• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 1,941 Views, 80 Comments

Ponnequin Relations - Cheer

Twilight makes the realization that she doesn't handle stress well, so she creates something to help.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - A Good Use of Time (Super, Majorly Edited)

The next morning was an early affair, as Twilight woke earlier than Spike usually even begins to get close to waking. After taking a quick shower and combing herself down she quietly making her way downstairs she gathered all the materials needed to make a “short” checklist.

1. Wake up early

2. Make myself presentable

3. Make checklist

4. Fill out order forms

5. Double and triple check order forms for accuracy

6. Pack order forms, outgoing mail, quill and parchment in saddlebags

7. Triple check all packed items

8. Make list of chores for Spike

9. Put saddlebags on

10. Check outdoor thermometer

11. Dress accordingly

12. Go to post office

13. Mail order forms and all outgoing mail

14. Go home

15. Begin opening library

16. Prepare checklist for the rest of the day

17. Double check new list

18. Quadruple check completed list

“Right. That should do it for now I suppose.” Twilight said, having completed her 'short' checklist she quickly began following it, checking things off accordingly.

With Spikes ten hoof-length list of chores completed she checked the temperature as per her list. “Not too cold. Maybe just a light scarf.” Having decided against much extra protection against the elements she made her way out the door.

The walk towards the post office was a very quiet affair. Twilight, halfway to her goal had become accustomed to the quiet of Ponyville in the morning. Causing her to jump the moment she heard somepony speak.

“Oh, Twilight! Twilight, Darling!” Twilight had to take a moment to calm her nerves before speaking.

“Morning, Rarity. What brings you out this early?”

“Good morning to you as well, dear. I was just heading out to pick up an order of fabric at the post office.” She said, lightly whipping her mane back before it fell right back into place. “What about yourself Twilight dear? What brings you about so early today? From my understanding you usually don’t get up till Spike begins breakfast and that isn’t usually for an hour or so. Am I right?” Twilight blinked once, surprised by her friends knowledge of her waking up habits. She took another moment before shaking her head a little.

“Uh, yeah. That sounds about right. How did you know all that? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh it’s no problem at all darling. Little Spikey has mentioned it multiple times while he helps me in the Boutique. Talking about how the scent of his cooking could wake anypony.” Rarity replied earning an understanding nod from Twilight, who made a mental note to be careful what she says around the dragon before he goes to help Rarity in case he ends up regurgitating it.

“Oh! I almost forgot my original question. What brings you out this early?” Rarity asked with a friendly smile.

Twilight took a couple seconds to answer. “I’m actually going to the same place. I had some things that needed to get mailed out and I wanted to get them sent out before my day really got started so made sure to get up early.”

“Oh, excellent! Seeing as we are going the same way I shall accompany you to the post office.” She said, smiling a bit more. Twilight mumbled a bit in acceptance.

"What was that darling? I couldn’t hear you.” Rarity asked, her ears perked in Twilight direction, so as to make sure she would hear should Twilight mumble once again.

“Sorry Rarity. I mumble a little in the mornings. I guess I'm still not fully awake. I said, “Alright. Let’s get going.”” Twilight explained, slightly sheepish about mumbling.

“Oh that’s no problem Twilight dear. I have the same problem. Just keep quiet about it, would you please?” Rarity slightly pleaded with a slight red ting to her cheeks showing that she didn’t exactly mean to let that slip, causing Twilight to giggle a little at the silliness of her friend. After all, Twilight thought that even the princesses mumbled a little when they woke up, although she would never admit to thinking so.

“Don’t worry Rarity. I won’t tell anypony. But enough about that. How have you been? We haven’t gotten a chance to catch up for, a week or two, I think.” She asked, hoping to get some normal conversation going as they began making their way towards the post office.

“Oh I have been splendid. Thank you for asking. In fact I have recently gotten word that my clothing line has been catching the eyes of more Canterlot nobility. Word also has it that one or two nobles may be placing orders soon. That’s why I made this extra order for fabric.” Rarity explained before turning her head towards Twilight. Only to find her seemingly listening intently with her entire head facing her direction. Only for her to turn her head forward quickly. “What about yourself Twilight? How have you been?” She asked with a small giggle at the antics of her lavender friend.

Twilight gave a quiet snort before answering. “I’ve been just fine. The library keeps me busier than you would guess and I can always find something to do or read there.”

