• Published 11th Sep 2020
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Hazy Days and Magical Ways - Dogger807

The Crusaders have finished their first semester at Hogwarts with the second about to start. The Weasley twins may be taking bets on how many professors take up heavy drinking by the end of the year.

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Chapter 14: Slyness, Skylarking and Shipping

This year was supposed to have been their time to shine. Everything they had planned had been executed to perfection, yet the newest batch of first-year students had stolen their thunder without even trying. While their reputation as pranksters had not diminished in the least, the twins' stunts had been a candle's flame against the solar glare of the unintentional antics of the new students from another dimension. Even the hardest of hearts melted at the daily appearances of cuddly petite pettable ponies whose concept of normalcy was anything but. No one had noticed that the twins had seemed to have vanished from public view.

Had anyone been paying attention, they would have easily attributed the disappearance to the correct cause. First and foremost, the two were stepping up their game.

Hurricane-force brainstorming had produced a plethora of potential projects. However, one was positively the pinnacle, towering over the rest. Preparations proved problematic as practicality prescribed performance. The payout promised to be the height of hilarity. Regardless, Bathsheda Babbling brightly beamed at the intense interest the twins showed in researching runes.

Secondarily, side projects siphoned off the rest of their free time. The Slytherin Primus had commissioned something special. On its face, the work was not difficult. However, the required results had to be positively perfect. Through tedious trials and innumerable iterations, they finally found the suitable shade.

The young girl had gladly given enough galleons to fatten their money pouches, but that was a trifle compared to the satisfaction of pleasing a particularly picky customer. The twins were still soaking in self-congratulations when they rounded a corner into an imminent incursion.

“George!” they heard being called out right before the collision caught their attention.

“Oooooooof!” George responded. “Minor? Hello, what are you doing here?”


“Incoming!” Fred announced right before the rest of the girls joined their fastest and most observant friend.

“I wish I had a camera,” Terisa said from down the hallway as she watched the pileup.

“Almost makes me wish I were part of their herd,” Lucy noted, standing next to her friend.

“Yeah,” Terisa said dejectedly, “we are going to have to get used to the idea of sharing, after all.”

“Why do you say that?” Lucy asked warily

“All of the boys are now aware that they can court multiple girls from Equestria.” Terisa sighed. “None of them are going to want to settle for just one girlfriend from now on. If you want a boyfriend, you are going to have to share. That’s just the way it is going to be.”

Lucy’s eyes went wide as the implications sunk in. She then uttered several incendiary interjections that would have lost her house points if anyone with the power to do so had been within earshot.

“You’re just now realizing this?” Terisa asked.

Lucy uttered a few more unbecoming oaths.

“Mind you, if you’re dead set on having one to yourself, you could probably still manage that if you go muggle,” Terisa said. “But the boys here at school have all been corrupted.”

“They don’t look that corrupted to me.” Lucy motioned at the spectacle. “They look more like they’re terrified.”

“That is only because boys like to think they're in charge. You know that you used to have to give them that illusion.” Terisa shook her head. “Sooner or later, they will realize the truth. When that happens, they are going to be more than happy with their multiple admirers.”

“So, are you saying we should just join them now and give in to the inevitable?” Lucy asked.

“No,” Terisa said. “The twins aren’t my type, and I don’t think they're yours, either. I’m just saying, don’t get your hopes up, and be prepared.”


“Yes, Lucy?”

“Remember when I told you that your obsession for pointing out the obvious might get you hurt one of these days?”

“I seem to recall you mentioning something along those lines.”

“If you’re not careful, today’s going to be that day.”

“Okay, then, let’s change the subject,” Terisa suggested. “My, aren’t they cute together?”

“How is that changing the subject?” Lucy growled. “It may have been humorous before; now, all it does is remind me that the future competition is going to outnumber me seven to one.”

“It might help if you stop thinking in terms of competition and start thinking in terms of teammates.”

“You’re not helping,” Lucy growled.

