• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 77 - "Place in the World"

"Where's Wash and Carolina?" Tucker asked curiously, noticing how Church was walking towards them by his lonesome, a tired look on his face.

"They're, uh... they're staying back for a bit," Church grunted in reply, walking past him as the others walked forward.

"Are they in trouble or something?" Tucker inquired as he followed Church as he tailed the group, staying a few paces behind.

"No, the Princesses just see them as a possible threat. They want to make sure that they're suited for Ponyville before shipping them off. They trusts the others because they're not killers. Or, at least, not hired guns."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Tucker murmured, looking back at the castle. "I mean, they're not my favorite people on this planet or wherever we are, but couldn't you have made the case that they're your friends now?"

"Well, I'm not sure if we're friends, exactly..."

"Then what was that shit back there with Tex? You seemed pretty pissed off, even for you."

"It's... Come on, you're not an idiot, surely you can put two and two together. She was quiet, sitting back..." Church sighed when Tucker stared at him blankly. "The Director didn't come back with us..."

"So? Isn't that kinda what Carolina was after?"

"She had a change of heart when we started treating her differently. She thought that she could convince the Director to start anew."

"How do you know that?"

"I was in her head. I kinda knew what was going on in there. Kinda pieced together a lot of facts while I was in there..."

"Like what?"

"Like... like the fact that the Director was her father. The fact that, no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, the Director wouldn't appreciate her. The fact that she tried day after day to stay at the top of the leaderboards, only for the Director to turn his attention back towards Allison. The fact that she couldn't beat Tex in a fight when she already couldn't beat her in terms of her father's attention." Church let out a small sigh, then looked at Tucker with still eyes and a small frown. "The fact that she's human."

"Well... I guess if the Director was her father, and Allison was her mother... that kinda makes you and Tex her parents, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Church said with a resigned shrug. "Why?"

"Well, she can just get to know you once she's been here long enough. Might not be the same as her real father, but at least you can sorta tell her how the Director would act or whatever. Kinda give her more closure that way, too."

"Thanks, Tucker. That's actually... kinda good advice."

"No problem," Tucker chuckled, beginning to trot towards the others. "Besides, once she finds out how much of an asshole her father is, she'll regret trying to get to know him."

"There it is," Church grunted, shaking his head as he caught up with the others.

They soon arrived at the train station, and, with the Princesses' blessing, they hopped on the train that was already parked, and was soon to leave to Ponyville. Going to the furthest and largest cart which was, ironically, the Caboose of the train, they quickly settled in and began to relax, getting ready for the long ride back. While they waited for the trip, Doc and Donut asked questions pertaining their current circumstance. The girls were all too happy to oblige and answer their questions, teaching them the basics of how to walk properly, and how to act. Luckily they didn't need much lessons on mannerisms as they seemed to be on the friendlier side. During the questions and inquiries, the train had started and they were on their way back home.

"Where's Spike? Didn't he want to come say hi to us?" Church asked as he took a seat next to Twilight who sat at the front end of the Caboose.

"He did, but unfortunately we needed somepony to stay back and help Delta watch over the other fragments, so he volunteered to stay. He felt it would be unfair to make anybody else stay back," Twilight explained, then her ears fell slightly and a look of thoughtfulness crossed her face. "To be honest, I'm a little worried about him. We're always so caught up in our own business, I think he's beginning to feel left out."

"If he knew what we were up to, he'd be thankful that we're not asking him to do anything," Church murmured as he looked

"Maybe so, but still..." she sighed, looking out the window, looking at the trees whizzing by.

"When we get back, I'll talk to him. In the meantime, I'll try to think of something that will make him feel like he's helping us."

"Really?" Twilight asked happily.

"Yeah. He needs to know that what we're doing isn't meant for, well, kids."

"I think him being considered a child is part of the problem..." she said.

"We'll figure it out, okay?"

"Okay," she said with a nod, then smiled. "I'm really glad to have you guys back. Things haven't been the same without you all around."

"I know. Must have been nice," he chuckled.

"A little," she admitted in jest. "You guys actually came back at the perfect time. Rainbow Dash says that snowfall should be beginning shortly, and that means Hearth's Warming Day."

"What, is that like Christmas or something?"

"Christmas?" she echoed.

"Presents? Holiday cheer? Togetherness? All the usual sappy shtick?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it. Also, Spike and I's birthday are coming up this month as well."

"Are you trying to drop hints to make me go out and get you guys gifts?" Church asked warily, not too fond of the idea of shopping.

"Well, you don't have to."

"Rarity?" Church called out.