“Oh? Are book orders what brought you out here so early today then?” Rarity asked curious as to why her friend would get up extra early for something she could do at any time.

Twilight answered immediately without thinking on it nearly enough. “No, these are orders regarding a project I‘ve been working on for a couple days now.” A combination of the early hour, her love of talking about things she is working on and her dislike of lying to her friends succeeded in preventing her from properly filtering her thoughts. Risking a look towards her friend she found her wearing a very concerning face for a split second before she seamlessly returned to her usual lady like smile.

“A project you say? Could this be the same one that Spike was telling me about while he was helping me yesterday? Or could this be the project that you bought the ponnequin from me for? Oh wait, could they, in fact, be one and the same?” Rarity asked in a slight bombardment of questions with her only giving away her curiosity and even then Twilight suspected she was much more curious than her face said.

Looking around herself for something, anything that could divide her friend turned interrogator’s attention. Looking just ahead of herself she gave a breath of relief. “Well. Would you look at that? We’re here already.” Twilight finished, pointing a hoof ahead of herself at the post office, to which Rarity quirked an eyebrow at before looking ahead herself as Twilight made her way towards the door.

“So we are.” Rarity stated slowly, as she made her way inside. ‘Perhaps I was a bit too excited this time. If she wishes to talk about it she will. I shall not force it.’ She thought before making her way inside as well.

Twilight was happy to get away from the line of questioning that her friend was asking and was able to break a slightly happier smile as she reached the only desk within the empty postal office. Most ponies who didn't work in the back were currently out delivering mail while the recently promoted head stayed and helped any customers. Looking around the desk she found it seemingly empty. Upon seeing a little plushy muffin on the desk along with a couple crumbs belonging to a much more real muffin, she knew exactly what to do. Slowly reaching out, she gave the plushy a small tap. Almost instantly a face belonging to a grey pegasus with a blond mane popped up from around the corner. Each eye panning around a different part of the room with a serious look on her face. Finding that Twilight at the desk with her hoof still next to the muffin she adopted her usual upbeat attitude and made her way towards the desk. “Hi Twilight!”

Pulling her hoof back towards her own body she giggled before greeting her wall-eyed friend. “Hello Ditzy. How are you this morning?”

“I’m great Twilight!” She near announced to the whole room causing Twilight's ears to clamp down, before changing her volume to much more conversation worthy levels. “Heh. Sorry. I’m just feeling really good today. Dinky made me breakfast in bed.” She said with smile that would give a certain pink party pony a run for her bits.

“Aw that’s adorable. She’s such a cute little filly, and she’s growing up so fast.” Twilight said remembering the little ball of adorable energy belonging to Ditzy.

“I know. It’s a little sad sometimes but I just can’t help but be too proud to feel sad.” She explained with a smaller but somehow, much more happy smile. “But enough about me. You’re here for mail right? How can I help you?”

“Oh right! Alright here is just some outgoing mail.” She said, putting one pile of mail on the desk before putting the order forms on in a separate pile. “These are order forms going out to the royal magic society. Oh, Also I would like to request that I be the only one allowed to pick those up when they come in.”

“No problem Twilight. I’ll make a note right here. Anything else I can help you with?” She asked as she finished writing the note as her wings slipped the mail into their correct slots.

“Nope. Oh! Would you be willing to clear off a Saturday in the future so we can catch up?"

"Of course! That sounds great. Then you can see how much my muffin has grown!" Ditzy exclaimed excitedly, causing Twilight to giggle.

"Great. Just let me know when you're open and we'll set something up." Twilight finished up with a shared wave before making her way to the door.

As Twilight was about to make her way out the door, feeling much better after having a pleasant talk with a good friend. Her earlier problems forgotten.

“Twilight? Oh Twilight! Could you be a dear and help me with this? I seem to have accidentally ordered much more than I meant to and my magic isn’t strong enough to carry it all. I’d rather not make multiple trips this early in the morning.” Rarity asked while looking at a very nearly comically large pile of fabric rolls.

Twilight could only stare at the large pile for a moment before opening her mouth to answer before closing it without saying a single word. It was enormous.