“So, they are here after all,” Fay said, coming up behind the two girls, all the while watching the scene unfolding in front of them. “Time to face the music, it would seem.”

“I don’t think you have too much to worry about,” Terisa said. “They seem all right, if a bit frisky.”

“I really should be taking points for excessive displays of affection,” Fay said, “but I think that may lead to more trouble than it’s worth.”

“Not to mention it is quite the show,” Terisa added.

“That it is.” Fay nodded. “So, what was it that Terisa wasn’t helping you with when I came up?”

Lucy frowned. “She was pointing out that all of the boys are going to want multiple girlfriends from now on and we were going to have to learn to share.”

“Ah,” Fay continued to nod. “Terisa?”


“Your penchant for pointing out the obvious is going to get you hurt one of these days,” Fay said

“So I hear,” Terisa replied.

“Should we help them?” Lucy asked.

“Nah.” Terisa shook her head. “The looks of panic have passed; can’t you see that they are enjoying themselves now?”

“Okay, so, ‘help’ is no longer the correct word,” Lucy admitted. “Should we stop them before things get out of control?”

“It’s not like they are going to do anything to risqué in the middle of the hallway,” Fay said. “I say let them have a minute. They’ll be more amendable afterwards.”

“Two things,” Terisa said. “One, we have no idea what ponies consider risqué; I’m willing to bet they’ll cross our line before they cross theirs. And two, what are they going to do? There’s too many of them to fit into a broom closet.”

“I’m willing to bet they’d manage,” Lucy said. “Just look at the way they’re taking turns. They have totally snogged the twins into submission.”

“There hasn’t been any snogging as far as I’ve seen,” Fay said. “I’m not sure if that’s a concept ponies have. The closest they’ve gotten has been rubbing cheeks.”

“Well, I know it’s not exactly snogging,” Lucy clarified, “but I’m not sure what else to call it.”

“Cuddling?” Terisa said. “It’s not like that wasn’t something they weren’t talking a lot about doing.”

“What they’re doing is several degrees above cuddling,” Lucy protested.

“Yeah, I was doubtful when they were planning on convincing the twins to sign the paperwork by cuddling them into it. Now I see we were using different definitions for the word,” Terisa said.

“What paperwork?” Fay asked.

“Oh, they aren’t an official herd yet,” Lucy said. “Apple Bloom just assumed they were. So, you actually have less to worry about on that front.”

“I see that lasting for all of five more minutes,” Fay said. “The twins have gone from panicked victims to willing participants.”

“Who can blame them?” Lucy asked. “I wish I were in their shoes . . . not that I’m bent or anything.”

“Why’d you throw that last bit in?” Terisa asked.

“It needed to be said,” Lucy replied.

“Not really,” Terisa said. “I’m not going to judge you.”

“I should stop them,” Fay said, “but I really don’t want to make them angrier at me.”

“What’s the worst that could happen? Terisa asked.

“Have you heard about what just happened on the Quidditch pitch?” Fay asked in return. “I don’t want to find out what an upset earth pony is capable of, and I have no idea if any of them are one.”

“Well, something needs to be done,” Lucy said. “The temperature in here is rising and no one is using warming charms.”

“We could just leave them to it,” Terisa suggested.

“That won’t help any,” Lucy said.

“You could take a cold shower,” Terisa replied.

Lucy shot her a dirty look.


“Uh oh,” Terisa said as Angelina Johnson came stomping up to the spectacle, followed closely by Alicia Spinnet. “Here comes your something.”

“What’s it to you?” Dull Roar asked coldly, leaving the group.

“You can’t treat the twins like that,” Alicia snapped, stepping into the confrontation.

“Again, what’s it to you? Who are you?” Dull Roar stepped closer.

“The twins are our friends,” Alicia declared. “Me and Angelina saw them first!”

Surprisingly, Dull Roar seemed to perk up at that. “Angelina? Angelina Johnson? Then you must be Alicia Spinnet!”

