• Member Since 29th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday




Comments ( 15 )
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I was wondering if you would like to write A MLP FIM story request for me.

Thank you for Favoriting and liking Skeletor, Master of The Empire. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far.

I make a habit to thank everyone who favorited my story.

You're everywhere!? AAAAAAAHHHHGGG!!!

Thank you for Favoriting Bizarro am not in Equestria. I'm glad you've enjoyed my story so far and I hope I can continue to entertain you with future chapter updates.

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Some sayings

"There are many ways to achieve something you desire, you may have to reach higher that anybody has, dig deeper than the realm of possibility or explore the vast world and remember those who you encounter along the way."

-I just made that one up

"kindness is one of the many good things about you, it is like a sharp blade, and the world will constantly try to blunt it, never let that blade go blunt."

-I just made that one up too

"Everyone is born different, but they are always born equal even if they are born with imperfection."

-Someone I met in a bus stop

"There is no limit to dreams, the limit there is, is the limit you set for yourself."

-An old retired college teacher I met

"The world works by changing, maybe you should too and go with the flow. Where might the currents take you? I can't give an answer to that, because only you can answer it."

-I made that one up