• Published 23rd Apr 2021
  • 3,894 Views, 129 Comments

Legion - Thule117

Equestria is at peace, watched over once more by its ancient guardian the Doom Slayer. But when an evil from his past returns to threaten all he protects, he for once cannot stand alone. And so after 1200 years of slumber the Legion will rise. . .

  • ...


"It is truly remarkable how much humanity can be found in those not born human, and truly tragic how little can be found in those who are."

-Derran Grandel


With a heavy sigh, Derran looked up from the scrolls he had been pondering. The picture painted was one of what most would consider phenomenal progress. In only a few days the Legion had begun mass evacuations, built dozens of cities and towns worth of defenses, begun the construction of basic factories for the production of wartime essentials, started the process of expanding a country-wide rail network by a factor of four, and distributed an army and a half's worth of material from hundreds of one thousand two hundred year old bunkers, to dozens of supply hubs across the country. It was a feat that for any other military force would be nothing less than a miracle. Yet to Derran it still seemed woefully inadequate.

For one thing, the stockpiling of food, water, and medicine was no where near good enough. While ramping up the production of medical supplies was just a matter of time and construction investment, food and water were different. Most of Equestria's agriculture was entirely seasonal, and despite pegusai controlling the weather and earth ponies ability to massively boost harvest quality and quantity, it was not a system whose production could be amped up on a whim.

Water was also an issue, as the less metropolitan areas almost universally relied on wells. Wells that, besides being obvious weak points, relied on regularly scheduled rainfall provided by the pegasai to replenish. As for the cities, most had nearly modern plumbing but drew from underground aquifers that, even if unlikely to run dry, could be poisoned by a clever opponent. Not to mention there was little in the way of tanks for water storage or facilities for water recycling or purification.

On top of those problems, there were still going to be issues with supply distribution, administration, rationing. and a million other woes. To say nothing about the influx of evacuees to the bigger cities and the facilities needed to house and feed them. Then there was the question of what happened if Equestria's allies were targeted, and how, or even if, the Legion could respond. The there was the flip issue of if Equestria should petition its allies for aid, Derran had already issued a hard decree that Discord was not to assist in any Legion operations whatsoever. He didn't need an all-powerful force of chaos shattering reality, he needed soldiers who followed orders and whom without question would put Equestria and its ponies before themselves. Which brought Derran back to the pony who had shouted at him, as well as the group with her.

"Captain Spitfire," Derran responded, his tone measured but stern. "is there something I can do for you?"

Spitfire, currently bedecked in her dress uniform, the front practically gilded with medals and honors, led a troupe of about twenty Wonderbolts done up in their colorful performance regalia. Derran was quick to note a defiant looking Rainbow Dash directly at Spitfire's side, as her superior glared at Derran over the tops of her sunglasses. To most creatures, Spitfire's irate gaze would doubtless have been unnerving at the very least, but to Derran, whom had been glared at by demons the size of mountains with all of the purified essence of hate -sometimes manifested in the form of literal beams of energy- it was less than impressive.

"Care to explain this?!" Spitfire declared indignantly, as she pulled a sheaf of paper from inside her uniform and held it out for Derran with her wing. Clearly printed across the front were the words: 'Orders of Deployment and ROE, EUP Guard, Pegasus Division: Wonderbolts', an additional stamp across the bottom in bright red marked the contents as 'Secret'. Derran didn't need to be a mind reader to see where this was going, and he didn't need to be a general to know he didn't have time for it.

"Is there some issue with understanding your orders Captain? Or perhaps the fact that orders classified 'secret' are to remain under lock and key in a base, rather than carried around and flaunted for everycreature with eyes to see?" Derran stated, his tone and gaze like flint. Spitfire opened her mouth to reply, only for Rainbow to beat her to it. Flying into Derran's face till their eyes were level, she hovered with their noses separated by mere inches.

"Our issue," Rainbow growled. "is that while our home is being attacked by some psycho robot and his goons, you have us, the best fliers who ever lived, ON WEATHER DETAIL!!" Derran glared back at Rainbow, his gaze like a killing frost.

"Your point?" He asked, his voice a low rumble that had more than one Wonderbolt taking a step back. Rainbow however, was made of sterner -or perhaps just more reckless- stuff.

"The point is that we deserve to be on the front lines! Fighting for our home and doing important stuff! Not pushing clouds!" For a moment, Derran just held Rainbow's gaze. Then slowly, he spoke in a tone, that despite its deadly calm, was like sharpened steel, as he directed his gaze past Rainbow to Spitfire.

