This story is a sequel to Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra
Obsidian, Daughter of Sombra, has defeated her foes and saved Equestria from darkness, and looks forward to leading a 'normal' life... but new information reveals the fact that her other siblings are still out there! With the help of her allies, the 'Siddy Six' (and a few new friends), Obsidian embarks on a quest to locate her sibilant siblings, and if necessary, put a stop to whatever villainous designs they may have. However, beneath all of that lies a sinister pulse that quickens as time grows tighter and shorter...
Will she be able to pull it off once again, and defeat the vile forces that gather at the gates, or will she fall to the coming darkness?
[TEEN rating due to swearing, some violence and a single racy (but not descriptive) scene.]
{Cover art by the amazing Magfen}
So far it looks good.
Good start!
Is it just me, or did Obsidian show a trolling side to her?
Maaaaaybe a bit.
This was a good chapter! I’m curious to know who the fathers are.
Midnight star looks like he’s going to be a fine even tempered chap with such a forgiving attitude. Thanks for the update!
I rather like the girls using their feminine powers on the guys. Big or small, female have power over males.
If I encountered any of my bullies and I had the power... yeah I would probably be the same way.
Yep cup and obsidian are my favorite ship in this story. Thanks for the update!
Well this is a interesting development! Thanks for the update!
Still loving every single chapter! This story series needs SO MANY more views. Love it bro! Ttyl.
This series is so good! Why are people not raving about it?
You're welcome to try submitting it to groups you think would like it; I'm just glad to hear someone is enjoying the story. }:)
Just... Wow.
Good wow, or bad wow?
Surprised wow. Didn't see it coming. Not a bad one. We don't see Siddy's siblings around a lot, so what they get into would come as a surprise.
I love Gypsy Rover so much! He is an absolute gem of a character. Why has Obsidian not considered that the Alicorn who visited the ancient library withing thr Crystal Empire might be Midnight?
I believe Obsidian's mind was a bit shaken by the implications of Peridot's hoof in things, and just wasn't considering it.
And love for the diamond dog is always welcome!
Hm? But she considered it in the previous chapter.
10598821 Only very briefly. It seemed like it was a flash in the pan then she dismissed the idea. I would have latched onto it like a vice and moved forward with it in the forefront of my mind as being the most likely scenario. Even if it may not be what happened, the coincidence is pretty strong.
I just love how obsidians relationship with her siblings have evolved. Thanks for the update!
YES! Another new chapter! Reading it now!
Finished the chapter. Nice development. I saw Tourmaline's romantic thing coming, but it was still funny. I hope to read more soon.
It's not just her child. Rainbow lost one the people she cared for most recently. Of course she isn't going to be happy knowing her daughter is in some kind of trouble.
Another chapter!? Man, you are outpacing me by orders of magnitude! I need to step up my game! I'm going to read this one first though.
Well that was an interesting turn at the end! Thanks for this story! It’s wonderful!
Dude. That ending scene gave me shivers and not in a good way. Nicely done.
I honestly feel really bad for Peridot. He obviously has a mental disorder that was never diagnosed, treated, or healed. I would venture he has a severe form of Asperger's syndrome. If that could be treated, he would be a wonderful person to have around. Obviously he would want to be left alone to do his research, but Obsidian missed an absolute gem of a chance to help him stay his hoof. All she had to do was to appeal to his logic, because it has a flaw, a BIG one. Knowledge for knowledge sake is empty. If knowledge and understanding cannot be USED, there is no point to it.
Peridot does not seem like he WANTS to kill everything, but more like he feels that he HAS to because his illness pains him because of a hypersensitivity to noise, which can be treated. And I will bet that nobody knew about any treatments for sound sensitivity back when he was alive.
These are not the words of a heartless psychopath. These are the words of someone who has been in pain for so long, he just wants it to end in whatever way possible.
I laughed at the flurry heart bits. Also flurry heart has a sister in this universe? Thanks for the update!
I absolutely LOVE your version of Flurry Heart! She cusses hard enough to make a sailor blush with shame.
Onyx? Oh shit!
I do so love foul-mouthed Flurry Heart. The three identified siblings are worrying though. Very much looking forward to the next chapter.
Foul mouth Flurry Heart is now head connon to Us. And you wont stops Us from thinking that!
Anyways, It took me twoish days to go though your two stories, love them!
And in the end, I hope Obsdian will have three new siblings to enjoy life with!~
Keep up the great work my little ponies!
If I was in Obsidian's position I would be chomping at the bit to let out Diamond A.S.A.P. if anyone could find a cure for their cursed brother, it would likely be him. And this 'Blue' guy gives me the creeps something fierce.
Love the cover art!
Me too! Magfen did a grand job!
Every time I see a new chapter, it absolutely just makes my day. I eagerly await more.
10685333 Stalwart looks particularly fierce. I really want to call her mini-nuke.
I’m looking forward to when she unfreezes her siblings!
Fantastic chapter! But why oh why did she not grab Twilight, drag her urgently to the side and say, 'Look, 1. my brother helped your son at great risk to himself and he already sided with me against our father who would have certainly killed him, the ring stays off. 2. I found more of my siblings and we are going to do something about them before anybody else gets to them.'
Obsidian needs to get her rear in gear. You do not sit on things like this.
I understand that Rainbow was in the wrong, but is no one going to mention that it was Stalwart that hit first? It wasn't a fight till she made it.
New chapter, me likey! I kind of want Amethyst to stay edgy and dark, just not quite so... murdery. Neat to find out about these other supposed siblings that Obsidian has. This might be good or it might be beyond horrible.
Of everything that happened with Obsidian, I think this dance is my favourite scene.
YAY! More Gypsy Rover! I love that pup.
Anyway, VERY interesting developments with Onyx' diary. Some very useful information. Diamond seems like a sweetheart, but he should be monitored, even if he is altruistic. Altruism is not a good thing. It allows others to take advantage of you with no thought for protecting the self. If taken to the extreme, if can even kill itself by giving too much with no moderation. Now that we know how Jade sounds, I REALLY feel bad for him. Amber... shit on a shingle. She should be in an insane asylum at the very least. Perhaps Obsidian could transfer her soul into that of an Earth Pony to render her helpless. Amber's ability could be used for SO MUCH good, but as it stands now... I would rather drink lava than let her near me.
I cannot wait to see how you describe Celly and Lulu. I'm sure by now it goes without saying but I ADORE Gypsy Rover and the scenes with him hanging his head out the window and letting his tongue flap in the wind were perfect. I really, REALLY love dogs and Gypsy is so perfect to me. He has a nervous stutter just lime I do, he loves history just like I do, he is a dog which is just awesome... honestly it almost feels like he is me.
This one is honored by such a compliment. *bows humbly*
Traveling Salesponies non-pareil
Got it. Thankies.
Oh NO! Please, PLEASE tell me that is not Flim and Flam! I LOATHE those two crooks! They are as untrustworthy as the day is long in Alaska (the day lasts for months at a time). They should have been in prison so many times over.
I REALLY hope Celestia's trust is not misplaced.
Great chapter though. Celestia and Luna were written about as perfect as I have ever seen. Perky and snarky and perfect! Wonderful!