• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 14,545 Views, 2,082 Comments

The God Squad - defender2222

Luna decides to go on an adventure and her family tags along for the ride!

  • ...

They Say Cages are Low in Calories

“Auntie, I need to talk to you!”

Prince Blueblood burst into his aunt’s court, expecting to find her there; Celestia was always there, going over some scrolls (he didn’t know why Celestia didn’t fix the Spam Filter on her Scroll-Mail to block all those pesky ‘Twilight Sparkle’ letters). But instead of finding Celestia standing near her throne, all that greeted him was an empty chair and several guards playing poker (using the royal throne to hold their chip dip).

“What… what is going on here?” he stammered in shock. “I need to talk to my dear Aunt Celestia about my idea to outlaw all forms of bridge.”

“The game or the structure?” a guard known as Sure Step asked (not all the names of the guards were jokes).

“Both. So where is she?”

“Celestia went to go get cupcakes. Said she might be gone for a while,” Wall Breaker said simply. “Raise 3.”

Blueblood just stood there, his brain racing. “Wait a minute… so Princess Celestia isn’t here?” The guards shook their heads. “And neither is my Aunt Luna?” Again, a shake of heads. “And what of Princess Cadence?”

“Gone… or trapped in a pantry again. Either way, she isn’t around. I call.”

“So… that would mean that… I am in charge!” Blueblood puffed out his chest in utter pride and delight. “I am the ruler of Equestria!”

“I’m not sure it works that way…” a guard (Corporal Logic Point) stated.

“I’m pretty sure it does!” Blueblood said, already planning on having his cutie mark plastered on everything in sight.

Wall Breaker grinned. “Wow, now this will lead to comedic moments that the audience will love to read about!”

Blueblood just stared at the guard, trying to make sense of what he had said. “You know what, I don’t care because I am the Prince and I am now in charge.” Blueblood cleared his throat. “I decree that mares are no longer allowed to be lesbians if they are fat.”

“Why would you-“


The God Squad
Episode 3: They Say Cages are Low in Calories…

Meanwhile, back at the plot…

Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor and Tydal stepped into Sugarcube Corner and found it was business as usual: Bon Bon was trying to keep Lyra from cutting off Spike's hands and grafting them to her forelegs; Snowflake was celebrating his recovery from the trots (unfortunately he would come down with the unicorn flu that evening...which was weird because he was a pegasus); Pound and Pumpkin Cake were defying all logic when it came to babies while being ignored by their parents; Thunderlane was grilling Rose Bud on some filly named Scoota-something; Carrot Top was trying to explain that she wasn't 'That Carrot Top' and thus hadn’t brought a bag of props with her.

Oh, and Tiny the Bear was lumbering by with a basket full of scones on top of his head.

"Thank you!" Pinkie said happily, accepting the treats and shooing the bear back into the kitchen. "Now then, what can I get you?"

"We all have a desire for cupcakes, Miss Pie," Celestia said simply.

"Okie Dokie!" Pinkie's arms stretched all the way to the counter, which would have been amazing except she was standing only a foot away from the counter (not everything she does has to defy physics, you know!). "There you go, a dozen cupcakes!"

"Thank you," Luna said, grabbing her cupcake and smashing it all over her neck and chest. "Oh noes! I’ma so clumsy!" she said in a dumb-dumb voice.

Tydal turned to stare at his sister, only for the moon goddess to use her magic to grab two cupcakes and slam them into his eyes. “By the tide, Luna!”

"oooooo!" Pinkie said darkly. "Someone broke a Pinkie Promise!"

“Talk about eye candy!” Cadence said, nibbling on her treat.

“Honey…no,” Shining said, shaking his head. “We’re not doing that.”

"We are such clumsy eaters!" Luna tittered, dragging a raging Tydal towards the door. "Come on, let's go clean up." Under her breath, she added, "And then we can go hunt some changelings."

“You better let me commit a lot of bloodshed for this!” he snarled.