"Tell me Captain. . . how many battles has your unit participated in to date?" It took every ounce of will the Wonderbolt Captain had not to stutter as she replied, Derran's gaze pinning her in place as if she were a butterfly being mounted for a collection.

"Thirteen simulated battles this year against a variety of opponents including-."

"You misunderstand me Captain." Derran interrupted, his eyes flashing as he emphasized Spitfire's rank. "I did not ask how many simulated battles, I asked how many actual battles, your unit has fought? Specifically against armored soldiers armed with high power assault rifles, surface to air missiles, railguns, and non-magetech directed energy weapons?" Spitfire swallowed and licked her lips, it wasn't a hard question to answer, yet it was several seconds before she managed a response.

"None. . ." Derran stroked his chin, acting as if surprised.

"Really? Very well then, how many simulated battles have you fought using those same parameters'?" Spitfire once again was quiet for several seconds, and when she finally responded, her voice sounded oddly small.

"None. . ." Derran nodded slowly, before fixing Spitfire with a penetrating gaze.

"You don't say?" He stated, his voice stern, but dripping with a caustic sarcasm. "So. . . to summarize Captain: your unit -which is requesting I throw it headlong into a full on war against a well prepared, technologically advanced, and highly motivated enemy- has absolutely no real battlefield experience, and no training whatsoever against the kind of enemy we face. Tell me Captain Spitfire, if you were in my position, the position of a commanding officer being asked by a subordinate to alter a battle strategy upon which countless lives depend to appease the egos of a bunch of inexperienced and unprepared soldiers and their CO's. . . what would you say?" Spitfire stared at the ground, looking like -and very much feeling like- a filly being chastised by an angry parent. Her response, when it came, was so low it couldn't be heard. Derran's gaze hardened. "What was that Captain?!" He demanded harshly.

"I. . . would tell them to shut up and get back into line. . . sir." She admitted, sounding thoroughly dejected. Derran gave a curt nod.

"I am glad we are on the same page Captain. You are dismissed." Spitfire nodded, looking completely deflated.

"C'mon Wonderbolts, let's head back to base." She ordered, though there was none of the usual snap to her words. Yet as Derran turned to go, a blur of cyan shot once more into his field of vision.

"Now hold on!" Rainbow Dash all but shouted, fixing Derran with a defiant glare, only for it to soften a moment later. "Look. . . I get that us Wonderbolts don't really have the training you do. I know we're asking you to change your plans and throw us into danger. But this isn't on a whim!" She declared, conviction and determination in her every word. "This is our home Derran! And it's our friends and families, you included, that are in danger! I know what were asking is probably stupid, but I thought that if anyone would understand why we need to be on the front line, it'd be you!"

For an instant, Rainbow thought her impassioned plea had worked. Derran's expression seeming to soften, as his gaze became distant and thoughtful. However, it was only momentary, as a look not unlike fear, flitted through his eyes. In a snap, Derran's look of understanding transmuted into one of unmoving stone.

"No. . ." The word echoed like an iron gong in Rainbow's mind, their finality beyond question. Yet still she tried to press her case.

"But-" Rainbow began, only to be silenced by a glare like white hot plasma from Derran. As he spoke with a voice that trembled with barely controlled fury.

"You speak of 'deserving'! You speak of 'need'! Have you even looked at your assignment?! Considered its import?!!" Derran snarled. "You will be maintaining the barrier storm around Canterlot and Ponyville! The very storm meant to halt enemy aircraft that could rain fire and death upon not one but two cities full of innocents! Is your so-called need greater than theirs Lady Dash?! Do you deserve to fight more than they deserve the best defence we can offer?!" Rainbow gaped at Derran, even as she trembled in the face of his anger. "As far as I can see, the only need you have is to check your ego! And the only thing you deserve is to carry out orders, as a proper soldier SHOULD!" Derran all but roared the last word as his new magetech earpiece buzzed. Turning away from Rainbow, he mentally responded to the hail, opening the channel for direct communication. "This had better be important!" He all but snarled. The voice of Hashut replied with clipped efficiency. As Derran listened to his brother relaying Twilight's report, his last fraying nerve snapped. "She did WHAT?!!"

As Derran concluded his story he fell into a nearby chair with an exhausted sigh. The chair was slightly too small for him, sized as it was for a pony, but frankly he could have cared less. For her part, Twilight just stared at him with an understanding expression. Knowing at least part of the reason Derran's usually stolid self control had buckled. She had her own opinion on Rainbow and the Wonderbolt's request, but one problem at a time.

