• Published 21st Sep 2018
  • 2,328 Views, 11 Comments

Whispers of the Heart - Soufriere

While trying to figure out how to express her feelings to Sunset Shimmer, Rarity gets poetic.

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Musings In Iambic Pentameter

The rain falls as I plod along the bank
Of River Ferrus, browned by silt and sludge
My mind descends encompassed by this grudge
Desires to lose itself amidst the dank
Intensifying downpour, ever rank
To see, to feel, to question, and to judge
A Lady’s Heart marred ever by this smudge
Of swirled emotions, only me to thank
For trapping myself in this tiny tank
So unforgiving; great unyielding kludge
A mishmash yet impossible to budge
Yet preferable to walking off the plank?
For in this cage my impulses restrained
Averted sorrow; friendship yet remained

The evening sun shines down upon thy face
As if attempting to assuage thy mood
But thou reject’st its warmth, opting to brood
About thy past, thy sins, thy life, thy place
While I stand near, invade not I thy space
For were I to, t’would be extremely crude
Thou wouldst no doubt disdain my attitude
And I would never melt in thine embrace
Thou didst teach me these funny ancient words
Which I deemed necessary for this screed
In hopes that thou might’st see me as thy peer
Perhaps I asked too much; the feeling girds
I fear my heart shall nevermore be freed
In spite of that, I’ll always hold thee dear

That rainy Fall evening when you came in
Drenched, torn apart, forced down from your harsh throne
Your presence was so much to my chagrin
I pitied you, and threw to you a bone
A truce, perhaps? No, just my job I swore
To ever do my best despite myself
New jacket for the cold you did implore
Reluctantly, I found one on a shelf
How could I’ve known the joy my gesture wrought?
You twirled about the room as if entranced
Enwrapped within that leather coat I’d brought
Spirits revitalized, lifted, enhanced
Your joy addictive, could not help but smile
At you, who’d be my love after awhile

Three years or more have passed since first we met
Since then we were quite mortal enemies
At once you deemed my suffering to please
Unleashing hell I never shall forget
What was I then? Your ever-nasty pet
Forced to stand by while your minions would tease
Or worse, ignore my constant wailing pleas
For rescue from the grim hell-world you’d set
Though I cannot forget, could I forgive?
I can, and have; for I have seen your soul
That broken thing I wish only to heal
The past is in the past; we both must live
If only so we’re able to be whole
Together, I hope we can truly deal

A sunny day yet downpour in her mind
Helpless am I to guide her to the light
My former tormentor, now ever kind
Deserves she not so horrible a plight
But what can I, a mere girl, hope to bring
To mend a broken soul and let it fly
Unbound, unwound, unshattered; ferrying
Itself on Phoenix wings through endless sky?
This I know not, though dear I wish I did
For then I’d always soothe your wounded heart
Would you desire my hand? The gods forbid!
I care not, though, for never shall we part
Much as I long to see you soaring free
My true hope is, in your freedom, you take me

Shall I compare you to a Summer’s day?
Of course not, for I know you prefer Fall
Shall I remain by your side, come what may?
Answer eludes, my head impacts the wall
For in this dance of feelings I can see
No matter what I do, my heart still fails
To break through to your own, thus here I plea:
Please GET IT, so my affection prevails!
Maybe I ask too much of you; perhaps
Your thick-headedness is a clever ploy
To fell me gently that I dodge the traps
Of wasting life in hopes to snare a boy
But men are passé, dear; I want just you
For love and friendship. Don’t you wish that too?

I stole your moped; I apologize
The day grew short, my presence home required
Damned I the consequences or surprise
You’d feel at losing that which I’d acquired
But oh, the name you gave that thing was apt
“Sassy” proved herself such as I rode
Much like a banshee in a tunnel trapped
Barely hung on ‘til reaching my abode
My sister found it, threatening to squeal
I promised I’d return it straight away
And so I did, but my what an ordeal
That purple two-wheeled hellion won the day
Please don’t view me with any cold disdain
To drive your moped caused me enough pain

