All of Sunset's friends know Sunset is a bit stubborn and set in her ways. When Sunset starts offering to help her friends with their business and other townponies, she accidently gets in over her head with her own paperwork. Sunset is forced to admit she needs help and learns that asking for help isn't always a bad thing.
Part of the Sunsetverse. With a group now!
Oh nice, surprised to see Sunset in this role but I'm down with it.
Originally it was Roseluck
Why a dirty look at Mr. Cake, what did he do?
You'll see
Uhm... okay
Definitely liked the work going into the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. LOVED Sunset's reflection on the schedule (even if she is underestimating the difficulty in a few of those tasks). And, yeah, taking advantage of the bunny stampede to play a prank on Blueblood was downright brilliant. VERY MUCH looking forward to Sunset finding out how tiring the other tasks turn out to be.
Good Attitude of spoon
Splendid job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY loved the work on the speech for Sunset, as well as the stuff about Sunset watching her language in front of the children, the point out concerning Silver Spoon's following Diamond Tiara, Sunset's spar with Silverspeed and Sparkler's reflection on Sunset defending herself rather effectively. Mayor Mare's bio was well done too.
I am definitely looking forward to more of this.
REALLY liked the chat between Silverspeed and Shoeshine concerning Shoeshine's reason for disliking Mister Cake and how Silverspeed has been technically living in Ponyville on and off since she was eight (at least before she ended up getting assigned to Ponyville permanently). And the stuff concerning the making of horseshoes and the very real probability about needing the Elements again someday (they hope they don't at this time, but at least know the possibility exists).
Anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.
Could you please tell us who that “stubborn pony” is in the synopsis for this story?
Should be fixed now
Kinda surprised you're reading this story
Nicely done still. You looked up metal melting for this?
Yeah for a few hours. I wanted to be as accurate as possible
Good thinking
It was a bit difficult. All sources said different things lol. All I've ever done irl is welding
Eager to see it. Say, any advise on how to write pinkie and welcoming newcomers?
Pinkie is the most difficult character to write. She has a certain level of energy that is hard to get just right. Just try to be chaotic
Okay, i just have a shy/sensitive pony as Newcomer, thus I wondered. I once saw her in a Story doing a unsual quiet approch
We have seen her be sensitive before
Mhm. Let me put it this way, would it be bad if she does a welcome Party a day after the newcomer arrived?
Maybe a small one
Ah, just was unsure as the Newcomer is introduced as new Student at school and then heads home
Hey there. Once again, a splendid piece of work on the dialogue, exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up, Yeah, Sunset messed up that muffin recipe much like Applejack did in canon (and for pretty similar reasons). Also liked Roseluck trying to talk to Sunset about getting some rest before doing anything else without much luck at present, but still getting points for trying). Also liked the work going into Pinkie's bio (of course, you left out that she can literally do almost anything as long as it's meant to be funny at the time she does it [as well as one much later ally - Cheese Sandwich {future husband}- but, yeah, that IS much, MUCH later]).
But, anyway, very definitely looking forward to more of this.
Glad you like it so far
You know... that is a good question...
Pinkie is the baking master, how did she not notice there was something wrong with the muffins?
nice bio for Dinky!
When I first watched that episode, I never thought about that until two years later when I rewatched and I was like, if Pinkie is the expert baker why didn't she realize something was wrong when cooking them but I also realized Applejack bakes a lot herself so Pinkie probably trusted her more with it than the rest of her friends.
REALLY appreciated the work going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Got a laugh out of Roseluck and Sunset waking up as well as the former making the observation on Sunset's commentary. And, yes, Trixie was lucky Thunderlane was around in case that tightrope stunt went awry, which it did. Also really loved Dinky's bio.
VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.
Again, a rather well done chapter with splendid dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked the sibling banter between Roseluck and her siblings as well as Lilly's interactions with Rumble and the stuff with Thunderlane and Flitter. The bios for Thunderlane, Flitter and Rumble were also pretty well done.
VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.
interesting idea in regards to rumble
Another chapter with well-done dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY liked the chat concerning the Ponyville ponies who were helped by Sunset during the Nightmare Moon mess among other situations. But, yeah, the stuff with Shoeshine and a drunk Sunset was kind of funny. The bio for Silver Spoon was a good touch.
Again, looking forward to more of this.
Nice bio for silver. And sparkler's scene reminded me of something funny
Nice finish, will you be using the intro I made in the next story?
We will see.
Very nice!
Beautiful wrap-up to this story. I most definitely liked the chat Sunset had with Muffins as well as Sunset finding and adopting Ray.
REALLY looking forward to more of the series.
Just started this series, I like it so far! Silverspeed is fun :)
Ty I'm glad you like it