There was a jolt as the train jumped on the track, stirring you from your slumber. You had a long meeting with your publisher in Canterlot and while it had gone smoothly, the whole event had been both physically and emotionally exhausting. It was hard enough having to compete with other authors like A.K. Yearling, S.S. Queen, and M.R. Amorcolt, but then you had to have Spring Rain as your prereader and publisher.
Spring Rain wasn't a bad mare. However, she was always anxious when it came to deadlines and the current trends in the bookselling industry. Thus, her emotions would often overflow onto you. Yet, while her anxiety did stress you out from time to time, you had learned to turn such stress into a motivator. Because of this you were able to finish your books right before the deadline and managed to write fascinating and interesting books despite what trends were going on. At least that was what you thought, considering your books were still selling.
Still delirious from your slumber, you looked around the train car and examined your surroundings. The trains interior consisted of tan walls, a deep blue ceiling, and a brown, wooden floor. A green carpet ran down the center of the aisle. The seating consisted of cushioned platforms, with a green glass barrier serving to separate each section. Fortunately, the suit you were wearing for the meeting was comfortable and allowed you to take a quick nap on the train with little disturbance.
At first you were tempted to go back to sleep as the warm tendrils of sleep wrapped around your mind. However, it was the cold glass that you were leaning against that gave you the resolve to at least open your heavy eyes and see how close you were to reaching your stop. Your eyes shot wide open as you spotted fields of snow outside your window, something that shouldn't have been there.
"Next stop: The Crystal Empire!" You heard a train conductor call out over the intercom.
'Well, crap!'
You had intended to get off the train at the town of Ponyville, the place you called home. However, it would seem that you missed your stop as you snoozed.
'Now I need to wait to reach the train station in the Crystal Empire, just to take another train back home!'
Judging by how dark it was outside, most likely you would have to find an inn in the empire to stay the night. And the chances were that you wouldn't be able to catch any sleep anyway considering the nap you just had.
'Well, that's just great!'
In your frustration, you had neglected to notice the pony that was sitting across from you. Looking up, you are shocked at what you saw. What you had previously thought was a pony turned out to be something very different.
If it weren't for the the curled ram like horns on the side of her head, the fur "collar" around her neck or her cloven hooves, you would have thought that she was just the most adorable looking earth pony mare. Her pink eyes looked back at you with a worried expression from behind her glasses.
"I'm sorry, sir," the passenger across from you said, "I hope I didn't startle you."
You had to shake your head and clap your hooves against the side of your head to make sure that you were actually awake. Sure enough, this was real, and looking back at the creature you could see that her monstrous features weren't just part of a lucid dream. No, it wasn't proper to call her a "creature," she was a mare after all, even if she did look rather... odd.
"Uh, yeah," you stutter in response, "I'm sorry, it’s just that... uh... well..."
You didn't want to appear rude, however it was difficult not to keep your eyes off of her horns. The mare let out a little giggle and held a hoof over her mouth.
"Don't worry, I get that reaction a lot."
"I'm so sorry." You attempted to apologize.
"Like I said, don't worry about it." The mare held out a hoof for you to shake, "My name is Amble."
"It is nice to meet you." You graciously accepted her gesture and shook Amble's hoof. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why do you have horns?"
"It isn't really all that complicated," Amble replied, "My mother was a pony and my father was a chimera. They met in the badlands, fell in love, and then nine months later I popped out."
You looked over Amble's form but couldn't seem to distinguish any other features that weren't goat related.
"I see, however most of your... non-pony features seem to be exclusively that of a goat."
Amble nodded, "My theory is that only one of the animal traits is passed on when a chimera reproduces with another species, which means I could have ended up with either more lion based characteristics or even that of a serpent, depending upon... Well, whatever traits dad passed on."
You found it surprisingly interesting at how forward Amble was with this information in regards to her monstrous traits.
"Why are you so willing to share this with me?" You asked politely.
"Well," Amble chuckled, "when I was younger, I received a lot of flak for my chimera traits from all the other children. It wasn't until later that I realized that they didn't know me, just my appearance. However, once they learned that I was pretty much a harmless child just like them, most of the bullying stopped. I suppose I just don't feel like my body or my ancestry is anything to be ashamed of."