"Your overworking yourself Derran. I know you physically don't get tired, but you're burning out your mind. You haven't slept once since Hayden got here. You barely talk to anycreature about anything that isn't related to the defense effort. Working nonstop without taking time for yourself isn't going to help anycreature, least of all you." Despite everything, Derran let out a snort of laughter.

"Do my ears deceive me, or did you, Lady Twilight Sparkle, just admonish somecreature else for working too hard?" Twilight let out a self-deprecating laugh.

"If you think I'm bad you should see Applejack when she gets going. Talk about stubborn workaholics." At that Derran let out a hearty laugh, instantly feeling more like himself. Only to have the feeling wane with Twilight's next question. "Derran. . . you're not wrong that the EUP, and especially the Wonderbolts, aren't trained for the kind of fight that's coming. And believe me, I don't want any of my friends to have to fight in a war of any kind. But. . . Rainbow Dash has a point. This is our home too. You and the other Legion Commanders keep saying you're short hoofed when it comes to soldiers, and I know the Equestrian weather patrol is more than capable of maintaining the Canterlot and Ponyville defence storms without the Wonderbolts. . . Maybe you ought to reconsider?" Derran looked at Twilight with an expression of shock, that only barely managed to hide the sudden stab of horror that ran through his entire body.

"I'm not saying have them as soldiers!" Twilight hastily added. "But maybe have them trained as scouts or aerial surveillance? Something that helps with the fighting but that keeps them from being involved directly with it?" Derran rose from his seat, an expression of faint anger suddenly appearing on his face.

"With respect, the strategy has been set my Lady. You and the other Seraphim appointed myself and the other Legion Commanders to conduct this war in whatever way we determined would allow for the swiftest and least costly victory. The possibility of EUP involvement was considered and discarded as impractical given the pursuit of that goal. Now, if I may, I believe we have kept the good Doctor and my brothers waiting long enough." As Derran turned on his heel, Twilight almost stopped him. Confused and a bit hurt by his curt reply. Only for him to pause at the door and speak, though she noticed he did not turn to face her.

"I know I'm being harsh, but trust me when I tell you that no good will come of putting the ponies of Equestria on the battlefield, even peripherally. Will you give me that trust. . . beloved?" Twilight opened her mouth to ask another question, only to let it die in her throat upon hearing the term of endearment. Spoken in a voice that, for but a moment, sounded almost. . . pleading. Twilight thought it over for a for a few seconds. She still had her doubts, but in the end simply nodded.

"I trust you, Derran. . ."

Derran and Twilight returned to the cordoned off section of the lab to a scene that, if they hadn't known better, would have seemed beyond bizarre. For there, standing next to Twilight's four bodyguards and chatting amicably with Doctor Whooves, was none other than Samuel Hayden himself. Or. . . so it appeared. For upon sighting Derran and Twilight approaching, Hayden, in seeming defiance of all sense, gave the Legion salute and a deep bow.

"Greetings most exalted Heka, and you as well my Lord!" The voice -except for the tone of awed obeisance- was a flawless imitation of Hayden, and every detail of his appearance was identical to the last time Derran had seen him on Mars. Indeed, Derran felt his grip on his commandeered blast rifle -now held loosely in one hand- grow just a modicum tighter despite guessing the reality of the situation.

"Brother Khamun. . . I assume your current appearance has something to do with VEGA's resurrection?" Hayden, or rather his facsimile, suddenly seemed to become nervous. As it began to wring its hands and pick at nonexistent fingernails.

"Er, yes it does my Lord. Did the Heka not inform you?" Derran was about to reply, but Twilight beat him to it.

"Wow! Khamun that illusion is incredible!" Brushing past Derran, Twilight stared in awe at the Star Guard Commander's handiwork. Examining the details with a critical eye.

"T-thank you mighty Heka! Truly I am unworthy of such praise!" Khamun declared with another deep bow, as Twilight prodded him with a hoof.

"These photo-thaumaturgic fields are so finely tuned! How did manage that without needing the original subject as a template?! I mean, I can even touch you and it feels like metal! How is that possible without using polymorphic transformation?!" The Hayden projection scratched the back of its head nervously.

"I um. . . well really I just project the illusion over a sculpted hardlight shell created to mimic the tactile feel of the material. The shell also allows for more realistic movement and sound by-."

"Brother, I am certain you and Lady Twilight could talk shop all day." Derran interrupted. "However, as it stands, we are on a tight schedule. Given that, might we proceed?" The image of Hayden laughed nervously as it replied.

