When one of Rainbow Dash's friends comes to visit and starts treating the townsponies poorly, Sunset receives multiple complaints about the griffon from townsponies and her friends alike, leading Sunset to get angry about the newcomer and tries to sort out what to do about the griffon.
Part of the https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217456/sunsetverse
Loved it! Hah, i was about to make a joke about rainbow here.
And derpy knowing pinkie, made me kinda think of a friend's scene, no offense
REALLY good work on the start to this latest story. The dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all wonderfully done. Really liked the spin on Pinkie chasing Rainbow and the reactions to it. Also liked Sparkler's jab to the canon version of that one prank when a similar prank was played on Spike. Pinkie's interactions with Derpy and her daughters was also good stuff. And now we have Rainbow's bio posted.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
You should link the prequel in the description
. I almost missed that there’s three other stories before this one.
nice take on the fourth wall
Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up and for going to the effort on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. I definitely liked the dialogue concerning Silverspeed preferring to EARN her rank on her own merits before Raindrops and Carrot see Pinkie on her pedal-powered helicopter (the little fourth wall break concerning background characters was a rather good bit) and the chat concerning griffons and pitchforks (of course, in the former case, Sunset would probably be on their case later about literally treating a zebra minding her own business like she's worse than Nightmare Moon despite doing nothing to deserve the treatment. But that's for later. At least three stories down the road, actually).
But, anyway, really looking forward to more of this.
Yikes! Stay safe out there. I know firsthand how terrifying those things can be.
stay safe and nice take on the foals
Hey there. Thanks very much for getting the next chapter up. The dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all wonderfully done. the discussions between the younger characters about things like group names - especially with the discussion of copyright infringement and the little G5 nod - as well as Cheerilee being sharp-eared about the language used by her students were rather well done. Also liked Silverspeed's chats with both Luna and Sunset as well as the bios for Noi and Ruby.
REALLY looking forward to more of this, but I am wishing you safety concerning the incoming storm.
Ty for the concern. Surprisingly didn't lose power so yay there!😂
thats good
Hello there. Thanks very much for the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up here once more. Definitely liked Lyra and Shoeshine's chat concerning things like Gilda, Bon Bon, Sunset and what have you. As well as the stuff with Screwy. And, yeah, Gilda made a mess of things concerning the spilled bits and scared off customers. Also liked Shoeshine's chat with Sunset as well as the work in Lyra's bio.
I wonder how they are going to react in a year or two when they figure out that Gilda is actually the THIRD nicest griffon (behind only Gabby and Gallus), but that's for MUCH later.
Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.
Again, you did a great job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. The chat between Sunset and Shoeshine was appropriately awkward in an enjoyable way and I also liked that chat between Silverspeed, Derpy and Sparkler.
Definitely looking forward to more of this.
is her interest to humans a weakness or a strength?
nicely done
Another well done chapter with splendid dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked Mac and Caramel trying to fix the wheel on Trixie's wagon and then talking to her about said wagon. Yeah, the discussion about Gilda before she showed up and did some damage made sense. The discussions about Nightmare Moon and the Gala were great callbacks. Of course, Trixie would hate most griffons even more once she learns that literally all of them except Gabby and Gallus are even worse than Gilda. And, yeah, the bio for Parasol was an appreciated addition.
REALLY looking forward to more of this.
Ty. I think it's pretty obvious I love the background characters a lot lol. I try to use them more than the main characters in the show. Someone's gotta put these background characters in the community. I'm just happy Cloudkicker, Blossomforth and Raindrops played main roles in other alt universes.
very nice
Another excellent chapter. REALLY liked the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated Trixie's chat with Strawberry Surprise concerning Gilda and the Apples as well as Thunderlane confirming that Gilda didn't used to be this nasty. And, yeah, Trixie has a point about how Gilda is too fast and too strong to for them to safely serve the petition directly. Also liked the dialogue between Sunset, Shoeshine, Derpy, Dinky and Sparkler. The bio on Strawberry Surprise was pretty good too.
Definitely looking forward to more of this.
I hope Sunset is prepared to help replace Trixie's home in the next installment.
Hey there. Thanks very much for getting these last two chapters for this story up. REALLY appreciate you going to the effort. The dialogue, characterizations and epilogue set-up are wonderfully done. REALLY liked the chats between all those background ponies on the way to Pinkie's party with Gilda as well as everybody's reactions concerning what happened to Gilda at the party.
On to the epilogue.
Another wonderful job on the dialogue, characterizations, wrap-up and future story set-up. Definitely liked Sunset talking to Rainbow about Gilda, with Rainbow admitting that Gilda mentioned Griffonstone was a pretty bad place and Sunset talking to Rainbow about eventually giving Gilda another chance if she can be approached correctly. The stuff with Rainbow and Pinkie discussing the prank on Celestia and possibly Luna too later on was a good piece of foreshadowing. The Cloudchaser bio was another great touch.
Definitely looking forward to the next story of this series.
Pranking Princess Celestia now that's dancing with the devil.
I assumed it was Luna who did that when I watched the episode.
very nice
nice bio