• Member Since 14th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


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Comments ( 10 )

Hitch be getting all the mares isn't he?

Oh, and Happy Halloween

Comment posted by SapphireSpark deleted Nov 1st, 2023

I wonder if izz and sunny we'll do something similar to hitch around winter time

Hitch as a harem protag and actualy gettin the girls

Yes please.

redmar #5 · Nov 1st, 2023 · · 2 ·

Despite the fact that I don't like the repeated mentions of the sisters having fat rumps and flanks this was still a good clopfic.

oh man~ this was amazing, i love it so much~

This was beyond epicly awesome blast of a story I hope it has a sequel with Hitch adding the others to his new herd in the future.

🐺🐉🧩Loved the story, maybe a sequel later on, with Sunny, Izzy, and Misty, maybe a birth scene, just a little suggestion.🐺🐉🧩

lol oh poor hitch he won the battle but dear celestia is he gonna lose the war. I kinda wonder what haven's response to this would be, a part of me thinks a bit upset he got bother her daughters knowing that she'd want the stallion who bred either of them to love them but also so proud she is gonna have at least 4 maybe 6 new grandfoals to spoil beyond belief. also pipp better make sure her phone is secure something tells me Izzy is gonna find it and have a new fave video to watch lol.

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