• Member Since 25th Mar, 2024
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dirty AiE heathen


Content Update #5 - Life Stuff, Incoming Updates · 4:16pm June 16th

Hey, all :trollestia:

Just making a quick update post to keep you in the loop. In terms of the frequency of updates, it might be a tad slow for a while; a move that was in the works for about a year fell through, and I've been dealing with moving forward from that, which is why there haven't been many updates. I've got another location lined up for an emergency move here in about a month, so things should return to a relatively normal pace after that.

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Content Update #4 - Act II Worldbuilding Teaser · 11:05pm April 27th

The worldbuilding process for Act II and onwards of The Wanderer is almost complete. From my overview page, here is a very brief, very short teaser, with blackout tape for spoilers (fixed this time):

Excited to get back to working on the story proper. Speaking of, I just posted a short interlude for the run-up to Act II. It's nothing huge, just a little something that wouldn't have fit in anywhere else.

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Content Update #3 - Translation Wrap-Up · 1:41am April 19th

Surprise! :trollestia:

I had a day off, so I went ahead and wrapped up translating the rest of Act I of The Wanderer while I had the time. From here, I'll need some time to get the worldbuilding all ironed out before I start Act II, maybe a little less than a month. I have the story beats and the pathways to them down - I just want the world to be as lush and believable as possible.

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Content Update #2 - Wanderer's Prose Release · 4:22am April 13th

Evening, everyone :twilightsmile:

The first two chapters of The Wanderer in prose form are out now, and I'll be trying to translate at least two chapters a week until it's caught up with the greentext version. Just kidding, you'll be getting them like every other day lol. Shouldn't take very long.

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Content Update #1 - Wanderer Translation Begins · 9:15pm April 7th

Afternoon, all sixteen of you :twilightsmile:

With Train Troubles now out in prose form, I'll soon begin work on bringing The Wanderer over to this site in a similar fashion, since its extended prologue / first act is almost finished. That being said, it won't come all at once - I'll be breaking it up into chapter releases so that I can still focus on updating the greentext version at the same time.

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