Examining Amble again in a new light, you had to admit that her monstrous traits didn't look so bad. Actually, she kind of looked cute. Her short, light tan mane matching the fuzzy collar around her neck, complimenting her pale blue coat.
"Besides before you woke up, all I had to do was read to keep myself entertained."
Amble's statement reminded you of your sad predicament, but you quickly pulled yourself together.
It was then that a unicorn stallion in a white shirt and blue apron, walked up and positioned himself next to your seats, and let out a slight cough. Looking at his attire along with the notepad and pen he levitated out, you guessed that he was one of the train's waiters.
"Good day." The stallion smiled politely. "It will be a half hour before we reach the Crystal Empire. Would either of you enjoy a refreshment or perhaps a bite to eat, to help pass the time?"
Normally, you didn't bother with the meals on your usual train rides as you traveled in between Ponyville and Canterlot, mainly because you would save your appetite for a meal at a restaurant in those locations. Recently you had fallen in love with the food at a nice place in Canterlot called the Tasty Treat.
However, due to the current circumstances, you were already starting to feel your stomach yearning for some nourishment, so you decided to order something.
"Yes, I will have a cup of coffee with some half n’ half milk and a scone if you have one."
"Very good, sir." The waiter nodded as he jotted down your order. "And you ma..."
Apparently, the waiter hadn't noticed your new friend's horns and had only seen them just now. Amble gave a little giggle in response, giving the waiter a cute little smile.
"I will have a cup of green tea and a scone as well."
"O-Of course, madam."
"Oh! And if you have some ricotta cheese, I would love some as well."
"I will see what I can do."
After he finished taking Amble's order, the waiter hurried off to the dining cart. Once the stallion was out of earshot, Amble let out a quiet chuckle.
"What's so funny?" you asked.
"Oh, I just find the reactions of other ponies to my appearance to be amusing is all."
"You don't ever find it to be a little insulting?"
"I did once," she answered, "however, I learned quickly that if I fumed over things like that, I would merely be making my life more miserable. On the other hoof, if I take it all as a little joke, then I can just enjoy my time."
"I see." You smiled.
After returning your smile, Amble went back to reading her book.
"Do you mind if I ask what you are reading?"
Returning the smile, Amble showed you the book’s cover. It had a white background with a black mountain hanging from the top of the cover with seven ponies walking along the mountains ridge. The words, The Hills of Entropy, were written in black on the white section. Beneath the title, was the author's name marking the book as one of M.R. Amorcolt's work.
While a part of you was extremely jealous, you had read the novel yourself and had found it to be very good. Indeed, M.R. Amorcolt was a worthy competitor and having met her in person, you were very glad that somepony was enjoying her novel.
Unbeknownst to most ponies, the popular author known for the dark, mysterious tales of otherworldly horrors was none other than a young mare by the name of Moonlight Raven. The only reason you knew was because you had accidentally bumped into her while at the Canterlot Publishing Firm and had spotted her name on her drafts when you both tumbled. After you both had picked up your papers, Moonlight swore that if you gave away her identity to any other pony that she would hunt you down and make you pay dearly.
As much as you found her fear of the spotlight amusing, you could also understand her position and agreed to keep her little secret. However, you couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was some otherworldly wisdom behind her amber eyes.
"How are you enjoying it?" You asked.
"Well, it started off a little slow, but gradually the suspense built up and I have been finding it be very intriguing."
Looking back at her face you notice the glasses resting on the end of Amble's nose.
"I see you wear glasses."
"Yeah, well they're just reading glasses," Amble replied, "I'm so far sighted that I have to hold a book far away in order to read it."
Attempting to demonstrate, Amble stretched her foreleg, still holding the book and inadvertently punched you in the muzzle. The taste of iron hits the back of your tongue. Realizing what she has done, Amble let's out a horrified gasp.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
"Don't worry, it's fine." You cough as you use your magic to pull a handkerchief from your suit to quench the flow of blood dripping from your nostrils.
It wasn't long before your nose stopped bleeding and you gave Amble a reassuring smile.
