• Published 9th Jan 2020
  • 1,495 Views, 208 Comments

The Exiles - Aremna

A bunch of High Schoolers suddenly find themselves getting exposed to Equestrian magic. Though practically anyone would be delighted, its a bit inconvenient when you keep turning into a pony in the middle of third period.

Comments ( 17 )

But isn't Artemis a girl's name?

It's rather androgynous actually. Names like "Sam" or "Alex" for example. The first chapter comments on that too ;)

Huzzah for the new chapter! And a pretty significant one at that – treason, coming out, surrendering to the authorities, walking into a trap, and somewhat reckless driving!

Really curious and more than a little anxious to see if Twilight will be able to establish proper dialogue with Chrysalis, and hopefully manage to reach some kind of understanding, or at least an alliance of circumstances... This could really be a major factor going forward, and I hope the little hints here-and-there of a potential redemptive path for all their children's sake will bear fruits. Can't wait to see what you have in store for them!

Lots of setups for turning points in the story. All the chess pieces getting put into place to show just how it ties into the rest of the world. I hope it entertains and intrigues as the story evolves with its characters.

Words can't describe the elation I felt when I saw this story in my Tracking folder update. I audibly yelled out my excitement! I'm so excited to continue reading. Keep doing what you're doing dude, this story is awesome. :)

Hehe, this gal might be slow on the updates sometimes, but I am quite determined not to leave anything I write like this unfinished. Still waiting on updates to so many other tragically abandoned fics. I can’t stop, the guilt would be horrible and nag me forever. I’m glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed the story, as any writer should be. The next chapter “shouldn’t” take nearly as long (hopefully).

Ocellus! She's quickly becoming my favorite little underdog (underbug?) here. This whole chapter is rather short and simple compared to the almost dizzingly weaving narratives from before, but SO many threads are coming together now... and some unfortunately are coming to an end.

Maybe I forgot something but I'm really wary about the Containment Division... at the very least this means Aaron and Artemis will be back together!

Speaking of which, oh my gawd. the betrayal here. Things just... falling apart for everyone but you made me feel for Chrysalis. How dare you!

Also that Artemis conversation... all of that emotional baggage just bubbling up in moments of weakness and crisis. The family is confused, even angry but the fact they respond the way they did show they've been aware of these kind of thoughts happening all along. Arty is finally just too tired and stressed out to not let it finally explode when running for their life. " Your injuries and all those drugs are making you gay and delirious." would have been hilarious if the dad's ugly reaction wasn't so realistic.

Also I feel bad, I didn't realize who the police officer was until he spelled it out for Arty. I probably forgot a scene or two from his perspective...

There's so many moments of awesome and horror in this story that have stuck with me for such a long time that my mind recalls at the faintest reminder. This chapter, unfortunately, Arty's Dad is sticking with me. ...Or should I call her Morning Star now that she's declared herself as such? :twilightsmile:

Ocellus just has so much potential as a character. Born and raised in a society under a war torn and starving culture built on stealing to survive, then to a whole 180 in a world with plenty that cares about her as a bug. That doesn't mean she wouldn't be a bit haunted with what she was indoctrinated into doing as a Nymph.

Aaron and Artemis? Well, time will only tell on that one...

Chrysalis deserves more than what the series gave her, we only ever saw the pony point of view after all, but at the end of the day one should remember she's a mother caring for her children.~

Artemis's conversation was what delayed this chapter for a long while. It often felt just too cheesy or forced, but sometimes the understanding that thousands of people sadly undergo an experience similar to this one, forced or otherwise.

Police Officer - I'm always trying to leave little hints and dangling threads to throw a cat at later, always exciting to wait and see if anyone can spot all those Chekov's guns lying around.

hmaf43 #9 · Oct 7th, 2022 · · 1 ·

This is dumb. The OG secret wars make more sense than whatever this is.

Taking down the US goverment is nearly impossible for chysallis. Not with this puny small armies and attitude toward her advisors(brain of the operation). I am just a hobbyist opsec and i already know couple of method to hunt down this fanfic's version of changeling with existing commercial tools.

For the takeover to be any remotely possible for her, her only option is soft power. Replace minor origachs, preacher, politician first. Started from places like middle east nations.

What makes you so sure this was Chrysalis? Sure, she had a few bugs involved, but she is hardly the only one involved here. Everyone is getting in on this action…she lost control of the situation long ago

Yup! The most powerful people are balanced my having to be in their element to be powerful. Twilight for example represents in the story the element of Magic, what, in the context of friendships basically represents individuality, like your own individual truth and soul giving meaning- creating the spark that ties it all together for true harmony.
Meaning... if you put her into a situation in which she has to ignore her soul/identity/truth that power doesn't matter. In a different example, some powerful people make themselves vulnerable by bringing too much attention to themselves, for example by leading an empire. These positions allow them generally to be distracted or otherwise caught off guard thanks to their responsibility. Examples, basically Celestia and Dumbledore. And then there is the opposite of Discord... we all know how he gets hurt.

So, my point is, in a world where friendship is magic, power is only as important as the identity that wields it.

That's partly the reason why I always think that discord should have gotten a proper opposite, that opposite being a Necromancer that controls magic and life via entropy- taking and unifying it like a grim reaper. Because there is only one thing that discord can't do with his magic- it's touch the nature of life and death. He can't give or take, only distribute because that's the one thing that he wants. A necromancer can give and take more than anything else, but consumes and corrupts as he does so.

Someone should really smack this author. Story hasn't been updated in forever. I bet they even wrote out multiple versions and iterations of the next chapter several months ago too. For shame xP

:flutterrage: <commences brutal fluttershy smackdown>

Well damn. I got so caught with this story wanting to know everything to the end that know I'm finishing with the most recent chapter with hundreds of questions waiting for answers...
I hope this story won't be left incomplete! I want for all those characters to have their (I so much hope happy) ending!!
Marvelous work so far, with this many different plot lines and characters it must be hard to keep up with everything all together!
Oh I hope that Artemis and all of them are gonna be fine...

I’m not dead, I’m on my third re-write of the next chapter and it’s just…sat. There is no real excuse but my own lack of focus. Just know I haven’t abandoned this story.

Is this dead? Cuz I hope not. I love it and wish you’d get off your lazy ass and write. But if you have no inspiration or focus, draw it from other authors on this platform. K? Aigt, im out, peace - AHHHHHHHHHHH, Author

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