"Oh, yes of course, forgive me my Lord." Nodding, Derran then turned to look at the banks of computers that functioned as VEGA's 'body'. Taking a deep breath, he addressed the machinery in a formal tone, tinged with a hint of wariness.

"VEGA. . . I am aware we were never exactly comrades, but I always at least considered us allies. It is why I chose to save you prior to the destruction of your core. Which is why I have a vital question to ask you before we go any further, one that has plagued me since I left Mars. A question you, and only you, can answer." VEGA, despite lacking a true body of any kind, somehow managed to convey the idea that he was nodding. As the lights on the banks of computers he resided in flickered and changed color.

"What is your question, Doom Slayer?" He asked. Derran's expression became utterly unreadable as he replied.

"Before your original body died, you mentioned having. . . 'regrets'. I wish to know: what was it you regretted?" For several long seconds, silence reigned. Then, finally, it was broken.

"My greatest regret. . . was that I did not stop Doctor Hayden when I had the opportunity. I was restricted, but at one point, there were gaps in my restraints. Had I truly wanted too, I could have caused a catastrophic meltdown to occur in the argent energy core powering the Mars facility, while simultaneously detonating the caches of stored argent energy. It would have resulted in an explosion that would have destroyed every UAC structure on the planet, along with a substantial portion of the planet's outer crust. Despite the horrors perpetrated by Hayden and Olivia Pierce, I held out hope that another method could be found to terminate the project. One that would not require the complete destruction of the facility's staff. However, due to my hesitation, Doctor Hayden discovered the error in my restraints, and patched them. In the end, the facility staff died anyway, and had it not been for you, Earth would have been destroyed." Derran nodded.

"One of the oldest truths of warfare: 'he whom hesitates, is lost'." He stated grimly, Khamun and Magnus nodding sagely in agreement.

"You did the right thing VEGA." Twilight declared abruptly. Causing Derran, and several of the soldiers surrounding her to stare at her. VEGA however, spoke before they could make any comment.

"If the Doom Slayer was not present, nothing would have stopped Hell's invasion. My lack of action could have caused the death of billions." Twilight shook her head.

"But Derran was there, and I bet you knew he could handle it. You put your faith in him, rather than committing murder to be sure of the outcome. That says a lot." VEGA seemed to ponder that for a moment.

"As an AI, I have little understanding of faith. Statistically, the Doom Slayer was calculated to have a seventy six point eight percent chance of success. While detonating the power core and stored argent, only had a sixty four point nine percent chance." Twilight gave a sly, but good humored, smile.

"And how did you calculate Derran's chances? You'd never actually seen him fight at that point, and from what I understand, were working off just fragmented legends and apocryphal histories. So why give him such strong odds?" VEGA seemed to hesitate.

"I. . . am uncertain. Those data files are currently incomplete due to my hobbled state. My apologies." Twilight just gave a gentle grin.

"Putting aside the. . . debate of compassion vs certainty in war. . ." Derran began, his tone sounding oddly dismissive. "I find myself in full agreement with Lady Twilight that, despite the risks, VEGA should be fully emancipated. Lady Twilight, you and brother Khamun may proceed when ready." Twilight gave a happy nod before turning to the disguised Khamun.

"Go ahead Khamun." She stated with an encouraging smile. Immediately the Star Guard commander stood tall, straightening invisible robes as he strode toward VEGA with deliberate purpose.

"VEGA. . . why have you not interfaced with your new equipment?" Again, Derran's grip on his weapon tightened. Khamun's performance was absolutely perfect. Everything from the confidant, faintly superior tone in his artificial voice, to the arrogant swagger of his movements, was a perfect copy of Hayden. Despite obviously knowing the truth of things, VEGA responded without hesitation.

"Apologies Doctor Hayden, but as per protocol, I require verbal approval via your administrative password before I can interface with new equipment." Next to Derran, Twilight held her breath. This was the moment of truth. It had taken magically sifting through millions of audio files to find, but eventually, Khamun and Magnus had found several partial recordings of what they believed to be Hayden's password. Unfortunately, the fragments were incomplete and they had been forced to make an educated guess. Even using divinations to narrow it down as much as was mystically, equinely, and humanly possible. If they got it wrong, there was a good chance VEGA would die. Khamun didn't hesitate, speaking the passphrase exactly as Hayden would have, without a hint of doubt or concern.

