• Member Since 16th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


"Nobody is perfect. We all had our victories and defeats… You learn from defeats, and with them, victories are obtained."


Even on holidays, people get to work; some spend the celebrations in company, while others... just stay alone while staring at the world, reflecting.

Having as home a remote surveillance station makes me feel quite alone; however, when you have someone to talk to, that strange feeling instantly vanishes. Without a doubt, I am glad I had her as my supervisor...

Inspired by Firewatch, but without taking any element of the story to create this one.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Always happy to help and nice!

Thank you very much, pal.

Loved this! What’s funny is that I revisited Firewatch not to long ago. This was a good treat. Happy Holidays!

Thank you so much, mate. I had also recently rewatched Firewatch on Youtube and I wanted to do something that remembered to it.

Well good on ya! The game deserves more love, so does this story! Cheers mate!

Likewise, buddy! Merry (almost) Christmas!

Merry (almost) Christmas!

Where can I read Firewatch?

Your review is up. You can find it here. Thanks for submitting. Please feel free to message me or comment on the review if you have any questions.

I do have plenty. For example: where can I get a professional editor? I've been searching for one since March.

I wish I could help with that. Truth be told, I still struggle to get help with that.

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