"See, nothing to worry about." Granted, now you sounded like somepony whose nose was clogged.
Once it was clear that you were in no danger Amble smiled shyly and adjusted her glasses before returning to her reading.
The train shook again, and you heard a squeak from the row of seats on the other side of the train car. Looking across the aisle you see three ponies sitting there. On one side was an earth pony mare with her little filly and on the other was a grumpy looking stallion. It was clear that the mare was very worried by her nervous shaking, her daughter doing her best to soothe her.
"No, no, no, no..." The mare kept muttering as she rocked back and forth in her seat.
"Oh, pipe down!" The stallion grumbled, his orange eyes shooting daggers at the frightened mare.
This reaction left a rather large pit in your stomach. Looking back at Amble you noticed that the chimera pony also looked annoyed by the stallion’s actions.
Satisfied that your nose no longer bleeding you folded your handkerchief and placed it back in your suit.
Another jolt rippled through the train and the lights flickered inciting a scream from the mare.
"Hey, keep it down!" The stallion barked.
"Can you excuse me for a moment?" You ask Amble as you begin to stand.
Tired of the stallion's attitude you take life into your own hooves, standing up from your seat and stepping into the center of the aisle.
"Excuse me, sir." You attempt to control your nerves and speak politely to the stallion. "But this mare is clearly in distress. If you have a problem why don't you move to another seat?"
The stallion glared at you with hatred in his eyes. Despite his rude demeanor, there was nothing really intimidating about him. His tiny muscles hidden under a few layers of excess fat, a few thin lines along his ribs showing where the dark green coat had stretched because of his obesity.
"I sat here first," the stallion growled, "why should I have to move?"
As much as you wished to give a harsh retort, your self control won in the end and you just returned the stallion's unnerving glare. Another jolt occurred and the mare let out a terrified scream.
"Somepony shut this mare up!" The stallion yelled angrily.
"Leave her alone!" The young filly with her mother protested. "Mom is afraid of riding trains!"
Looking at the upset mare you could see that she was hyperventilating, as her daughter looking through her purse for something. The filly pulled out an inhaler just as the train car was rocked once more causing her to drop the canister to the floor.
"Sir, you either need to calm down or find another seat." You told the angry stallion.
"Hey back off!" The stallion barked before raising a hoof and punching you square in the nose. The taste of iron returned as the injury you received from Amble's hoof opened up again. The blood dripping from your nose, down your muzzle.
And that was the last straw.
"H-hey, what...!"
Using your magic you grab the stallion by his collar and pull him into the center aisle. Before he had the chance to retort, you raised you right hoof ready to knock some sense into him when...
"That's enough!"
Amble was now in the center aisle, her head lowered in a threatening manner with her horns positioned to hit either one of you.
"You!" Amble barked at the stallion, "Go find another seat!"
Seeing this threatening display the stallion began to quake in terror.
"Y-yes, m-ma'am."
Even as you let go of the other stallion and he stumbled away, you could feel Amble's angry gaze upon you.
"As for you," Amble growled, "help me find that inhaler."
Watching Amble stoop down to the floor to look for the mare's inhaler, a twinge of guilt fills you as you realize that you let your emotions get the better of you. Ashamed, you snatch your handkerchief to clean your bloody nose before joining Amble in the search and it isn't long before the medicine is found.
"Here you go." Amble said as she gave the filly her mother's inhaler. The chimera pony's mood becoming very gentle.
"T-thank you miss." The filly responds before helping her mother with the device.
"What is your name?" Amble inquired.
The filly had a light gray coat with a bluish tinge, while her mane consisted of pink, green and pale lime green colors. Giving Amble a smile, the filly's amber eyes grew wide with excitement.
"Coconut Cream."
Amble smiled, "That is a nice name. Keep your mom safe, okay."
Coconut giggled as Amble patted the little filly on the head.
"Attention all passengers!" The conductor's voice came over the intercom. "There has been some ice on the track, but fear not, everything will be perfectly fine. Please return to your seats."
By the time you and Amble sat back down in your seats, the waiter had returned with your food and drinks.
