• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 3,763 Views, 42 Comments

Vindication - Amit

Rainbow Dash comes out of the closet, but no one believes her.

  • ...
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Comments ( 42 )

...Dash might have missed Twilight's assertion and....

Umm... Pinkie was the one talking just before this sentence. :unsuresweetie:

I'm not entirely sure what I read. :pinkiegasp:

Last line is THE BEST POSSIBLE LINE. :rainbowkiss:

Indeed it is, Fluttershy. Indeed it is.

wha- wha- *goes to cry in the corner*

The most annoying bit? This felt way too much like Shipping Goggles, even without the damned "And then they fucked" line.

Can't really put my finger on it though. Prolly 'cause it's five in the morning.


It appears that Shipping Goggles, too, has all of the six but Applejack.


*shrugs* That might be it. Honestly, I need to be able to think if I want a decent understanding of why they feel so similar.

Right now, I can read, but I can't think.

Sleep. :ajsleepy:

Hmm, I'm a little bit disappointed. Perhaps I was expecting Judgement, which I loved to bits. This story just seemed far too "meta", and it was hard getting invested in it. Perhaps it is good at conveying whatever its message was, but this wasn't a pony fic. I would have loved to read a story about "Rainbow Dash has finally worked up the courage to tell her friends that she is, in fact, gay. "

There's not any real conflict there; I honestly doubt that any of the Mane Six would have a particular grudge against homosexuality. Maybe Applejack, but that's a maybe.

I do remember, though, a story where Twilight was the homophobe. Like, what.

Really, though, I suggest that you consider this one of my Pinkie Pie Turns Into Rainbow Dash's Pubic Hair excursions; my only regret is that this is unlikely to punch anyone in the gut.

This was... unique. I loved the metahumor haha.

Wow. Definitely was not expecting that at all. Made laugh really hard.

DF #16 · Aug 13th, 2012 · · 1 ·

I read this yesterday, and then I gave it something like the... fifth? Fifth tumb down I've given on this site.
Then I went to sleep and now I feel guilty for downvoting and not saying why.

The tags say romance, comedy and random, so I guess the aim was something funny? I don't have a problem with the technical aspects or the subject matter.

I don't exactly know how to express what I want to say, but here goes:
The story is just...empty to me. I don't mean that it leaves me feeling empty or hollow after reading it, that would be something. It doesn't have a spark of... entertainment? It doesn't make me laugh. It doesn't thrill me. It doesn't make me bewildered or make me think anything, shallow or deep. It doesn't even annoy me. It's just a bunch of words on a screen.

The closest I've come up with for describing how it made me not-feel is the following, um... simile?

Think of a kid climbing up a skateboard ramp. After getting to the top, he puts on safety gear. He checks the wheels on his board and gets on it, leaning this way and that, checking if the board creaks or splinters. He does a kick flip and lands back on the board, feet squarely placed. Then he nods, satisfied, and gets ready to start.

He rolls down the ramp, and as he's getting to the bottom he becomes unbalanced and falls on his ass. Not in a dramatic manner, no split lip or busted knee here, just an ass plant and then a slide the rest of the way to the bottom of the ramp. The skateboard continues up the other side for a bit, loses momentum, and roll back down, bumping his foot.

He gets up and dusts himself off. He looks around, bends down, picks up his skateboard and walks away.

The first paragraph can be taken as my reaction to the description.

Some of your other writing is among the funniest I've read on this site, but this... It just never goes anywhere. I guess it generated mild confusion for a moment in the middle, when Dash changed tactics and the others just didn't react, but otherwise, nothing.

I'm sorry. :ajsleepy:

I had to reset the password for this account just to post a copy pasta from dicktionary.com

"uh   [uh, uhn] Show IPA
(used to indicate hesitation, doubt, or a pause)."

I can't tell if this is a serious piece or a satire on all the other rainbow dash fics or both...

