The prospect of meeting an alien has always fascinated Rainbow Dash. With countless worlds out there beyond the stars, who is to say that extraterrestrial life doesn't exist? What would they be like? Would they be just like her, but with a gross third eye? Would they be sturdy enough to beat her in a fight, or quick enough to beat her in a race? Would they be malevolent and try to conquer Equestria with their DEADLY SPACE LASERS?
Yeah, you're none of those things. She's a bit disappointed.
Thanks for the story! It looks amazing, it fits perfectly with Rainbow's personality. You always capture the personalities of the characters in your stories very well.
Holy shit you actually did it you absolute mad lad
Excellent story! I loved the thumbnail of Rainbow being all grumpy which makes her very cute. LOL.
I have had the exact same conversation Rainbow Dash and Twilight had in the beginning sooo many times back in the day.
Oh, the memories...
This was a good story. I like how you show that they both have feelings for each other, but neither of them is brave enough to admit it.
Aw, they're so adorkable! Always good to see wholesome Rainbow Dash content, and you delivered!
This one needs a sequel. You can't leave it like this.
Adorable little story :)
Nailed it again as always. Do you think that you'll be making a part 2?
This will blow up
This is definetly a keeper story, I have made such a folder long ago and it just got added in it Well done!
Dashie! Another great story, awesome! (See what i did there? )
Give us a sequel! I demand it! I must see Dashie and this boring human become a cute couple!
And then Dash got disqualified by Equestrian Anti-Doping Agency
ha, Dash it ain't easy also it would have been a bit funny if I was evil or something.
Adorable and sweet. Writing from experience on the tea angle?
It's a nice pastime.
It is! Hence my curiousity n_n
Man you are an amazing author, I love this story.
This could become a good romance story, which will probably become generic as an Anonxrainbow story XD, so not sure if there is the need of one XD.
The superpowerโฆ Of having protagonist luck with girls.
Be careful what you wish for, Rainbow Dash. Mankind has the atom bomb, and they are very imperialistic. Equestria might have oil.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
I feel like Rainbow Dash was realy out of character after the first half. The meeting with Anon was fine, more than that in fact, it was good, but after she discovered that humans don't have special abilities (which we do, btw) she just became lame. The title is fitting, just not for the character that it was supposed to. Also, that ship was really out of place and really stupid. This was supposed to be story about how Rainbow Dash comments on how humans aren't super special sci-fi aliens and not her drinking tea and instantly falling in love with the person who delivered said tea.
More like the super power... of making spiked tea.
No seriously, that ship was extremely out of place and did not fit the story premise at all.
I'm sorry you were disappointed by the story. I understand that my works aren't for everyone.
That said, the second half of the story is just as important as the first half. It has the romance tag for a reason, after all. The story was never "supposed to be" just about Dash being disappointed after meeting a human, it's a story about how first impressions aren't everything. Otherwise it would just be a comedy and, in my opinion, have much less substance, haha!
Thank you for reading, though! I appreciate all forms of feedback!
Sorry if I sounded a bit rude, I should have worded it better. I didn't mean that the story was supposed to be in a certain way because it was destined to be so by the pony gods or something. I meant that the story looked from the outside (as in how the story page looked (or at least I hope it's called the story page)) as if it was just Rainbow Dash saying humans don't have jetpacks (we do, they are extremely impractical and boil down to just strapping jet engines to your arms, but they exist), which is fine. I wanted to say that this story is a bit misleading more then this story was supposed to be a certain way because the funding fathers intended it that way or something.
Ps: You wouldn't believe how many people use tags incorrectly. I tend to ignore them a lot as they usually don't actually describe the story very well.
The funding fathers...
Nah, I am leaving that in, that is too funny to be corrected.
This story will truly be a detriment to my hearts health
Absolutely God Damn Adorable
I mean, she was one of the first people to meet and talk to Anon, so it was a good starting point for their relationship. From that point, anything from them growing distant to becoming partners in crime over by Appleoosa could happen, weโre just looking at the one where Rainbow falls in love.
In the end, while girls gush about the bad boy, they usually settle down with the quiet, reliable, and humble guy.
Great story.
This was a very good short story, lovely characterization and even in just this short time a... somewhat believable relationship has grown and there's enough information given to have a reader imply a natural progression of events. While we don't get the whole story, given it's merely a snippet of the whole tale, it's a very talented and wholesome view into a few segments of the larger picture.
These kinds of stories are always interesting to me. I go in assuming I'm meant to insert myself into Anon, but of course since it's a story that never works 100%, and I usually end up reverting to viewing "you" as just the name of another character in the story. Then I close the web browser and realize I'm doing the same thing with my actual self. Either way, I like the story!
Awww, cute story, try giving it a sequel if you don't mind!
Humans have invented plenty of high quality flying machines - you just have to ride in them instead of strapping them on. Jetpack development largely petered out when it was discovered that the amount of fuel a human could feasibly carry wasn't enough for a practical amount of flight time. Though Equestrian magic might have something that could work around that...
I am here for lovestruck tsundere RD!
How do you do those fancy ellipses/dividers?
[ hr ] without the spaces.
Well that is just rude๐
Because the bad boys wont commit. Usually the bad boys have all the fun then throw them away. Women settle, when they have no choice. It sucks but that's life.
What? They do exist. Not on space age, boba fett levels, but they do exist. We also have a bunch of flying machines. I'm assuming that's what Rainbow Dash meant by "stuff".
Very fitting end.
Rainbow is her own biggest fan, but she's also her own worst critic.