In the midst of a nightmare, you're rescued by Luna, the one you hold most dear. In the moments of beloved stillness thereafter, a threshold is crossed that makes you forget you were ever having a nightmare in the first place.
Tagged T for mild violence in the beginning.
Originally found here:
Cover image credits to Karzahnii
Aw, this was sweet!
It's always a pleasure to read about Luna helping others, as well as finding her own happiness. Happy Luna is best Luna. I don't think I'll ever get bored of that.
I do like this short format for stories like this - literal "slices of life" in Equestria.
I'm a bit sad that this one made it here instead of "Something Memorable", as that was my favorite one shot from you as well as part of the reason why Luna is my fav, but hey, the greentext version still exists and it's still great, so there's nothing to fret over.
boy do i have a surprise for you