A hoof on Twilight’s shoulder finally broke her from her stupor she was in. Rarity, looking at her with a worried look on her face was next to her. “Darling, if it’s too much trouble at the moment I’m sure I can find some nice stallions that are willing to help me out.” Rarity might have had more to say but it didn't matter since her choice of words had caused a halt to Twilight’s conflicting thoughts and prompted an `

“Sorry. I was lost in my own thoughts a bit. No, it’s fine Rarity. I can definitely help you out.” As she said this Twilight began picking up all the fabric rolls and began bringing them towards herself with her magic.

“Twilight, darling, you don’t have to take them all. I can take three or so of them I should think. I’m not too weak to do at least that I believe.” Rarity said as she began to focus her magic on a few of the rolls, mixing her magic with Twilights still active magic slightly.

Twilight’s mouth opened for a moment, the sensation bringing her mind to a small halt. before her mind once again begin its normal routines. Twilight closed her mouth and pulled the rolls away firmly but still gently, effectively breaking Rarity’s concentration. ”No, no. I insist Rarity. Let me get these for you.”

“But-“ Rarity began, ready to make a rebuttal to the idea before she was swiftly cut off by Twilight.

“But nothing. I want to help you so I’m helping.” Taking a quick look above herself at the rolls of fabric she continued, “Not to mention if you get enough commissions to use up all this you're going to need your energy.” Twilight was done giving her logical reasons but added one more less logical one. “Besides, a lady like yourself shouldn't have to carry such things when somepony is there to help, right?” She said in a friendly manner.

Rarity, taking one more look at the now slightly more daunting bunch of fabric rolls finally gave in with a sigh and a laugh.

“Oh, fine Twilight. You win. Thank you for helping me darling. Though if I don’t get as many orders as you mentioned I don’t know what I will do with myself. I have far too much time on my hooves sometimes..

The walk to Carousel Boutique was a much more pleasant affair than the walk to the post office. With small talk covering many topics as they caught up, Though at some point it had petered off to nothing..

As they reached the Boutique, Rarity felt she should break the silence in a friendly way. “Well, here we are!” She announced with slightly forced enthusiasm. “You can just place the rolls inside next to the door to my work room. I’ll sort them into storage or use later.” She explained as she directed with her hoof. Once Twilight set the last of the rolls into a neat and organized pile Rarity spoke again. “Thank you so much for your help dear. We really must catch up one of these days. Actually, if you have time I could put on some tea and we could talk for a little while.

Twilight gave a smile to Rarity as she made her way to the door, “It was no trouble Rarity. I was happy to help and you’re always welcome at the library. And yes. Tea sounds great."

A couple hours later Twilight was having a peaceful walk home, her energy raised from the tea and time with Rarity. She opened the door to the library with a small smile. “Spike, I’m home.” She stated to the air.

Spike’s head popped up from behind a table, “Oh hey Twi! Where were ya?” He asked, continuing to clean.

“I just had an errand to take care of. But I ran into Rarity and she asked for some help.” She said as she remembered her morning. Being around Rarity was nice and seeing Ditzy was always welcome.

“Aw. I wish I could have gone with. I could’ve helped her-“ He quickly corrected himself “-you both with it.” He finished, looking a bit sheepish. Twilight just looked at him before shaking her head. “Oh yeah! I left the mythology section just as you left it last night. I figured that you would want to get right back at it.”

Twilight smiled at the thoughtfulness of Spike. "You're so helpful. Thank you Spike." she made her way towards the small pile of books she stopped as a memory from the morning crossed her mind. "Oh yes. Spike make a note that I'm going to take a Saturday off to catch up with Ditzy."

Spike quickly produced a quill and paper, "Any specific week, Twi?"

Twilight shook her head as she answered, "Not as of yet. It depends on when she's open. I told her to tell me when she has a day open."

"Okay and...done." He said as he attached the note to the calendar "Anything else?" Spike asked, quill once again at the ready.

"No, that's it. Thank you Spike." Once she reached her pile of books she found the small nook within it that she had been lying in the night before. Settling herself in it she readied herself for another day of study and being the librarian of a sadly underused library.

Sitting inside her pile of books, Twilight had been reading for a long while before her thoughts started to change thier focus from the books in front of her to the AP once again. What did she do all day? Did she just sit up there in that dark closet and figuratively twiddle her hooves? ' I can't imagine doing absolutely nothing all day. I couldn't stand being that unproductive all day and night.' She gave a small shiver at the thought of doing nothing all day. Even Rainbow Dash did her job each day and went pranking with Pinkie on weekends. Being unproductive for an entire day was just...frightening. It was like simply losing, no, wasting an entire day of her life.