That humid moonless night ‘midst insect swarm
I slunk along the trail bedecked in black
When caught in streetlights, tempted to turn back
Refused, continuing through stifling warm
To my love’s home -- unlocked, as was the norm
So many times on this I gave you flak
Yet ‘twas my fortune that night; I’d attack
And manifest to you my inner storm
With your knife, I end you with one swift strike
While sleeping; best not you see your end
A way to show my love, frustration, pain
Toward you; I contend we are quite alike
We broken birds together never mend
Yet through this nightmare, I alone felt rain

So many afternoons I watch you crouch
By that white marble door, tempting you home
But this is your world now; and I shall vouch
Your birthplace is naught but a catacomb
Said you yourself ‘twas quite the nasty place
Of war and want and death, fights unending
Rejection by all those within your space
It’s why you left. Who needs that heart-rending?
Stay here with me; I’ll never leave your side
Regardless what others might think or say
My parents hate you, no doubt they will chide
But I care not, for you’re my light and way
Could it be I come on overly strong?
Even if so, my heart cannot be wrong

Through these past months we’ve grown closer, I know
Yet still I can’t tell what goes through your head
Your signals, ever mixed, fill me with dread
That I’ll be dumped like winter’s excess snow
Is your tepid affection just for show?
Would you care if, perhaps, I wound up dead?
Of course! We’re friends. What nonsense have I said?
But I want more; I’ll end this status quo
I’ll have you notice me and love me too
Then finally I’ll open up to you
Smacking you in the head seventeen times
Whilst yelling “I love you!” as my heart climbs
That’s my endgame, my final foolproof plan
Though we’re both fools, I try as best I can

I come upon you laying in your bed
Magenta P.J’s, no brassiere to wear
Your bosoms shift with you; I feel my head
Tilt, following, though I try not to stare
Those massive twin mounds fill my entire mind
With thoughts perverse; my fingers start to twitch
I want to fondle them, help me unwind
My pent-up yearning reaching fever pitch
Soft but firm, like mine, yet far more grand
Bit jealous? Yes, though let my maiden’s heart
Show my desire to have your tracts of land
All for myself, and I will not depart
For we must intertwine in bod and soul
Once I confess, no doubt you will agree
In spite of everything, we’re meant to be

When you stood on that couch, facing away
I noticed your marvellous derrière
So plump yet firm – perfection! dare I say
It gives your form that bit of extra flair
I know you’ve groused at times about your hips
They “give away your age” or some such rot
But I’d give one cheek a peck with my lips
If you washed first, of course; I’m not some sot
Around you, though, I feel much as a drunk
Lightheaded, silly, visions of your rump
Away from you, my mood becomes a funk
With you, words choke, throat twisted to a lump
But your lumps, front and back, make my loins wet
I shan’t give up, dear; I will earn you yet


Author's Note:

Please Read Me.

Comments ( 11 )

Going from angsty to filthy in your progression of love poetry. Quite traditional.

I'm… not sure if that's meant to be a slam or not, but I'll cop to the "traditional" progression.

These were written by a girl not in her right mind.

Not a slam at all. That came across quite well.

Cool. We cool. Hurrah, I got a compliment. :yay:

This is far from the first time I've posted an experimental work on this site. I like subverting people's expectations.

The filthy poems were more difficult to write than the tame ones, for the record. :eeyup:

Not surprised at all. Whenever I write something vaguely in that neighborhood I always find myself overthinking because it all sounds so silly outside the moment.


oh my god just kiss her already


Drenched, torn apart, forced down from your cruel throne


This was really good though. I like seeing creative stuff and you nailed that in this story. Very nice!



…Sh!t. I was worried I'd miscounted one. I'll fix i—

Wait. No. I just spoke it out. It's ten. In my dialect, "cruel" is often one syllable. If I'd wanted it to be two, I'd have put an accent on the 'e'. I still changed the word to "harsh" to eliminate this ambiguity though.

Oh, wait, actually, that was completely my bad. I have this tune in my head that i use to count syllables, but i guess i missed a note in the tune. I trusted my tune over actually counting, sorry about that. D:

But even if had messed up it aint a big deal 👍😀

Now this was an interesting read and with each sonnet(I believe their called) you can tell which part of the stories(if you have read them) that they reference and see more of how Rarity felt during each part.

Also dig this as a way to express what truly is inside one’s heart with all the dramatic-ness that Rarity is known for :duck:

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