"Here you are." The waiter put a tray stand down between the seats. "A cup of green tea and a scone for the lady. And some coffee with a scone for the gentlestallion. Unfortunately, we don't have any ricotta cheese."
For a brief moment, Amble had a disappointed look as she pulled some bits from her purse.
As you fetch some bits from you wallet, you grab a few extra to give to the waiter.
"Do you think you could make a cup of tea for that mare over there and some orange juice for the filly?" You ask, pointing the ponies across the aisle. "Something to help calm their nerves for the trip."
The waiter examined the money and nodded, "Very well, sir. I will see to it myself."
Lifting your nose you stiff the air as the scent of your coffee wafts into your nostrils. A surprising feat considering now many times you have had your nose hit today. Taking a bite of the scone you were pleased by how soft and buttery it was.
Glancing back at Amble, the chimera pony was still giving you a disappointed look. Her glasses now resting on the book on the seat next to her.
"What is it?" You ask, genuinely concerned with her mannerism.
"You do realize you could have wound up in serious trouble back there if you had hit that stallion, right?"
As you take your scone and dip it into your coffee, you ponder what Amble had said. Indeed, if you hit that stallion there could have been legal ramifications.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." You let out a deep sigh. "Thank you for stepping in."
Amble took a deep breath and let out a sigh, "Well, if you hadn't stepped in I suppose I probably would have. Of course in that situation I would have been in just as much trouble."
Her lips turned downward into a frown and Amble looked sadly into her tea, "I guess I still share my father's temper."
Taking a bite of your scone, you decided to help the chimera mare by changing the subject.
"So how do chimera work exactly?" You ask.
Looking up from her tea, Amble glances at the ceiling as she considers your question.
"Well, unlike what most ponies think, chimera aren't really three creatures sharing the same body, rather all three heads are merely different aspects of the same individual." Amble answered, "Of course it isn't uncommon for those three aspects to shift into different personalities if they are isolated for too long."
"That's very interesting. How do chimera come to exist in the first place?"
Amble took a sip of her tea.
"Nopony knows for sure, however I heard a few theories. One is that they are the result of chaotic magic left behind after Discord was originally banished. I have also heard that it might have been caused by strange magic within the Everfree Forest."
Finishing off your scone, you take a sip of your coffee.
"If you had the choice of becoming a true pony would you?" You ask.
"No," Amble answers almost immediately, "While I may have had some struggles because of my chimera heritage, I also know I wouldn't be who I am without it."
You see Amble's point and nod, "I suppose I see your point."
"However, I do have one complaint."
"Really what is it?"
Amble looked a little embarrassed as she touched her right horn, "Well, I think my horns might be a bit too... big."
"I don't think they're that big." You said as you gave them a decent glance. "Actually, I think they're kind of cute the way they are."
"You think so?" Amble gave little blush.
The waiter returns giving Coconut Cream and her mom the refreshments you so kindly purchased. The little filly had a confused look until the waiter explained that it was a gift. Looking across the aisle, Coconut Cream smiled and gave a little wave.
Turning back you see that Amble had returned to her reading.
"Hey, Mom look!" Coconut Cream said as she pointed out the window.
Looking out your window you could see a few areas along the snowy expanse, a couple ravines emanating a rainbow colored aura. These were probably some of the crystal fissures you had read about while researching for one of your stories.
When the Crystal Empire returned and King Sombra was defeated, mining in the area resumed for the numerous crystal veins beneath the ice.
"Do you think dad works at one of those?" Coconut asked her mother. The older mare nodded, still appearing unwell from the events that had transpired.
Turning back to Amble you see her peering out the frosty window to glimpse the crystal ravines. Her eyes wide with wonder and glee, like a little filly in a candy shop. It was also at this point that you received a good look at her cutie mark. The symbol was that of a white ceramic bowl filled with water. After examining her cutie mark, you also noticed that her tail was also like that of a goat. It was... kind of cute.
It was then that another question popped into your head.
"Amble, I hope you don't mind me asking this." The chimera pony turned to face you. "But why are you going to the Crystal Empire."
Her eyes scrunched together as she considered how to respond, Amble looked you over before shifting her gaze back to the window.
