• Published 27th May 2018
  • 4,028 Views, 52 Comments

The Hearth's Warming Surprise - TexasDragon1995

Hearth's Warming has arrived! Now the two long-lived best friends, Twilight and Spike, face the task of announcing to EVERYPONY that they are now a couple. How will they all react to the news?

  • ...

Chapter 2

The Hearth's Warming Surprise

By: TexasDragon1995

Chapter 2

The Storm Before The Other Storm

Morning had arrived easily after another, phenomenal night of Twilight and I comforting each other in the form of ‘we wished it would never end never ending snuggles’.

It was the first morning in which it was I, SPIKE, the number one assistant to the Twilight Sparkle, who had actually woken up first since the night of our glorious courtship!

I don’t apologize for being proud of that. Why? Because since the first morning of us being a couple, Twilight was the one who had woken up first.

That is not right.

For as long as I could remember being more active in sharing the assistant title, I’ve been the one who got up first. Most of the time when I was younger. I did it to always help start her day, the right way. Making her breakfast, getting her the newspaper and laying out her supplies for study sessions/friendship research/royal duties (all of which are completely different).

The morning after we became a couple, Twilight woke up first, but she never left the bed. She stayed cuddled up right beside me and never got up. It was an unforgettable experience seeing Twilight look up at me with a whole new loving gaze than what I was used to. Our first morning as a couple, as amazing as it was, I realized later that same day how kind of weird it was for me not to wake up first. For several years at that point it was always me. I did all of those things I said before because I was her assistant. I knew in my heart that I wanted to keep doing those very same things, but as her boyfriend.

I couldn’t wait for that next morning. Just to see what it would feel like to give the mare you love more than anypony or anything in the world breakfast in bed. Much like the same levels of intimacy we’ve always shown each other, I’d imagine it would feel the same yet completely fresh and new.

Unfortunately, I missed my chance again. I once again became a distant second to her in the waking up department. Though I still did appreciate her nuzzling and kissing me awake.

I honestly didn’t know how it kept happening, especially since I had went to bed earlier that night. Maybe I was simply more tired than usual considering that Hearth’s Warming was always one of, if not, the busiest time of the year. My theory though is that years ago when we were very young I would sometimes cuddle up next to Twilight in her bed back in her room in Canterlot whenever I got scared like a nightmare or a thunderstorm. It was always her comforting me. Therefore, I would be too comfortable to wake up. The more recent times whenever we cuddled in bed were when I was comforting her. Therefore, I woke up first.

But that was just a theory.

A strange one, because the past two nights, before we both fell asleep, I felt like we were both comforting each other equally. Yet, I didn’t wake up first. It was weird. A good weird, but weird nonetheless.

Regardless, after the past two mornings of not waking up first, I decided to take a more direct approach. I used a spell that is essentially an alarm clock, but only for me. I had set the spell to have me wake up at 8:00 in the morning and just like I thought, Twilight was still asleep when I did. After I carefully maneuvered out of bed I left her to catch up on some beauty sleep. Though, it’s not like she needed any of that.

It led me to where I currently was. I was in the kitchen making sure that her omelet was cooked to perfection. Her favorite one. It had daisies, daffodils, spinach and a tiny bit of cheese. Not too much cheese or else it would remind her of a cheesy quesadilla, and I know how much she feared those.

It may sound silly out of context, but I was there when...it happened. So was Princess Celestia and some of her chefs.

There's a reason I cook a lot of the time.

The omelet started to form a few brown crusts along one of its sides. It was cooked to perfection. I turned off the stove and used the spatula to put it on a plate sitting right of the stove. I moved the plate to the kitchen counter in the middle of the room next to the fruit bowl. I grabbed an apple and after washing it I cut it into pieces with my claws and put all the slices on the right side of the plate next to her omelet. I threw the core away and grabbed a tray to put the plate on from the pantry. After putting the plate on the tray I took a fork and knife from the drawer and put them on the left side of the plate. I made my way to an upper cabinet and grabbed a glass cup along with a couple of napkins from the napkin holder below the cabinet. I placed the napkins intricately on the right side of her plate. I grabbed the orange juice carton from the fridge and poured just the right amount for her before I put it back. I finally placed the cup on the upper right side of the tray.