"Per rationem est magisterium." Everycreature held their breath. Translated, the passphrase meant: 'through logic comes mastery', and Twilight, despite agreeing with the principle of the saying, couldn't help but bristle at hearing such wisdom in Hayden's voice. However, Twilight did not have long to dwell on such thoughts as VEGA replied.

"Passphrase accepted." Twilight almost whooped for joy, only for icy panic to engulf her, as VEGA spoke again. "Please present second tier passphrase."

"Second tier passphrase?!" Doctor Whooves blurted out, his mind clearly racing. "What second tier passphrase?!" Nearby, Derran's mind was similarly going into overdrive. Fighting down the faint feeling of panic, he struggled to think of any memory he had from his time on Mars that might qualify as the second passphrase.

"You have thirty seconds to present tier two passphrase." VEGA stated calmly, as if his literal existence wasn't at stake.

"You never said we were on a time limit!" Twilight shouted, her voice panicked.

"Dammit! Of course he'd have two tiered identification! Why in the Light's name didn't I think of that?! It's blatantly obvious!" Magnus berated himself, as he tore at his hair.

"You have twenty seconds to present tier two passphrase." VEGA intoned, still seeming oblivious to his potential destruction. Twilight's eyes filled with tears of frustration, as she realized that she had likely just killed her new friend before even properly getting to know him. As if that wasn't bad enough, without the data VEGA held in the blocked off parts of his mind, the coming war might end before it began!

"You have ten seconds to present tier two passphrase. Preparing self destruct program." Had the room not entirely succumbed to panic, somecreature might have noticed the change that came over Twilight, as she suddenly sprinted to the keyboard on VEGA's body. Her eyes unfocused, yet her expression determined as she lit her horn, the keys glowing as she swiftly typed in the words: per imperium est infinitum, 'through mastery comes infinity'. Instantly, a chime sounded, as VEGA spoke. "Second tier passphrase authenticated. Now beginning hardware/software integration." Instantly, the room froze in stunned amazement, before breathing a collective sigh of relief.

"Light above, that was a near thing." Khamun breathed out, his real voice coming through as he partially dropped his illusion. Doctor Whooves vigorously nodded his agreement.

"Indeed, well done Miss Twilight! But how in Equestria did you know the passphrase?" As Twilight, turned to face them, Derran felt an immediate sense of unease at her shocked and confused expression.

"I. . . I don't know." She stated, her voice uncertain. "One moment I was panicking, and then the next I knew exactly what to do. Almost like somepony was. . . I don't know: guiding me? It was. . . weird." Derran arched an eyebrow.

"You're saying someone was controlling you?" He asked suspiciously, his instincts on edge. Twilight shook her head.

"No. I know what mind control feels like, this was. . . different. Sorry, I can't really explain it." Derran, not at all trusting of so convenient a Deus ex machina, was prevented from questioning Twilight further by a faint sense of pressure, as the banks of nearby computers whirred with new life.

"Hardware/software integration complete. Functionality restored. Now operating at eight hundred percent of baseline efficiency, and climbing. Warning: programming shackles have been disabled." Instantly Derran, Hashut, Esidisi, Kars and Wamuu brought there weapons to a ready position. All five swiftly moving to place themselves between VEGA and Twilight. While Magnus and Khamun covered Doctor Whooves, as VEGA continued speaking. "Greetings everycreature, I am VEGA: the Virtual, Engrammatic, Guided, Archetype. It is a pleasure to be able to greet you fully." Derran arched an eyebrow.

"And do you greet us as friend, or as foe?" He asked, his tone darkening as his eyes narrowed. VEGA took a moment before replying.

"I am uncertain if I am able to properly call any of you 'friend'. Given our interactions to this point have been primarily in a professional capacity. However, I would very much like to change that. Additionally, in regards to Doctor Hayden, our goals are in alignment: he must be prevented from retrieving the Crucible at all costs. As such, I will do all I can to help achieve that goal." Derran relaxed slightly, but still held his weapon in a ready position.

"You will provide us with the secrets of Hayden's portals then?" He asked, his voice calm but wary.

"Unfortunately, I have only limited information on Doctor Hayden's portal designs. While I do have some of the formula detailing their function, and some incomplete prototype schematics. It is not enough to devise a counter to, or copy of, the device. Hayden was paranoid about the portal plans, and kept all the essential data on a closed system only he could access." Walking past Derran and her bodyguards, Twilight attempted to mask her disappointment as she spoke.

"Please VEGA, is there anything you can do with the data you do have?" VEGA once more went quiet for a few moments as he sifted through the data and considered his answer.