"Well, there are other creatures like me that live here in Equestria, however not all of them are blessed enough to be as openly accepted as I have been," Amble said with a twinge of sadness. "After some discussion, the princesses have decided to create a location where these creatures can live safely. A sanctuary of sorts. A place where monster ponies, mutants and other strange creatures can live in peace. I was contacted by Princess Cadence to see if there was a location within the Crystal Empire that would be suitable for the task."
"Really, that is awfully nice of her."
"Indeed. Our hope is that giving creatures like me a place to call their own, ponies will be able to open up to them."
The two of you stood in silence for a moment just looking out the window.
"So why are you going to the Crystal Empire?" Amble asks.
"Well, it was kind of an accident." You scratch the back of your head in embarrassment. "I sort of slept through my stop. I was supposed to get off at Ponyville."
Amble begins to break out laughing and you can feel your cheeks burn a bright red.
"It isn't that funny!"
Even as the chimera pony laughed you couldn't help but feel that Amble's laughter was genuine. After a few coughs, Amble was able to calm down.
"Well, in a way I'm glad." Amble said as she turned and smiled at you.
"Yeah, because Ponyville station was where I got on," Amble answered, "So if you hadn't missed your stop there is a chance we would never have met."
You pondered what Amble said with a smile.
"I suppose you're right."
As the scene rolled by, the walls of the Crystal Empire came into view. The train tooted its horn.
"Attention all passengers!" The conductor's voice came over the intercom, "We will be arriving at our destination soon. Please wait until the train has come to a complete stop before you unpack your bags and suitcases.
You and Amble sit back down in your seats and wait for the train to enter the station. As you wait, you contemplate the adventure you have had. Aside from your sore nose and the conflict with that stallion, this trip had been an interesting one.
There was another toot from the train's horn as it pulled into the station. The metal wheels screeching as the locomotive slowed down, until it came to a sudden halt. Once the train had come to a full stop, the other passengers began to fetch their bags and suitcases. Both you and Amble helped Coconut Cream and her mother pull their saddlebags down from the storage spaces over their seats.
Once everyone had the belongings they made their way toward the exits. Stepping through the doors you caught your first glance of the Crystal Empire Train Station. The train station’s interior was made of a reflective, blue crystal with tall matching pillars supporting the building's structure.
You watched a smile stretch across Coconut Cream's face as she ran toward a stallion waiting on the platform. The filly gave her father a hug as her mom slowly walked over. Before the family left the station, Coconut Creek turned around and waved to you and Amble.
"What a wonderful family they have." Amble said as she watched the family leave.
"They certainly do."
"So what are you going to do now?" Amble asked turning back to face you.
"Well, I suppose I need to find a motel to stay the night at." You replied.
"Do you plan on leaving in the morning?"
"That was the plan, yes."
The sound of a gurgling rumble filled the air, as a look of embarrassment stretched across Amble's face.
"Well, since you have to stay in the empire for the evening. Why don't we fetch a bite to eat."
You shrug. "I don't see why not."
Making your way out of the train station, you find yourself just on the edge of the city. The surrounding buildings were made of a similar crystalline material. While the sky was dark, the lights from the surrounding buildings and lampposts illuminated the city streets. A large crystal tower stood overhead, like a massive sentinel watching over the city.
While you had seen photographs on this beautiful city, you had never witnessed it first hoof. Now that you were here, perhaps you could use this as a research opportunity for one of your books.
"Are you okay?"
Feeling a nudge against your shoulder, you are reminded that you are not alone. Amble was standing next to you, giving you a curious look.
"Uh, yes. Sorry, this is actually the first time I've been here, so I was caught a bit off guard."
The chimera pony let out a little giggle.
"I see what you mean. I may or may not have had a similar reaction during my first visit."
Both of you were able to chuckle at that, when Amble's stomach decided to rumble again.
"So, since you have been here before," You said with a smile, "I wager you probably know a good place to eat."
"I do actually." Amble grinned. "In fact I know of one that was approved by none other than the dragon that saved this city."
There was something about Amble's grin that made you wonder if your wallet would survive this venture.
