• Member Since 25th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


dirty AiE heathen

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Total Words: 25,862
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Shortly before Anonymous is set to operate his food tent during the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight comes to him with an urgent request to temporarily assist in reforming the former Queen of the Changelings. He initially refuses, but eventually begrudgingly gives in, choosing to trust Twilight's judgement in spite of his ill feelings toward Chrysalis, who isn't fond of him either. Can friendship and kindness bloom where none is permitted?

set in a wacko universe where Chrysalis tried to invade again after the Season 6 finale
tags and rating are susceptible to change as the story develops

Chapters (3)

Anon, after a seminar out in Manehattan, is due back home at eight. When he's over an hour late, Twilight starts to overthink things - right up until she hears snow boots crunching outside her front door.

Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/8826
Cover image credits to Hierozaki

Chapters (1)

Following a superbly successful fashion show, Rarity and her model, Anon, are invited to a night of celebration at a supremely exclusive establishment in the skyline of Manehattan. As it's usually open only to elites and celebrities, the two upstarts feel hopelessly out of depth, but they press on together; after all, no matter how much one's worries may weigh them down, they're bound to drift away in the Cosmos.

Tagged T for profanity, alcohol, and one passing allusion to intimacy.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/8096
Cover image artist unknown, found here: https://derpibooru.org/images/213941

Chapters (2)

In the midst of a nightmare, you're rescued by Luna, the one you hold most dear. In the moments of beloved stillness thereafter, a threshold is crossed that makes you forget you were ever having a nightmare in the first place.

Tagged T for mild violence in the beginning.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/9171
Cover image credits to Karzahnii

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Anon, having freshly started dating, spend the morning of Hearth’s Warming together. Cel arrives a little earlier than Anon expects her to, but luckily, she is nothing if not accommodating.

The first of my greentexts to be (amateurishly) translated into prose format.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/9685
Cover image credits to boxu

Chapters (1)