• Member Since 25th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


dirty AiE heathen


Anon, after a seminar out in Manehattan, is due back home at eight. When he's over an hour late, Twilight starts to overthink things - right up until she hears snow boots crunching outside her front door.

Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/8826
Cover image credits to Hierozaki

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

When he's over an hour late, Twilight starts to overthink things

It wouldn't be Twilight Sparkle if she didn't overthink though :twilightsmile:.

I live in the UK, and a story about train delays gives me PTSD. His explanation is literally the journey I recently experienced.

Great story!

Fun story!

Ajika #5 · April 8th · · ·

Is there a love line with Twilight in the new big story that you will be translating?

can't spoil anything, but Twilight is one of two protagonists :twilightsmile:

I would just like to state the cover art is far too adorable for my mortal heart. I am now ded. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Short and cute :twilightsmile:

Dude... this was such an enjoyable read. I mean, I could be biased due to Twilight being my favorite pony (and waifu), but DANG. You really captured the essence of Twilight's overthinking and worrying. This was equal parts sweet and endearing to read!:twilightsmile:

A solid 9/10 in my book. Keep up the good work dude!

thank you! i really try to keep the canon characters true to their personalities, that's for sure
i enjoy your fics as well! :twilightsmile:

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