The recognition broke Alicia’s tirade while Angelina said. “Yeah, how’d you know?”

“George and Fred had a lot to say about you two,” Dull Roar said, producing a scroll. “We were hoping to find you as soon as we'd rounded up the twins. Here, sign this, and we’ll get you in the rotation.”

“What exactly is that?” Angelina eyed the scroll.

“Herd agreement,” Dull Roar said. “Fred and George each get to add one human filly, and from what we’ve gathered, that means you.”

Angelina and Alicia shared a startled look before returning their attention to Dull Roar.

“Got a quill?” Alicia asked.

“Aren’t you going to stop them?” Lucy poked Fay. “Last I checked, joining a herd was against the rules.”

“No,” Fay said. “I plan on ending the day with my head still attached to the rest of my body.”

“That didn’t go quite like I was expecting,” Terisa noted.

The Gryffindor common room had seen its share of visitors from other houses, so no one had any reason to bar the pair of Slytherins who entered. The sheer vindictiveness the two exuded should have been a clear signal that their purpose was far from benign. Naturally, no one thought twice about it. With all their attention focused on Neville, the herd was caught completely off guard.

“Heeelllllloooo, Dean.” Diamond Tiara cooed as she and Silver Spoon bore down on the Crusaders; the pair of evil grins they were sporting went unnoticed by the other children, who had just ended their hug fest.

“Hello, Diamond,” Dean said as the rest of his herd added their own greetings.

“Do you know what time it is?” Diamond Tiara asked in a saccharine tone.

“Tea time, duh,” Dean said.

“That comes later,” Diamond said, hefting a water balloon. “Payback time comes first.”

“I’m not wearing a bikini,” Dean said defiantly.

“That was only my initial idea,” Diamond said, testing the weight of her projectile. “I’ve had a better one.”

“Diamond,” Hermione said. “It’s too cold to be throwing around water balloons. Dean could catch a cold.”

“Not to worry,” Silver Spoon said. “The twins told us that with pepper up potions available, that won’t be a worry.”

“Still, it doesn’t seem that imaginative,” Abigail said. “The way you were complaining before, I was expecting something more creative.”

“Sometime the classics are the best,” Diamond said smugly.

“You know what, all right.” Dean said stepping away from his herd, holding his arms out inviting the attack. “Let’s just get this over with. If it makes you feel better, it’ll be worth it.”

“That’s a good colt.” Diamond drew her arm back and gleefully launched her revenge.

“That, that wasn’t so bad.” Dean chattered as the liquid seemed to be soaked up into his robes, vanishing without so much as a wet spot.

His herdmates were staring at him with shocked looks.

“What?” Dean demanded as the silence stretched.

“Diamond,” Scootaloo said, “you are way too cruel.”

“Aren’t I?” Diamond said smugly.

“How’d y'all manage that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I got help from Ron’s older brothers,” Diamond confided. “Worth every bit.”

“They got the shade right,” Luna said dreamily.

“That must have taken some effort,” Sweetie admitted.

“What are you guys talking about?” Dean brought his hand to his face to examine it. “I’M PINK!”

All of the other children stared at him expectantly. Diamond and Silver openly giggling at the outburst.

Dean glared at them. “Fuchsia . . . I meant fuchsia.”

The other children continued to stare.

“Pink!” Dean wailed. “Good lord, I’m pink!”

“Good going, Diamond.” Sweetie’s voice dripped with anger. “We just managed to stop Neville’s crying; you just had to go and make Dean start.”

“How long is that gonna last?” Apple Bloom asked as Abigail and Scootaloo hurried forward to comfort the distressed boy.

“Three days,” Diamond said smugly.

“Well,” Seamus said. “at least he’s finally past the denial stage.”

Abigail lightly punched Seamus in the shoulder. She said, "He's fuchsia."

"Pink!" wailed Dean.