"Yes, Church?" Rarity responded with a smile, turning to face him.

"When a girl says that you don't have to get gifts, that pretty much means get gifts or die, right?"

"Usually," she admitted.

"Thought so. Thanks."

"Do not mention it," she replied, then turned back to the newcomers to continue getting to know them.

"You know, I never thought paranoia, pessimism and a generally sour disposition would be something I would miss," Twilight laughed.

"Get used to it, because it'll still be there for your birthday."

"I wouldn't invite you any other way."

As Church and Tex continued to talk about upcoming events in Ponyville, Applejack let out a sigh and sat down on the seat next to Sarge.

"Sarge, can Ah talk to ya about your little friend?"

"Don't worry, we all have our questions about Donut..." Sarge grunted.

"No, not Donut. He's pretty nice. I'm talkin' about the brown one."

"Eso es racista," Lopez grunted as he watched Donut, Doc and Sister practice walking around without stumbling.

"Ah'm not too sure if we can keep Lopez around," she continued, eyeing Lopez, not sure of what to make of him. "We barely have enough room with the fragments as it is. We have more than enough food for 'em all, but we still need to sell our food to live off of. Add anypony else and we might start losin' more than we can make."

"Don't worry, Lopez can get a job around Ponyville really easily. He's really good at building and fixing stuff. Hell, he enjoys it."

"[Mostly just fixing. These idiots can't keep one vehicle for more than a day without it breaking in some way...]" Lopez added sourly.

"Heh, see? He seems to like the idea. And while he's at it, maybe he can help us build an addition to your farmhouse so him and the others can live in it."

"[Just what I wanted. More ponies that I don't want to deal with that will never leave me alone.]"

"Don't worry, Lopez. I'm sure O'Malley will help you out. Especially if we threaten him a little bit."

"[O'Malley is here?]" Lopez asked hesitantly.

"Well... if he can get a job like O'Malley n' Gary, then Ah suppose he could settle in with us," Applejack said reluctantly, rubbing her chin. "And if you trust him, Ah'll trust him. If what ya say is true, then we don't have to worry much about him hurtin' anypony."

"Great! Now I have my favorite droid back by my side."

"[Hooray,]" Lopez grumbled as Sarge laughed and threw his foreleg around his neck.

"Except now he's less of a droid and more like us! What with needing to eat, sleep, use the restroom and all."

"[Stop, you'll make me cry,]" Lopez growled, then thought for a moment. "[Wait, so does that mean...]" Poking his stomach, Lopez stared at the spot where he felt the touch and realized that he was just as squishy as the others. "Mierda..."

"Speaking of places to stay, we should probably sort out where Junior is staying," Tucker said as Junior awkwardly sat on the chairs that were clearly meant for ponies and not super large alien beings.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked edgily, and froze slightly when Junior looked at her.

"Well, there isn't a lot of places he can go. The ponies might believe he's some sort of dragon, but he doesn't really have a place to stay, so..."

"He's not staying with us..." she murmured through chattering teeth.

"Why not? Are you really that scared of him?"

"I told you, I'm not scared!" she said loudly, stomping her front hoof once. Junior instinctively stood up, getting ready for action. This prompted Rainbow Dash to yelp once again, only to fall backwards. Knowing she was most likely being watched by the others, she snapped to her hooves and dusted herself off. "I just mean... he doesn't have wings, so he can't walk around. I don't think we'd be able to fly him up and down whenever we go anywhere..."

"Good point," Tucker said reluctantly, looking at him.

"He's always been an outdoors dog, right? Why don't you just build a doghouse for him?" Sister suggested.

"Yeah, I don't think so..." Tucker grunted.

"Hey, Twilight," Church said, nudging his purple friend in the ribs. "I think I might have a way to make Spike feel like he's helping and doing us a favor."

"What's that?"

"Hey, Tucker," Church said, nodding at him. "We'll look after Junior if you want."

"Really?" Tucker and Rainbow Dash. Tucker, of course, asked in a more optimistic-yet-curious manner, while Rainbow Dash asked in a way that was not entirely unlike skepticism mixed with gratitude.

"Yeah, I think we have a place for him," Church said with a nod, turning back to Twilight. "If Spike wants to feel like one of the gang, maybe giving him one of the gang to watch over will help him feel like he's being included. And since they're both... reptiles... maybe they can connect more. We can play it up like Junior is Spike's cousin or something. Would make it easier for Junior to fit in that way, too."

"That... may just work," Twilight said with a small smile, then frowned as Tucker began explaining the situation to his son. "He doesn't bite, does he?"

"Not anymore, no."


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