• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017
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Sane Marbles

I am amputee bat pony. I am a former royal guard.


Smolder and Gabby both encounter a string of rotten luck. As the day goes on, it becomes one that they won't forget.

Written for Miller Minus for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Ahhhh that was so great! I think Ponyville will come to appreciate their new snow-dragon overlord in time. :ajsmug:

Thank you so much !! Happy Jinglemas!!



That life-sized snowdragon of Torch must've taken all the snow in the field to make.

It's also going to take forever to melt. The pegasi are probably going to have to drag out a few large magnifying glasses come the next Winter Wrap-Up. :rainbowlaugh:

I do love me some sweet slice of life. Staring my favorite Young Six character and my favorite side Gryphon. Very sweet. Thanks for writing.

That is where the bad luck continued. That sun-scorched assignment had found another way to ruin her day. Since she had ended up staying late to redo the assignment along with the distraction of receiving a letter naturally had caused Smolder to miss the train. Yes, there would be other trains she could catch, but it would be much more difficult to find out which friends had room for a guest over their holiday break when her friends were no longer together on the same train. Normally it wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Sandar lived in Ponyville and his folks had made it quite clear that any friends of his were always welcome.


Aww very nice short story and a very interesting pairing with Gabby and smolder and both of them don't have anything to do for the holidays because their families are not around and sick so they spend the holidays together which that's pretty nice this was really good keep up the good work

How did they break into the weather factory to get that much snow?!

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