The argument faded into the background as the Slytherins walked away. It was time to fetch the colts for tea. While a herd of wild horses couldn't tear them away from the game they were playing in the Slytherin common room, a couple of determined earth ponies could be much more persuasive.

The Gryffindor herd stampeded into the Great Hall. As soon as they entered the chamber, Apple Bloom broke away from the pack and marched up to the Gryffindor table. “George. Fred. Ah’d like a word,” she said menacingly.

“Hi, Apple,” Fred said with a distracted smile.

“Good to see you,” George added, also with a silly grin.

“Y'all gave Diamond Tiara a potion,” Apple Bloom stated. “Ah want the antidote. Ah said she could have payback, but three days is too much.”

“Antidote? Sure, we had some,” George said absently.

“Diamond bought that as well,” Fred informed her.

Apple Bloom blinked and took in the vacant expressions on the twins. “Is something tha matter?” she asked. “Are y'all all right?”

“They're fine,” Dull Roar said, announcing her presence to the Gryffindor, who had neglected to take note of the girls surrounding the twins due to her singlemindedness. “Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet just taught us how to properly snog them.”

“I don’t know what they enjoyed more,” Open Secret said, “when we practiced on them or when we practiced on each other.”

“That was a sight to see,” Terisa said from down the table. “I’m guessing that’s the reason that there are so few blokes in the hall at the moment; the castle is currently providing a lot of cold showers. I know for a fact that’s where Lucy headed off to.”

“Why is Thomas pink?” Fay asked as the rest of the Crusaders started taking seats. “That’s the exact shade he has as a pony. Is this something that’s going to become a thing?”

“Nah, it’s only temporary,” Abigail said. “Diamond is punishing him.” She then glared at the prefect. "And for the record, it's fuchsia."

Terisa nodded. “And that is why she is the Slytherin Primus. Brutal. Simple, yet brutal.”

“Ah have ta give her credit.” Apple Bloom sulked. “Dean ain’t gonna ta be pushing her down any slides no more.”

“I’ll wager he wishes she stuck with her first idea of a bikini,” Seamus piped up.

“What are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked, eyeing the new ponies-turned-human at the table. “Are you going to be students?”

“We needed to get the twins to sign our herd agreement,” Soft Rock said. “We needed the standing to protect them.”

“I’m sure that’s the only reason you wanted them to sign,” stated Terisa flatly.

“Minor looks worse off than the twins,” Harry broke in. “She’s hardly moved and that grin isn’t going anywhere.”

“She did a lot of snogging,” Random Order said. “She seemed to like it.”

“Understate much?” asked Sad Smile.

“Wait,” Apple Bloom said. “Are y'all telling me you didn’t already have them in yer herd?”

“They were being stubborn,” Dull Roar said. “We’ve managed to convince them of the importance of having a secure herd to support them.”

“I thought that starting a new herd was against school rules,” Neville stated.

“If it is, we don’t care,” Dull Roar replied.

“That there is a rule made to be broken,” Open Secret said. “Besides we aren’t a new herd; we were just adding members.”

“Here, Dean,” Lavender said. “Drink some chamomile tea; it’ll make you feel better.”

“Now we just need to figure out how to get Charlie Weasley to sign up as well,” Soft Rock said. “He didn’t seem that interested, but I’m sure we can persuade him, too.”

“Charlie Weasley?” Fay asked. “He’s too old for you.”

“We like older colts,” Dull Roar said, “and we know he’s compatible with the twins.”

“That’s just because they are his family,” Terisa said. “I don’t think they want to be that close, though; you’d be better off targeting their friend Lee.”

“No reason not to go after both.” Sad Smile smiled. “Unattached colts are unattached colts.”

“Now you’re just being greedy,” Sweetie said.

“Says the filly with five colts,” Icy Hot noted.

Suddenly a pillar of flames melted the ceiling over the Ravenclaw table.

“THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” came the shout of an older student. “STOP MAKING HER MAD!”