You follow Amble as she leads you to the restaurant. Along the way you notice a few passerbys giving her bizarre looks, but like your friend you choose to ignore them.
Soon you find yourself standing in front of the Glistening Plater. There were two signs out front, one that stated that this was the first restaurant in the Crystal Empire owned by a griffon and a bat pony, while the other made a clear statement that this restaurant had been given five stars by Spike the Magnificent.
A bell jingled as Amble led you inside. The interior of the building was decorated like some photographs of the griffon homes in Griffonstone, only with some star and lunar designs worked in. The scent of melted cheese and spices filled your nostrils.
Waiting for you by the front counter was a female griffon who seemed to smile as you entered. At least you hoped it was a smile, it was kind of hard to tell with their beaks.
The griffon had gray feathers, which seemed to turn into darker shades the further they went from her head. Her green eyes shining brightly at the presence of her new customers.
"Welcome to the Glistening Plater." The griffon stepped out from behind the desk. "A table for two, I presume?"
"Yes, please." Amble said enthusiastically.
The griffon escorted you both to the main room, where there was a long table space, with counters forming into a rectangle. While the outer sections formed a table space for ponies to eat their food, the inner section consisted of metal panels forming a grill. There was an interior alcove where the chef stood as he oversaw the meals being cooked. The chef was themself a purple bat pony wearing a white apron and a chef's hat.
On the other side of the room, was a long table with some plates and other assortments of food items and condiments.
"My name is Hilda." The griffon introduced herself. "The cook is my husband, Smoke Glare. The way this establishment works, is you go over to that table, grab a plate and two slices of bread, and add what sort of cheeses and condiments you want. Then you come back over here and my husband will grill the sandwich for you. Your final payment will be based off of the number of sandwiches you have made."
A part of you was curious how a bat pony and a griffon became a couple, or even why they decided to own a restaurant in the Crystal Empire. However, you decided to stifle your questions for now. Perhaps someday in the future you could pay them as visit and ask them, when they weren't so busy.
"Would either of you like something to drink?" Hilda asked.
"Just water." Amble answered.
As Hilda left to fetch your drinks, Amble was already walking over to the sandwich table. You decide to follow her lead.
After buttering two slices of bread, Amble begins to put on layer after layer of cheese. While you decide the apply butter to your slices, you aren't as eager as the chimera pony to slap on so much cheese, instead picking two pieces of cheddar.
"You really like cheese." You remark curiously.
Amble gave a wide grin. "Yeah, I think I might have inherited it from my mother. She loves cheese! Come to think of it, I think one of dad's heads likes cheese too."
Once she had finished adding what must have been at least seven layers of cheese, along with two slices of tomato, Amble sprinkles some garlic salt, cilantro and some pepper on top before crowning the sandwich with the second slice of bread.
While you aren't too enthusiastic about the pepper you do apply some garlic salt and a dash of cilantro to your own sandwich.
Now that the sandwiches were complete, you followed Amble as she made her way to the main dining table. The seats consisted of red cushions for the customers to sit on. A few of the ponies gave Amble odd looks as she sat down. You think they might be used to this considering that the restaurant owners were run by a married couple consisting of a griffon and a bat pony.
However to your surprise, even as you sat the chef didn't seem to notice Amble, instead motioning for both your plates. Amble passed the bat pony her plate and you did the same.
The grill sizzled as the chef plopped both sandwiches down onto the hot surface, before turning to check on the sandwiches belonging to the other customers.
"So have you been here before?" You asked Amble.
"Just once," Amble answered, "I had a fun time the last time I was here so I thought I would return."
Amble cuffed her hoof and then whispered into your ear.
"Though the last time, I was here, the chef was so startled he almost burned himself."
It was then that the bat pony gave a slight cough, perhaps indicated that his sensitive ears had heard what she had said. Amble gave a quiet chuckle in response to Smoke's reaction, as Hilda emerged from the back room with a wooden tray holding two glasses of water.
"Here are your drinks." Hilda said as she placed the glasses on the table in front of you and Amble. "Enjoy."
You take a sip of water, the cool liquid quenching your thirst. The ice clicking in the glass.
