This is my own take on a Transformers crossover story. In this tale, the noble Canterbots, lead by the courageous Twilight Sparkle, head out to space to find energy sources to replenish the planet Equestria. But, the deadly Tambelocons, lead by the sinister Grogar, pursue them to acquire the energy for their own nefarious deeds. A lot of known MLP names will show up in this story.
Wait so....
Equestria is Cybertron and everypony is the Transformers?
Hmmm..... That is a good idea actually.
Thank you.
The purple logo looks like a bull than a ram.
Improved names for your story:
Autobots - Wonderbolts
Decepticons - Shadowcons
What do you think about the idea?
not bad
My own prologue of your history:
There was a time, being on Equestrion, in the final hours of the Golden Age, when Twilight and Grogar weren't… mortal enemies.
Remember when I commented that Twilight wasn't always an alicorn? Well, it wasn't always Twilight either.
Previously, she was a civil servant, at the Canterlot Hall of Records, called "Twily Sparks". But as she learned more about Equestrion's past, she became increasingly concerned about the corruption of important people and the inequality among all the masses.
Twily was inspired by the words and ideas of a gladiator. One that had been named after one of the original thirteen alicorns: Grogatronus.
Grogatronus began to challenge the leaders of Equestrion and demanded that all its inhabitants be treated equally. That gladiator-turned-revolutionary quickly amassed a loyal following. The General Sombra among them.
Twily began to communicate with Grogatronus, who became something of a mentor to her. When Grogatronus began to change the gladiatorial arena for politics, he decided to abbreviate her name.
Before long, Grogar stood before the High Council to propose her vision of a just society, and it was there that he began to reveal him true intentions: proclaiming the need to overthrow the Old Guard by force and arrogantly demanding that he be named the next Alicorn.
But Twily did not believe in violence as a means of achieving justice. The minds of the High Council were moved by Twily's words.
There, for the first time since the Golden Age of Equestrion, someone worthy of being an Alicorn emerged. But that honor could only truly be attained... by gaining the legendary Elements of Harmony.
With his ambitions frustrated, Grogar spitefully severed all bond with Twily and the Council, and began to wage war against all who opposed him, with his growing army of followers he called... Shadowcons.
He set out to claim the Elements for himself, wherever they were. In time, the war consumed Equestrion, poisoning the planet to the Core.
Twily traveled there, hoping to reverse the damaging effects, and found herself facing the very Spark of our creator: the goddess Celestia in person.
The dying Celestia sensed the nobility within Twily, and bestowed the Elements upon her.
It was thus, that the surprised and humble Twily Sparks... became "Twilight Sparkle, the Last of the Alicorns".
Nice re-telling of G1 ...
Thank you.
The purple symbol looks like a bull than a ram.