As that small part of the icy Balkans heated considerably, Discord stood in the sand in his human form with a self-satisfied grin on his face. “This is a fortuitous bonus.”

“It is funny,” Bill Weasley said as he watched four women with multi-colored hair chase after one of his coworkers.

“Who could have guessed that ponies would have reacted this way?” Discord mused, directing his attention at another group that had caught their quarry and were in the process of snuggling him.

“Let’s not tell my mother we did this,” Bill said.

“Or Fluttershy,” Discord agreed, snapping his fingers, causing lead soles to materialize on the boots of a man who was about to outrun his pursuers.

“So much chaos for so little magic.” Discord smiled.

“And no one is getting hurt, or too mad,” Bill added.

“I’m sure we could spice things up some.” Discord started to snap again.

Bill quickly reached out, placing his hand on the other man’s, stopping the gesture. “Sometimes being subtle is better.”

“This is subtle?” Discord asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Don’t get greedy,” Bill said.

“Perhaps someone should tell the mares that.” Discord sulked.

“Do you really want to?” Bill asked.

“No,” Discord admitted, “not really.”

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.” Mellow Yolk appeared, sliding her curvy human form to snuggle up against Bill. “And I plan on being greedy.”

Bill shot Discord a panicked look.

“You were right,” Discord mused. “Subtle is better in this case.” He snapped his fingers materializing a ball and chain attached to Bill’s ankle, just for giggles.

“That’s subtle?” Bill croaked.

“You will thank me later.” Discord smirked.

Mayor Mare looked out the window of her office and gazed over the town with a small frown.

“Where did everypony get to?” she mused when she noted the significantly diminished hoof-traffic.

Shining Armor looked over at his wife and asked her worriedly. “Are you all right, dear?”

“My shipping sense is overloading,” Cadance said, shaking violently with a happy smile. “This has been a good day -- a very good day.”

Discord stood, watching the chaos he had wrought, more than a little pleased with himself. With a snap of his fingers, a lampshade appeared, providing a gaudy hat for him. “Then again,” he said, “sometimes being subtle is overrated.”

A mutinous rumble filled the Great Hall as the supper crowd argued amongst themselves as to why supper had been delayed. There had been a school-wide announcement declaring that timely attendance was mandatory. There was no surprise when the Headmaster strolled up to his lectern. His wave for silence was moot since he already had it before he took his position.

“Good eve, students new and old,” he said genially after a few seconds. “I do hope each and every one of you has had a happy day. It certainly has been eventful.”

There was a smattering of positive replies from the tables.

“Now, I fear circumstance dictates that we, as a group, must go over some rules, both old and new,” Dumbledore said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. “There are a few points of order that must be addressed and stressed.”

A feeling of dread wafted through the students.

“To begin with, I will remind you that underage students are not permitted to leave the grounds with impunity. The manner you accomplish this is irrelevant. Automatic point loss and detention of no less than one week shall be earned by everyone found to be in violation of this rule,” Dumbledore continued.

“So, don’t get caught,” Fay muttered under her breath, easily heard by her housemates nearby.

“Indeed,” Dumbledore said, directing his gaze at the prefect although he couldn’t have reasonably been expected to have heard her. “Please remember; your safety is the responsibility of the staff.”

Fay had the presence of mind to blush.

“Next,” Dumbledore said, his speaking voice carrying to everybody in the hall, “we shall revisit the subject of herds. To wit, a reminder of the permanent nature of the commitment. You are all young with most of your lives ahead of you. Signing a herd agreement is something that will follow you for the entirety of that life. Do not allow the excitement of the moment to dictate your response in such a situation. Yes, it is a personal matter. I can only suggest that you exercise caution and, hopefully, a cooling down period if you are presented with such an opportunity.”

There were mutters at this statement.

“If you have any questions on the subject, I shall direct you to the Roar twins. You may know them better as the Weasley twins.”

The attention of the students shifted to the two redheads.