That's mainly because these characters don't act like actual people, except in the end: they're playing roles which caricaturise them. That hollowness is something I felt while writing it, because the comedy is built almost entirely on the lack of verisimilitude - I love that word so much - in their thought processes.

No matter how different a world is, it is generally accepted that sapient beings act human. In the terrible acting of Vindication, they act like they're following a script without any memory because they are.

It's a joke about that sort of absurd comedy itself, really; a hint of parody of Kafka's Metamorphosis or any of the countless apathy-based jokes that exist.

It was written as a satire on how a great amount of people insist that Rainbow Dash isn't gay because Rainbow Dash looks too gay to be gay.

She totally is.

It's also meant to be an absurd comedy in itself, of course.

If this was Twilight's idea of a roleplay...... :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

:applejackconfused: Say what now

Oh god, yes. That was hilarious. Me and my friends like to make up random O.T.P.s with kids in my school and when we start writing them together my more serious not included friend just puts "
And then they fucked.":rainbowlaugh:

What the F**k did I just read?

I was going to say this is bad, but I'm not sure I can justly say that. After reading your comments, I realize it could be a brilliant piece of avent garde commentary on something too profound for me to understand. I will say, however, that I didn't like it. I thought it dull, rather pointless, and full of awkward sentences made up of long words forced into meanings they don't fit.:ajbemused:

Okay...this was ....different.

I just spent 10-15 min reading this and going "What the fuck?" over and over again.

Needless to say, I enjoyed this one.

Eh, I think it could work. Maybe not full-blown homophobia per se, but I could see her having a Sparkle Spasm over how it just doesn't make any sense, Tab A is supposed to go into Slot B, that is the entire point of sexual dimorphism, gaaah :twilightangry2:

That's actually pretty much exactly how it happened.

Then, if I recall, it gets quickly resolved with basic empathy; it would be nice if all conflicts could resolve themselves so quickly and so simply.

I found this highly entertaining and amusing, it was a fun fic, some more detail in certain scenes would have been nice but it was really funny as far as I'm concerned. :pinkiehappy:

holly mother of, i was so confused, and scared, oh my, my heart:pinkiecrazy:

Author Interviewer

I really have no idea what just happened but--

“Maybe it's a defective verb only inflected in the first-person present tense meaning 'to not be sure what to say' or as an optative second-person present tense meaning 'to allow to finish'?”


You are some kind of crazy genius, you are.

Does every story have to end with the characters fucking?

It certainly would have added an interesting dimension to Solace.


“What's it like, up there?”
She pushed her hoof to her cold mound.
“Everything,” she whispered.
“And you'd leave that for me?” Pinkie moaned, pushing herself closer.
“‘course I would.”
“And what if you're not real? If I really am just feeling things?”
“Does that really matter?”
No, Pinkie supposed, feeling the wetness begin to come. It didn't.
Dash reached out, her other hoof pushing itself against her teat.
“C'mon. Let's have some fun.”
“Whatever you say, Dashie!”
She let herself be pushed onto the ground, Dash grinning as she let out a submissive 'unf'; for no particular reason, Pinkie reached her head up with her tongue.
The night felt a lot warmer.

Huh. :rainbowhuh:

Hahaha. I love that one sentence before the scene change. I could tell that this was comedy. Light-hearted awesomeness! :rainbowkiss:

What is this I cannot even. I have lost my ability to can.

WHAT!!.. I mean, why would you even... What!

“It's just too bad that Applejack's straight.”


Such what.


was that a fate/stay reference?

“I don't want just any girlfriend,” Dash said, “I want you!” She leaned forwards and kissed Fluttershy full on the lips, her right hoof drifting down between Twilight's thighs and her left between Pinkie's.

As soon as I read she wanted Fluttershy and then kissed her, I practically yelled no. Then I read the rest of it and was glad Twilight was part of it at least.

No offense, but I prefer stories with Fluttershy having Rainbow Dash all to herself.

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