Alive and dying on the inside! · 4:27am Mar 3rd, 2017
Hey there fans and readers,
Hey, all
Just making a quick update post to keep you in the loop. In terms of the frequency of updates, it might be a tad slow for a while; a move that was in the works for about a year fell through, and I've been dealing with moving forward from that, which is why there haven't been many updates. I've got another location lined up for an emergency move here in about a month, so things should return to a relatively normal pace after that.
Hello everyone!
Sorry about the slow progress with Chapter 6 of Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness. The plan was to get these chapters released in batches of five daily and per week, but I only ever wrote up to Chapter 5 when the news that G5 was cancelled came out and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I ended up halting production on this fic entirely due to my immense grief. So I have a lot of catching up to do now. There’s like 20 chapters planned for this thing. Hopefully updates will
Hey, everypony! School is officially done for the semester! And you know what that means. It’s SHOW TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!! Now that summer is officially upon me, I’m going to go commit to my mega projects and turn my channel into a true force to be reckoned with in the analyst community, as well as focus on rebuilding my presence here on the site as a prolific author. Like I said, I got a ton of stories planned, and I cannot wait to write them. And to start it off, I needed to get myself in
Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga and I’m sure you’re all sick of my flip flopping at this point. I know I certainly am, but…rest