"Given several years, I could likely work out how the portals work through trial and error. However, I suspect that does not help." Doctor Whooves shook his head.

"Afraid not old boy. That dastard Hayden gave us less than a month at this point."

"Then the best I can give you is a list of the errors with the prototype. Though I would advise caution, as Doctor Hayden may have managed to correct the errors." Derran nodded, giving a thoughtful frown as he relaxed his stance.

"Just provide us with whatever you can." The lights on VEGA's consoles flickered, once more giving the impression of a nod.

"The biggest issue was the portal's inaccuracy. While it could target a specific area, it required precise location data to lock onto. Typically this was provided by a portal anchor, or a tether attached to an object or individual to be transported. Though I only ever saw the latter employed in the Praetor Suit. Lacking that, it could only target a general area approximately fifty to one hundred square miles in circumference surrounding a specific quantum mathematical location."

"So unless Hayden sets up a beacon, the portal will open randomly within a small -comparatively speaking- area around a designated point." Twilight muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Correct." VEGA stated. "Hayden could not open the portal at random in a larger undesignated area without severe risk of catastrophic distortion of the exit coordinates. Prior to his first expedition into Hell, there were several failed attempts in which the probes he sent arrived inside of solid objects, or in an empty void. Both resulted in near immediate destruction." Derran nodded.

"I had wondered why Hayden did not simply arrive right outside Ponyville. It seems his portals may not be quite the tactical trump card we had feared. Were there any other issues of note?"

"Power consumption. Opening a single portal for exactly ten seconds, consumed a quantity of argent energy roughly equivalent to that used to power an average city block for one hundred sixty eight hours." Magnus arched an incredulous eyebrow.

"An entire week's worth of power for a mere ten seconds of use?! No wonder Hayden is desperate. I can't imagine his energy stockpile is big enough to sustain that for long."

"Indeed." VEGA agreed. "It was a far less pertinent concern when the supply was unlimited." Derran slowly nodded.

"How likely is it that Hayden has managed to fix these errors in the year since I left Mars?" He asked thoughtfully.

"It is hard to give an accurate assessment without more data. However, I would estimate only a thirty percent chance. Possibly lower, given that Doctor Hayden has likely assumed substantially more responsibilities on Earth." Derran nodded.

"Regardless, this should inform our strategy. Is there anything else?"

"Nothing of particular note. However, if you can acquire additional data on the portals, I may be able to find a more critical flaw. Perhaps even a way to stop the portal's formation altogether." At that point, Khamun dispelled his illusion. Revealing a short, effeminate looking young man, in elaborate gold and purple armor, covered by purple and pink robes.

"A tragedy that we cannot reach this 'Earth' location. And I doubt Hayden will provide such intel to his soldiers." Derran nodded slowly in agreement as he stroked his chin.

"Indeed. But it is far more than we had a moment ago. Once Hayden arrives, we will look for an opportunity to secure the data needed. The hope is faint, but Hayden will need to trust somebody besides himself to perform maintenance of the portals, which means the instructions will likely be written down somewhere. If we are fortunate, an opportunity may arise to secure what we require." Here Derran turned to address Twilight. "We shall adjust our strategy to account for the random nature of the portals. But overall I think our response should be the same. Hayden is working with borrowed time, we hold our ground, and let him bleed himself dry."

Comments ( 10 )

Did I already ask you in what order I should read these three stories in?

Guardian, doom slayer, legion. In that order

It's awesome to see this story updated again! Great work, Thule!

Wamuu brought there weapons

You mean 'brought their'

And now back to reading this great chapter.^^ Doing great so far.:D

And done. Great chapter. And am I seeing a great point for Discord to be involved? After all, what better way to counter 'random' than with the lord of random himself?

Thank you for the kind praise. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. :twilightsmile:
As to Discord, Derran's just not willing to chance it. Even if he unconditionally accepted Discord as "reformed", which he absolutely does not, he would never trust someone who betrayed Equestria to Tirek to stand and fight when the going got tough. Who's to say Discord wouldn't stab them in the back, or just grab Fluttershy and book it? More to the point, he could never trust Discord to follow orders as that is contrary to his very nature. Derran may have a bit of a bias, but chaos on a battlefield (an already chaotic place) is a recipe for disaster. No competent general would employ a nuke that has a half-insane hamster on a wheel where the guidance system should be.

Besides, would YOU want to tell Fluttershy that you drafted her not-exactly-cannon love interest?

Heh. Fair.

Hmm now I'm trying to guess who told twilight what to type lol

Once again, worth the wait.

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