They were 3 feet from the door before Mrs. Cake stopped them. “Where do you think you are going?” the baker asked, a smile on her lips and a promise of swift death glittering in her eyes. Even Tydal took a step back in horror at the murderous intent in the plump pony’s eyes (though he couldn’t be sure it was really there, what with the frosting dropping down his eyelids). “You haven’t paid your bill.”

“We need to clean up-“ Luna began gesturing towards the frosting that coated their bodies, only to be silenced.

“And I will happily point you towards the spa…but first…my money.” The way she said it had Luna instantly thinking of a Neigh Jersey bookie putting the screws to gambler who was 5 weeks overdue.

Tydal leaned towards the moon goddess, hissing, “Ponies have gotten a lot more forceful since I last came to Equestria.”

“A lot of things change in 1,500 years,” Luna said.

“But what remains the same is paying me,” Mrs. Cake said, butting into the conversation with a dark smile.

“Shining…I mean Wet Blanket…please pay the deranged baker so I can go wash this frosting off!” Luna commanded sweetly (though in her mind, a little Nightmare Moon was bludgeoning a mini Mrs. Cake with a croquet mallet… in fact, the more she thought about it, the more Luna considered using her magic to make a Whack-A-Cake game).

“Uh…how am I suppose to pay her, ‘Nightdancer’…I don’t have any bits.” Shining gestured towards his back to show her his lack of saddle bags.

“Say what now?” Luna exclaimed, eyes wide as she turned to stare at the captain of the guard. “What do you mean you don’t have any bits!?”

“When was I supposed to grab them, exactly? You four were dragging me out of the castle so quick I didn’t even have a chance to grab my rape whistle!”

“…little sister?” Luna asked weakly.

“Oh no, fresh out of bits…I am the irresponsible one, big sister,” Celestia said with a slight smile, nibbling on another cupcake they couldn’t pay for.

“Cadence?” Luna held up her hoof before Cadence could even speak. “Nope, never mind…I forgot who I was talking to.”

When Mrs. Cake glanced over at Cadence, the princess meekly looked at her hooves, shifting in her seat. “I have a gambling problem.”

Luna laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head with her right hoof. “Ok…let’s see here… uh… we would gladly pay you Tuesday for a cupcake today?”

Mrs. Cake merely stared at them, backing Tydal and Luna towards the rest of their party, before reaching over and, with the pull of a lever, sent a large cage crashing down on top of them. The other patrons, who were use to such actions by the Cakes, simply continued eating their meals, not paying the slightest attention to the now trapped party of five.

“How did we not notice that?” Shining questioned, looking up at where the cage had been hanging.

“I noticed it but I thought it was a go-go cage,” Cadence said. “Can I still dance in it?” Cadence began to run her hooves through her hair, murmuring slightly.

“Maybe later,” Celestia said dryly.

“You can’t do this!” Luna shouted, shaking the bars in frustration. “Attica! Attica!”

“You were going to dine and dash!” Mrs. Cake snapped. “Now I must deal with you in the proper way.”

Cadence joined her aunt in rattling the bars of the cage. “Please, somepony help us! My ‘proper way’ and hers are sure to be different… unless hers also involves whips!” The other patrons, however, merely glanced away, not wanting to face the wrath of the gossipy baker when she was worked up into a lather.

“This was going so well!” Luna wailed. “And now we are doomed! DOOOOOOOOMED!”

“Why are you panicking?” Tydal asked dully, studying the bars intently.

“Why aren’t you?” Luna snapped.

“Because I am the only one of you that has ever been in a cell before,” Tydal commented, slowly moving along the length of the cage. “And you are failing to take into account two things, dear Luna.”

“And those are?”

Tydal rolled his eyes, leaning in to whisper to them, “Collectively, we control the sun, the moon, the stars, the sea, and love. We are gods, sisters, and I doubt one pudgy baker can kill us.”

“What about Killer Treats, the slayer of gods? She was a baker who used her mighty rolling pin to punish the gods,” Cadence asked him quietly, fear in her eyes as she remembered the legend of the god slayer.

