• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 4,179 Views, 60 Comments

The Mentis Stone - Shadow-Storm

Centuries ago an ancient relic of great power, was thrown into another world. Now that relic has resurfaced and chosen its newest bearer, who will use its power to change his life forever.

Comments ( 16 )

well glad to see the update. Was actualy about to ask how it was coming and now we got it.

Yeah with school starting back up among other things I was expecting a lot of stories to have slowed down considerably... Either way I loved this chapter, The punishment of Sunset was hot! And Sci-Twi and just so adorable!

At this point, Flash should line all his pets up, bent over with their hands bound behind their backs, their legs spread and their eyes blindfolded, tease them until they are dripping and needy and then make it a competition: Who begs the nicest, most submissive gets it while the others get to listen. And maybe masturbate after.

Oh, and with the powers of the stone possible expanding, I wonder if Chris considered this possibility...

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Yes spanish
Google traductor :
Me gustó lo capitulos me gustaría que la twilight de mlp observará eso
Flash sentry : es hora de ir por mi verdadero amor

Holy camole, now this is like hentaiheaven on a book! I LIKE IT!

To the author - hi! read your fic in September including the one that you deleted of sci-twi blowing flash in a bathroom stall
i'm not a hater of flash sentry (for i never really understood the hate towards him…like at all!) & love the fact that he's the main character as most authors don't write fics based on equestria girls centered around guys.

p.s: so...is it dead, are you having writer's block, irl stuff got in your way of completion or just got burned out/uninspired?

i would like to read more for it's a dark but fun read.

9922339 Unfortunately, he got banned from the site. He managed to put these stories onto Fimfiction under the name Cyburst, but hasn't had the time to work this one in a while.

Oh...thanks for telling me! do you know him personally?

i recognized your name because years ago (when having this account) read The element of courage but never finished it and don't plan to neither.
no offense to you or anything! (ya probably got way better as a writer after that one) i'm slightly more into writing my own fics...although they're a bit dated.

p.s: Hey pm me on why he got banned and i'll tell you about my 'laundry' list of mlp stories😉

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

9988793 He's been banned. He's moved the story over to Fanfiction. Look up Cyburst

10044963 Oh, sorry. Fanfiction.

that seems a little harsh

Hey, anyone know what the alternate story that similar to this?

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