but managed to stand to our amazement. I watched as another color began to show in the rainbow, black. Tirek slowly gathered all his power into one point in front of him. “I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!!” he shouted before firing it at all of us.

Immediately I jumped in front of the blast, grabbing it with my own magic. The force of it was pushing me back as I tried my best to stay standing.

“Oh no you don’t!” Voices from behind me sounded off as my squad braced themselves against me and started pushing, Shining Armor, Cadence and the Princesses were behind them pushing as well as we came to a stalemate.

Feeling empowered by my friends, I charged everything into one blast and let loose, allowing it to clash with Tirek’s. Slowly my beam pushed his back until it was within inches of him.

HOW!?! HOW CAN THIS BE?” Tirek wailed as the attacks were becoming too much for him.

“It’s simple…” I didn’t know if he could hear me or not but I was certain the message was clear. “THE WORLD DOES NOT NEED YOU!” I screamed before our attacks finally broke through.

For a minute or two everything was white and silent as the maelstrom of energies did their job. Then with a flash, everything returned; the color, the sound, and all of us standing there, next to a crater.

“WE DID IT!!!” Pinkie shouted while setting off party mortars and swinging Flintlock around like a ragdoll. Jonagold rapped his daughter in a hug while the rest of the squad cheered with the girls. Shining and Cadence sat a bit away from everyone nuzzling each other affectionately. Celestia and Luna sat next to each other, a wing over each other and their respective weapons resting by their sides.

I smiled watching everyone celebrate their victory and sat down on the grass and watched Twilight walk over, a smile on her face. “Well that was fun. Let’s never do that again.”

“I agree, that’s enough world saving for at least a couple months. Dan, what’s happening to your hand?” I looked and my hand was slowly fading invisible.

“Oh wow…that fast after the fight is over. Thought I would have a little more time,” I held my almost translucent hand in front of my face.

“More time? What do you mean, what’s going on?!” she shouted. I could see her start to tear up and her shouting drew everyone’s attention.

“It’s the caveat for well, coming back, I had to accept a job…and part of it was that after we finished with Tirek I have to…leave Equestria for awhile.”

“Go away…but why?”

“She didn’t say really. Actually she didn’t have time to explain,” I looked at my legs, which were also slowly fading away.

“Then why did you accept? I don’t want you to go away!” she was crying now, I hated when she cried.

“Because…” with my other hand I wiped the tears from her face. “You know me, I’ll do anything so that I can help. Besides, I don’t think I’ll be gone too long.”

“Well that depends on your definition of long,” She appeared from out of nowhere in all her weird, other worldly glory. “Oh, and they can’t see or hear me or anything we say to each other.”

“Oh, well that’s very nice. So anyway, fight’s over. I’ll honor my part of the deal. But can I at least know how long I’ll be gone?”

“Oh about five months, but for you it won’t seem like that long, only to them.”

“Great, that sounds like it works out for everyone.”

“In the end it will, it may not fully justify the means, but I think you’ll thank me in the end. Say your goodbyes, Dan. You don’t have much time left.”

She disappeared and with that I went back to comforting everyone. “Guys, don’t worry, it’ll only be five months, not such a long time. And trust me when I say that I’ll be back,” I used my good hand and grabbed Twilight pulling her into a hug. “Just don’t be hung up on me, ok? Go on with your lives, and I’ll be back before you know it.”

“But…how do you know you’re not being lied to?”

“Cause there is nothing anywhere that will stop me from coming back to you. OK?” I asked, kissing her on the forehead as my right hand finally start to fade. With all my limbs basically invisible, I decided on one last joke. “Hey, can someone give me a hand cause I don’t even have a leg to stand on!” all I got from it was some pity laughter. “Hey, come on, cheer up, that was grade A material. Don’t be sad guys. I’ll be back and better than ever. Just don’t do anything too crazy while I’m gone, ok?”

I got nods all around and I kissed Twilight goodbye as my vision started going white. “Ok, what’s going to happen next?” was the last thing I said before everything went white.

Author's Note:

OK there...two weeks late but we had problems and such with timing and stuff

as always thanks to my editors
Flintlock Spark
and our newest addition to the group!!!
trixieshow !!!!

i'll talk more in a blog post later, gotta get to work now kthnxggnore BYE!!!

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