Celestia shook her head. “Cadence, that was just a story I made up to keep you from stealing cookies!”

“And even then, I doubt anypony would honestly name their child Killer Treat,” the capricorn complained (forgetting that ponies, for the most part, loved to give their kids horrible names). “Second, are you 4 forgetting who we are? The mare has imprisoned the rulers of Equestria…all we need to do is take off these glasses and reveal ourselves! It will be fun; she will be glaring at us only to realize what she’s done, then fall to her belly and beg for mercy… which we won’t give… then the bloodshed shall begin…”

“We can’t do that,” Celestia said firmly.

“And why not?” Tydal asked.

“We wanted to get our cupcakes like normal ponies…we will act as such until we are back in Canterlot.”

The others stared at her, waiting for the punchline.

“Are…are you serious?” Shining Armor hissed. “We LITTERALLY have a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card and you don’t want to use it because of your honor?”

“Indeed. In fact I officially declare-“ the others moaned, knowing that ‘officially declaring’ something made it law, thus meaning they were screwed, “-that we cannot use our royal standing or our godly abilities to get out of this mess.”

“…Celestia, that is the dumbest thing you have ever done,” Tydal grunted.

“I agree,” Shining said, before a look of horror flashed across his face. “Oh no…Lord Tydal and I agree on something!”

The capricorn shared Shining’s terrified look. “I know, Shining…I’m scared too.” The stallion and the capricorn hugged each other close, trembling in fear.

“Ooooh, group hugs!” Cadence squealed, joining in on the huggy-action.

“Get a room you three,” Luna groused.

“We’d love to but your sister won’t let us escape,” Shining complained.

“Cadence, stop grinding into my hip like that!” Tydal shouted.

“Mmmmmmm,” Cadence moaned, eyes shut and tongue hanging out.

“We can escape easily, just not with our powers or titles,” Celestia said calmly.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “And how do we do that?”

Celestia leaned down and bit through a bar, chewing on it. “The cage is made of bread dough.” Celestia made a face as she moved the mouthful around. “Potato bread, if I am not mistaken.”

“Stop that!” Mrs. Cake screamed in horror as Celestia made a hole big enough for them all to get through. “Please, stop!” She began to cry as she saw the damage done to her cage. “Oh…this will cost me so much in repairs!”

“Why do you have a cage made of bread anyway?” Luna asked.

“It helps me catch people who don’t pay their bill! I need that money to pay for cages made of dough!”

Luna frowned, trying to do the math. “So…if you didn’t have the cage of dough…you wouldn’t need to worry about getting pony’s money if they didn’t have the bits…and if you didn’t need to collect the money you wouldn’t need a cage…” She shook her head, feeling as if she had gone 5 rounds with a manticore. “Ow…ow ow ow! I think my brain is trying to crawl its way out of my head!”

“Welcome to every minute of my life,” Shining stated, crawling out of the cage, Cadence still clinging to him (Tydal had managed to extract himself from the strange hug 3 minutes ago).

Celestia gently lowered her head to nuzzle the sobbing baker. “Mrs. Cake, it is clear you are in need of help.”

“I know the number to a good psychologist.” Luna blinked as she considered her words. “Ok, maybe not a good psychologist since he had failed to help me and I am pretty sure he is dead, since it was a 1000 years ago…”

“I meant financial help. Not only do we not have the bits for the cupcakes, I ate part of your bread cage.”

“A cage that is not needed!” Luna called out, though she was ignored.

“Thus, I, Pr….I mean Sunny Skies…proclaim that my family and I will help you.”

“And how will you do that?” Mrs. Cake asked.

~A Hour Later~

Luna glowered in annoyance. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner,” she ground out from behind the register, wearing a chef’s hat and an apron. The name tag she wore happily proclaimed ‘Hi, my name is NIGHTDANCER’. “What can I get for you today?”

“Do you sell quills?” Spike asked innocently.

“Ugh…” Luna ground out.