That was the deciding factor for her. Twilight couldn't stand the thought of her new friend upstairs doing nothing all day. But what could she do without movement or sight? She sat there for a few minutes, just thinking. Eventually her mind came back to the original spell that created the AP. It had put all that information in her "mind".

'Wait. Information. Books are information.' Grabbing a few sheets of parchment she began planning out her theory. 'Yes. If I can just do this-. No, that won't work. But, if I work it through here and throw on a lock of some sort maybe.' Her planning had begun to reach a furious pace with many pages neatly stacked about the table.

Roughly an hour later a loud exclamation of "Finished!" caught the attention of the only bipedal resident of the library.

Spike had been quietly reading through his mystery/action book when the shout had brought him out of the fantasy world of "The Sound of the Shadow Boxer" and back into reality. "What's finished Twi?" He asked as he got up and went over towards his lavender friend, who was wearing one of the largest grins he had seen on her face.

Twilight noticed him quickly. "Oh just an idea I had." After this lackluster explanation she used her magic to grab a large pile of books and made her way upstairs. "I should be back down soon!" She called before the sound of the guest room door closing resounded throughout the library at the same time as a groan came from the main room.

"Hello? Are you awake?" Twilight asked out loud as she closed the door and made her way towards the middle of the room, flicking on the lights on the way.

'Oh! Hey Twilight. How are you today? Or, tonight? I can never tell.' The AP said with a nervous laugh as she was lifted from the closet.

Twilight made no comment on the time though the admittance did stay in her mind. "I've been pretty good. Actually, I got an idea earlier that I think you would really like."

'Oh?' She replied curious and slightly excited.

"Mhmm. But first I have to ask you. What do you usually do up here?"

The AP was silent for a few moments, thinking. 'Well usually I just sit here, well in the closet really, and go through the information in me. But, I've already done that completely a couple times now. It's not like you're boring or anything like that but, I would like something to do. Ya know?'

If the AP could see her smile she could have prepared herself for the sudden exclamation that followed. "Perfect!"

The AP took a few moments for her crystal mind to stop reverberating. 'What is perfect, Twilight?'

"Oh. Heh. Sorry. Well it's perfect because that's exactly the kind of thing I thought up earlier. So I came up for a way to give you something to do!" Twilight explained happily.

'Oh? Now I'm really interested. Go on then. Tell me.'

Clearing her throat Twilight began her explanation. "Well I was worried about this kind of thing. Just sitting around doing nothing or something that you will learn nothing from so I started thinking of how I could give you something to do. After all not being mobile kinda puts a wrench in most ideas for how to spend free time."

'I'm following so far.'

"Well Then I started thinking about how I gave you all that information about me. You know by implanting it into a crystal?" The AP made a 'Mhm" in response, prompting Twilight to continue. "Then I thought. Books are information. If I could copy the information from the pages into a crystal and create a link between it and yourself, you could read them." Twilight's smile had been growing throughout her explanation and was soon reaching, low Pinkie levels of size.

'Ok. I get your idea but then the information would just be there. I wouldn't actually be able to read anything.'

Twilight's smile didn't waver for a moment "I thought of that! So I figured that I could put a sort of 'mental lock' on the books. That would stop you from just getting the information. Then once you pick a book it will 'unlock' allowing you to access to the information. Then every word is under a lock. The only way to unlock a word is by 'reading' the word before it. Therefore effectively recreating the act of reading." Twilight concluded her explanation with a smile that would make Pinkie proud.

'That-' the AP began, causing Twilight to fidget a little at the possibility of her idea being turned down. The AP's mind may have originated from Twilights but there was still as much a chance of her liking sewing over books as opposed to liking books the same as herself. 'Sounds awesome. That would be so much better than going through all that information again. Er, no offence.' Twilight let go of a breath she had been holding before responding quickly.

"None taken"

'But, how will you set this all up? Getting me 'up and running' so to speak put you out for hours.'

