• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,831 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

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Bonus: It was all Fan Fiction.

Author's Note:

Technically this isn’t Canon to the story, but I had this idea from the start but my co author didn’t really think it fit too well. This part was all written by just myself

Anyway enjoy this little silliness

The main library of Twilight’s castle was quiet and peaceful with only the Occasional page turn being heard from its current occupant. The pegasus’s expression was in a constant slow shift morphing from smiling to confusion then back to an amused snicker. What seemed to stick, however, was the look of bewilderment, unable to believe what she was reading.

Discord sat eagerly on the other side of the table leaning his head on his paw. “So, what do you think?” He asked wearing a red top hat and bowtie.”Oh, I do hope you like it. I made it just for you.”

Rainbow looked away rubbing the back of her neck scrunching up her muzzle. “It was uh...unique that’s for sure.”

“Oh? Was there something wrong with it? I know it’s not the most common thing to write about, but you know.” Discord rolled his paw around. “The muse just struck me,“ he said watching Rainbow flip to the next page.

“Okay, but how did you know Daring Do and A.K Yearling were the same ponies. It’s supposed to be secret.” Rainbow said scanning the page some more.

Discord scoffed. “It’s not exactly the world's best-kept secret.” He patted Rainbow’s head. “Besides Fluttershy told me during our weekly tea time. She quite enjoyed the part where you ran away to her house. She said it was quite adorable.”

Rainbow blushed slightly before shaking her head. “Yeah, but why Daring Do?”

“Were you expecting me to make Fluttershy your mother? Please, that would be so cliche.” He rolled his paw again as Rainbow flipped a few more pages. “I do hope I captured your likeness well enough.”

Rainbow tilted her head. “Yeah, I supposed so. You sure got my mom’s clinginess down pat. Creepily accurate too. How did you do that.”

Discord floated upside down nonchalantly. “Oh you know, asked your friends. May have visited your parents. For research purposes of course.”

Rainbow’s wings flared her jaw-dropping. “You told them you were making a story about me in diapers?!” Her cheeks turned cherry.

“Well not directly, just enough questions to get a feeling for who you are. Your mother loved showing me all those adorable foal photos too,” he said with a laugh. “A diaper upon your head, what a classic.”

“It’s not funny.” Rainbow being sheepish as she flipped to another page. “My parents just took a lot of photos.” She rolled her eyes. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had a thing for ponies in diapers.”

“Pfft, whatever gave you that idea?”

“Maybe the fact the story is about me as a foal,” Rainbow smirked. “Are you thinking of having a family with Fluttershy?” She teased, seeing him look away for a second. “I’m also surprised you had the restraint to keep yourself out of your own story. I was half expecting you to come in and save the day at the last minute.”

“Well. I’m not some amateur writer unlike you,” he reached out bopping her nose. “Having me save the day would just ruin the message of the story. I can’t be expected to solve every problem you little ponies have,“ he said, patronizingly patting Rainbow’s head like a dog.

“Hey. I’m not Amateur!” Rainbow huffed whipping her tail. “And don’t change the subject. You must have a weird thing for foals if you wrote this.”

Discord circled Rainbow. “It’s called regression, and it’s not weird.”

“It’s kinda is,” Rainbow said yelping when Discord swatted her flank. “Hey, that was uncalled for!”

“Was it?” He hummed. “Maybe, maybe not. You still haven’t told me if you liked the story or not. Although, given how you’re still reading it, I assume you are enjoying it.”

Rainbow hesitated for a few seconds as she peered down at the current page she was on. She didn’t want to admit it, but… She did rather enjoy the read. Plus reading about herself as a Philly did make her smile. She just didn’t want to prove Discord right. She wasn’t supposed to be cute, she was supposed to be awesome after all. Her actions betrayed her however as she pulled the book closer to her chest easily able to make out Discord’s grin. She groaned exasperated, “fine it was a good read. Are you happy?”

Discord nodded materializing a monocle upon his left eye holding it all posh like. “ indeed, and perhaps maybe I’ve made you think about certain topics differently. Or maybe even your parents.”

“Hey, I got nothing against my parents.” Rainbow huffed.

“Oh, I was just implying you should relax like a child,” discord knowingly said with a smirk.

Rainbow‘s eyes shot wide as she shook her head. “Oh no, nothing like that. There is no way you’d catch me doing such things like…wearing a diaper. “

Discord rose to his feet and slowly made his way over to the door. “Well if that’s all I shall be going. But before I go,” he turned towards Rainbow and snapped his claw.

There was a light flash before the pegasus heard a light crinkling and turned her head only to gasp in shock. Hugging her sporty bottom was a thick white diaper with Wonderbolt print. “Discord!” She immediately tried to pull it off only to find it stuck on snug no matter how hard she pulled on the tabs.

Discord left watching Rainbow struggle in vain with his little prank. “Maybe Twilight will change you when she gets home,“ he said with the toothy grin before snapping away in a flash.

Rainbow‘s cheeks turned as red as tomatoes as she kept fruitlessly tugging and biting at the noisy pampers to no avail “Discord!”

Comments ( 9 )

Besides varius spelling errors, a fun little read indid!:twilightsmile:

Good luck whit the next prodjeckt.

Did a quick once through, fixed them. Most of this chapter was written on mobile.

Yea, I'm certain that the spelling programs in mobiles are programd wrong intentionaly.

I enjoyed the suprise chapter

Not going to lie, should have done a better job proof reading.

Either way, nice job.

Good chappie, but needed a fine-tooth comb treatment for spelling. Still good, though.

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