"So how do you know the princesses?" You ask, recalling her reason for coming here to the empire.
"I was student at Twilight's School of Friendship for a time," Amble answered, "it was there that Twilight along with a few of her other students became interested in learning about creatures like me. After making some friends there, I wanted to share that with other ponies like me and to find a way to give them the chance to do so. After some discussion, Twilight decided to see if there was perhaps a location that could serve as a starting point."
"Is the Crystal Empire your only prospects for a sanctuary?"
"There are a few other locations, on my list. Ponyville was among them, however Mayor Mare wasn't sure there was enough space."
A pang of disappointment, filled your stomach when you heard that. It was upsetting that Amble's sanctuary wouldn't be accepted in your hometown. Though it made some sense considering how many times monsters or crazed villains had assailed the town. It could be confusing if such an attack occurred and a monster pony like Amble got involved.
"Sounds like some political mumbo jumbo if you ask me."
Amble shrugged, "True, but it is much easier to be someplace where you are wanted than to force your way and have others resent you. Plus, Princess Cadence not only expressed an interest in having the sanctuary here, but has also received the approval of her citizens to support it."
'Well, that's good at least. That they might be welcome somewhere.['/i]
There was a sizzling sound as the chef flipped over You and Amble's sandwiches.
"What do you think Princess Cadence gets out of having your sanctuary here?" You asked.
"A few things probably," Amble replied, "the increase in populace could aid an economy that has been low due to being banished for centuries. Plus, the diversity could be beneficial for her daughter, when she's older."
"I suppose that makes sense."
The grill sizzled as Smoke Glare took the sandwiches off, placed them on their respective plates and set them down in front of you and Amble.
"So I was wondering." Amble began to ask, a little blush on her cheeks. "Do you have a special somepony?"
For a moment you ponder the question. While you have met a few mares that caught your interest, things just never seemed to work out. Either they weren't interested in you or you found out who they really were on the inside and decided to cut it off.
"No, not really," You answered, "I just haven't found somepony that I feel I have a special connection with."
"Well, that's a shame." Amble said as she took a bite of her sandwich. "You're a nice guy. Anypony would be lucky to have you as their special somepony."
"And what about you? Do you have a special somepony?"
Amble blushed a little. "I can't say I have. Most ponies probably don't want anything to do with a pony that is half monster and the few I have meet have been a little... creepy."
"Well, that's because they’re looking at you wrong," you answer, "you need to find somepony who looks at all of you, not just your pony or chimera aspects. You deserve somepony who loves you for who you are."
Amble smiled, her cheeks turning a deeper shade for pink.
"Thank you very much. I do appreciate you saying that."
Both of you finished your sandwiches and paid Hilda for the meal before heading back out onto the street. While most of the lights were still present it was becoming clear that most of the city's occupants were going to sleep.
"It's a lovely night." Amble said as you walked.
"Yeah, it sure is."
It didn't take long for you two to find a motel by the name of Inn Nine. A slight silence filling the air as you and Amble stood out front.
"Well, it looks like this is it." Amble said pointing at the building.
"Yeah, I guess it is."
For a moment, Amble appeared to be contemplating something before giving a shrug.
"Well, it was nice meeting you." Amble said as she turned to leave the station.
"Hey, Amble!"
The chimera pony paused and turned back toward you.
"Perhaps if things work out for you here in the Crystal Empire, I'll come visit you."
Hearing what you said, a soft smile crept across Amble's face.
"I'd like that very much."
I give it a solid 8/10 with bonus points for the odd restaurant owners
9465546 Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the story.
It was fun to read
I'm half-tempted to downvote just for that thirsty-ass bio.
9465579 Thirsty-a** bio? What do you mean by that?
Just forgotten 'with' in that sentence is all.
That last sentence is strangely written. Maybe write 'her' where the first 'to' is.
*Ma'am* unless of course its part of his speech.
Its 'stop.'
Your* drinks. :)
Your again. :P
Hey Robi! Its beeb a few months hasn't it? I saw this on the notifications and had to give it a quick read.
