• Member Since 5th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen June 16th




Princess Luna finds out a fact about the moon. What happens next is something that nopony saw coming. Will have true things about the sun and moon included. And lots of comedy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

I'm going to ignore the entire second half and call it done.

Though, I have to ask, if the Sun and Moon are smaller than the planet, and are always on opposite sides of the planet, how the hay does ANY light get to the moon to reflect off of it? There's a whole planet in the way!

Comment posted by Rakdar deleted Jan 22nd, 2022
Comment posted by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler deleted Jan 22nd, 2022

It's called science. The moon goes around the earth, while the earth does that to the sun.

I found it. Another addition for my wtf folder.

Science dictates that light cannot pass through several thousand miles of rock.

Hey! You just added that second bit!

Also, I don't remember reading a part in the story that said the planet moved around the sun. Therefore I am going with the assumption that Celestia and Luna move(d) the Sun and Moon, and by extension were almost always at opposite ends of the planet. So yeah.

Oh. I edited my comment a few mins ago, giving an explanation. Btw, what are your thoughts about the story? Do you like it?

Yeah and now it makes my comment kind of look bad.

WTF is this story?

(In a good way)

Thanks. It's an idea I worked on for days. :D

Funny. Why the coffee emotie at first?

Also, this is Why i wondered about luna's banishment. Given the moon has no air and such, how could she survive for so long?

Coffee emoji was for fun. :) And that's an interesting question...Which could lead to a new story explaining it!

Comment posted by Rakdar deleted Jan 22nd, 2022
Comment posted by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler deleted Jan 22nd, 2022
Comment posted by Rakdar deleted Jan 22nd, 2022
Comment posted by KingSombraTheTyrantRuler deleted Jan 22nd, 2022
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