"I've got that all covered. Using the C and V spell, 'which is a really confusing name now that I think about it' made by Copy Paste I'll make a magical copy of each book. Being that it will basically purely be words it will actually be easier than giving Spike a mustache. I have a couple crystals that didn't have quite the right frequency for making you left over and since I grabbed two books from every section of the library you'll have plenty to read." Twilight explained

'Whoa. Two from every section?' The AP asked, causing Twilight to begin to worry

"That's not too much is it? I wanted to give you a lot of options and it's too much isn't it? I'm sure I can only do one or two if you want. I'm-" Twilight's worried rambling was cut off by the AP fairly quickly

'No, no, no, no. I'm excited, not annoyed. It'll be like my own little library.' she explained with a giggle, bringing a large smile back to Twilight's face, even bigger than before.

"I'm so happy you like the idea. If you want I could even give the inside of the crystal the form of a library instead of just formless information floating around." Twilight mentioned as she floated everything she needed near herself and the AP.

'That would be wonderful, Twilight. Thank you.' For some reason Twilight couldn't figure out the tone the AP had used caused her to blush, though she quickly shook it off as she cast the spell and made the magical copies of each of the books.

"Well I should let you get to your reading shouldn't I?" Twilight said as she began floating both the crystal and the AP to the closet.

'Wait!' The AP shouted causing Twilight to rear away a little although the sound was in her own mind. 'Would...' The AP began nervously, 'Would you like to read with me?'

Twilight gave a smile "I would love that."

Spike sighed as he looked at the large mess of organized chaos that Twilight had left behind.

"Least she coulda done was clean up before going up." Spike grumbled as he picked up the notes and reorganized them according to their headers, which contained both the subject title and page number. This made the job he was currently still grumbling about much easier.

Spike was about half done with a majority of the work when his nose started tickling. 'No. No don't you dare you stupid no-' Spikes mental threats towards his nose were cut off as the very thing he wanted to prevent happened. With a flare of magic flame Spike accidentally sent off a page to Princess Celestia.

Quickly gathering a scrap of parchment and a quill, Spike quickly penned out a note that he believed would not only explain the situation but also, appropriately apologize for sending the piece of parchment.

Once he sent it off he quickly looked around to see what exactly he had sent.

'Well. Hopefully she won't notice page eight of "Magical mental manipulation and information augmentation"' He thought as he continued his work, one page short.

Princess Celestia was feeling thoroughly relaxed on the inside of the royal baths. After a day of dealing with nobles and worse, the Blueblood family, she felt that she deserved at least this. Luna owed her a favor anyway.

So relaxed was she that she almost didn't notice the tell-tale magical green smoke that came wafting into the baths. An obvious indication of a letter from her faithful student.

She was suprised when only a single, unrolled sheet of parchment came through the smoke. Quickly encasing it in her magic to protect it from elements, she took a quick glance at the top of the page, taking note that it was page eight. Of what she would have to wait as another message quickly came through another puff of smoke. It told Celestia all she needed to know about the mysteriously out of place page.

My bad.


Celestia gave an un-princessly snort of laughter at the informality she had come to expect from the young dragon before she went back to looking over what she was sent. Accidental though it was, she always loved to see what her precious student was learning.

The moment that she saw the title she began to become worried. Her worry only grew as she read on.

"This is most troubling." She said to herself as she quickly got out of the bath.

Author's Note:

This just went under uber super MAJOR edits. A lot was taken out. It felt out of place and forced. Not to mention that I had messed up how she herself acted about Rarity in the last chapter and this one. But quite a bit was put in too!

I like to think it feels better now.

Can it be? I actually like this chapter now! It feels so friggin much better now.

Another reason for the edits is that I want to keep the focus on the main idea of the story.

I started Writing The Great and the Generous and I got a new full time job. I work nights and get about 5 hours to myself a day. (Obviously I have some days off and on those I will try to get myself to write) So yeah. Mix that with a very poor attention span and you have huge waits. I'm sorry!

Yeah. So...It took awhile to get this out. But here it is.

The chapters may be a little shorter from here on. Their easier to write. But if the chapter just doesn't feel complete then obviously I will write till the chapter feels right.

Comments ( 17 )
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by KibaWR deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by KibaWR deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Lunarian deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by KibaWR deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by KibaWR deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by KibaWR deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Lunarian deleted Apr 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Cheer deleted Apr 21st, 2013

Deleted all of the old comments on this chapter so that readers won't get confused, since it has changed quite a shitload.

Just finished this story so far, and I have to say that I love this off-the-wall concept. It is so something that Twilight would do. :twilightsheepish:

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