“Along those lines, I also remind you that certain other mature activities have permanent consequences. For those of you needing clarification, I refer you to Hufflepuff's dragon baiting captain, Oscar Crunch, formally Oscar Webb. Please remember that our esteemed potion professor’s apprentices are all of pony descent. While relationships with them are not being discouraged, be aware of where your actions may lead. Furthermore, certain activities are prohibited on school grounds. I will be receiving a notice from the Ministry in such cases”

Ignoring the criticism, Raspberry Crunch smiled contentedly as she sat at the Hufflepuff table, snuggling up to Oscar’s left side as Barbie copied her from his right. Oscar didn’t look overly upset at his predicament.

“I do have some bad news,” Dumbledore said. “For the sake of our Madam Pomfrey’s sanity, those individuals known as earth ponies shall be barred from the positions of both beater and chaser, but especially and predominantly beater.”

“Aaaaaaw!” came the collective cry of disappointment.

“Now, now,” Dumbledore chided. “I am sure that none of you want to be on the receiving end of that. Along those same lines, none of our pegasi shall be seekers. I am sure all of us would appreciate our matches lasting more than five minutes.”

“Aaaaaaw!” was repeated by the students.

“This is not meant as a punishment to the individuals mentioned,” Dumbledore said sternly. “Rather, we wish to head off an escalation of arms, so to speak. The school has already gone through the better part of two crates of bludgers; luckily no one was injured in the process. Additionally, recent negotiations with our centaur neighbors have brought to light the indisputable necessity of implementing these restrictions.”

“Aaaaaaw!” was repeated by the students.

“I would also remind everyone that bullying is not an approved pastime,” Dumbledore said. “Furthermore, selecting a second-year walking her housemate’s pet koala as your target is disreputable and, I shall state, beneath any wishing to continue their education at this institution. Be advised that if said pet had not been pulling its punches, the wounds would have been deeper and more severe. Koalas have some very long and very sharp claws, after all.”

Several Slytherin students looked properly abashed. “Koalas are surprisingly vicious,” one of them muttered.

“On that note, all future pets not on the approved list must receive permission prior to their arrival at the castle,” Dumbledore added

The Gryffindor students collectively fidgeted.

“Our final two subjects of interest are very specific,” Dumbledore said. “Due to Miss Li’s specific circumstance, I shall be very disappointed with anyone choosing to intentionally raise her ire. Such behavior shall result in point loss and a week’s detention. Regardless of how proficient the members of Ravenclaw house are becoming at flame suppression charms, there is a limited supply of burn salve in our infirmary, and while our interim professor of potions has helpfully produced more, it should be an unneeded expenditure of her talents.”

It was the Ravenclaws' turn to look abashed.

“Our final subject of discussion is nothing more than a reinforcement of common sense, if not self-preservation. I find it hard to believe that the issue needs to be raised, let alone repeated. It is the school motto, after all.” Dumbledore swept his gaze across the assembly, seemingly locking eyes with each individual briefly. “For the love of Merlin, don’t tickle the sleeping dragon.”

It was the muggleborn table’s turn to display its embarrassment as a centerpiece disappeared in a gout of green flame.

The field medic rushed into the royal bedroom, focusing her attention on Shining Armor, who met her with a worried expression. “What is it, your highness?” she demanded. “What’s the emergency?”

Shining Armor pointed a hoof at Cadance, who was lying on her back, twitching occasionally and wearing a wide grin. “She said she was overloaded,” he said grimly. “I think she’s in pain.”

"Does that have anything to do with all these lampshades?"

Shining Armor looked over the assortment that had been scattered about the room. "Discord popped in for a second and said we were going to need them."

Cadance gave a moan that shook the building to its foundation.

“That didn't sound like pain to me,” the field medic noted, lighting her horn to commence her diagnostics. “If anything, they sound like . . .”

“Don’t go there.” Shining Armor snapped as a full body blush turned him a bright red.

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