This was honestly adorable. The MC (me) was very accepting and honestly curious. Overall very likable. As for Amble she was adorable, would not mind in the least to read future stories with her if you're ever interested!
Have a like a fave.
Oh I loved the odd restaurant owners odd couples are one of my favorite things to read.
PS: Ill get back into my first story with you once I get the chance to catch up to the current chapters.
Hes talking about you giving gratitude to all those people you reference in your bio.
Honestly though gratitude is a seldom seen trait. It just goes to show you who has it and who lacks it. (Shrugs)
9465775 Yeah, I think some of the issues may have been caused my phone as it likes to autocorrect everything I say (stupid, piece of...), though I am a little sad that my proofreader didn't catch it.
I am glad you like the story, I do hope to see you asking some more questions of Roseate when the next chapter comes out.
9465780 I just figure that if someone works hard to help me with my story, then they deserve some credit. If he doesn't like it, I guess that is his problem. I hope that doesn't seem too rude of me.
As for future stories, I was thinking of trying to explore some other characters at first, with the MC meeting new monster mares. However, I would have no objection to writing more about Amble either.
No worries Rosiate is at the top of my to do list! Yeah thats good you show your thanks its a gokd trait.
That was enjoyable, perhaps even pleasant. I can't say I was expecting anything from this, but that is purely a fault on me -- I jumped into the story without reading the description (as usual). Anywho, I think the title is fitting; apt, even.
The characters are almost in shades of black and white. The good are kind and considerate, while the bad are intolerant. While not racist or the like, the stallion didn't have any redeeming qualities. It was apt for a quick encounter, where you learn nothing about one another besides what is shown. But I just can't help make this observation.
All in all, the waiter was my favorite character. Just a random guy doing a job that needs doing.
Anyway, the format was enjoyable and I would certainly be down for reading more like it. I'd like to learn more about what happens next, even if it is just 'headcanon'; what happens to the sanctuary, what happens to Amble and Rite (the nickname I gave 'you'/me), and how that restaurant came to be.
I noticed a few grammatical errors here and there. I'll run through the story and PM you the list of corrections (with the original lines).
9466326 Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed the story and thank you for the grammar information.
Absolutely jolly.
I appreciate that, every once in a while. Inhale le fuzz!
Three things
1. Great story! Very heartwarming
2. Make sequel
3. Make sequel!
Bonus: double Hybrid Foals? Of course once the world gets through the acceptance of such a couple!
9468292 It could happen. I am thinking of having the MC discover a few more monster mares before throwing them into a full relationship. Perhaps I'll even go through the trouble of creating a happy ending for each character.
However, I have to first finish the next chapter for one of my other stories before I can get started on the next story.
I am glad you enjoyed the story. Thank you for your feedback.
Here from Underappreciated Story Society.
Second person narration is a rare thing, and definitely an interesting experiment. I wonder how it would work with more complicated plot (the challenge comes with involving the reader - through second person narration - in events he doesn't really have control over)
One thing I wonder about though is the changing tense - you keep shifting between past and present. Why is that?
9619001 It should all be past tense. Where is it present tense?
Good read there. I always enjoy reading the stories with the unconventional characters. How the Thestrals and other races deal with the rather xenophobic ponies or even the other way around. Interesting dynamics. Soft spot in my heart for the "monster" girls(ponies).
Nice pseudo first date the two shared. The spark is there!
And that's how they met.
Had fun reading this, jumping right into the sequels!
Perusing your other stories has perked my interest, glad I came across this!
9749246 Indeed.
9749898 Thank you. I hope you enjoy my other stories as well.
Great story, keep up the good work!
9995307 Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.
I have more stories that take place in the same universe if you are interested.
10011316 I hope you will enjoy it.
10011322 Awesome.
I just finished reading and I must agree to notions of a sequel. I will say more in the review but keep up the great work my friend.
Saw the latest one, saw it had prequels, came here.
Let's do this...
10615592 alright. I hope you enjoy the story.
It should be noted that my recent story takes place in sort of a darker alternate timeline, just so you know.
I love this!
It's so sweet and wholesome....
10615654 Thank you.
This was very well done slice of life. Brought a smile to my face almost the whole story.