Nothing short of what she deserved.

I was already starting to get that feeling. Even though I’ve made breakfast for her a thousand times before, this time was a little different. Not as her assistant, but as her special someone. My heart started to tickle as I imagined her reaction.

I took the last bites out of my omelet that was sitting on the other side of the kitchen counter. I placed my fork, plate along with the frying pan in the sink to wash later. After I made sure everything else was put away I picked up the food tray with one claw and made my way to Twilight.

I opened the door that led to the large forum of the castle and I couldn’t help but be a little excited about later tonight. Yes, I was still nervous about telling everypony the big news but seeing all of our friends and family together in one place is like what Twilight said, it represented the true spirit of the holiday.

The forum was still highly decorated like before, with reefs and garlands along the windows and walls, red ribbons as well. Multi colored lights hung from the ceilings and mistletoes on every doorway.

Oh Pinkie. I rolled my eyes.

Of course, the main attraction was the tall 50-foot pine tree in the middle that was just waiting to be complimented by the guests. A true beauty.

I continued to make my way toward our room just up the stairs and down the hall. At the end of the hall was our room and on the left adjacent to our double doors was my old room. Twilight and I decided fairly quickly that since we were a couple and we have already cuddled and slept together in the same bed multiple times then there was no point in not sharing a room together. Besides, I couldn’t help but think that if I hadn’t moved in with her she would feel like a mile away, even if she were right there. That, and her room just felt cozier to me despite being much bigger.

I arrived at the double doors and ever so carefully as I could; I opened the left door and pushed it open.

Aaaaaaaand she’s not even there.

Darn it! Come on, it was gonna be perfect.

I saw the bathroom door slightly ajar. Well, might as well make the most of it.

I trotted over to the bed and placed the tray on her side, subtly demanding she get back to bed and actually have breakfast in bed properly. I heard a toilet flush and heard the sink running as I sank back onto my side of the bed. I lay on my stomach; tucking my hind legs in and having my forelegs support me as I my neck and head stood straight up. Just like how any quadruped would do.

The bathroom door opened all the way and Twilight stepped out of the bathroom, clearly all freshened up. As beautiful as ever.

She looked at the bed and noticed the food, then saw me lying on the bed.

We both gave small, genuine smiles.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve Twilight.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you too Spike.” She said as she carefully crawled up on her side, not wanting to spill the food. She leaned and gave me a loving kiss. “And thank you so much for bringing me breakfast, you didn’t have to do that.”

“Well, Princess Celestia didn’t have to raise the sun, but she does what comes natural to her to do for those she loves.” I cracked an admittedly cocky grin.

“Watch it Spike, you’ll need to lower your snugness for today, okay?”

“No promises.”

She rolled her eyes in response as she glanced at her breakfast beside her and lit up like the sun.

“Oh! Is this a daisy daffodil spinach cheese omelet?”

“With apples and orange juice. Now, you have breakfast in bed and relax alright?”

She laid back on her side of the bed with her head against the headboard. I lightly pushed the food tray toward her as she levitated the silverware and began diving into her omelet. She closed her eyes as she chewed, savoring her first bite.

“Mmmm. Great as always Spike. Thank you again for doing this.”

I responded with a satisfying grin.

“You’re very welcome Twilight.” I crawled up next to her on my side with my head against the headboard. I then leaned in and gave her a kiss on her left cheek as she continued eating. It kind of tickled when I did that since she was chewing. “Anything for you.”

She swallowed from her last bite. “I was actually about to head downstairs to see if you were making breakfast, but this is way better.”

I smirked.

“I know.”


“No promises.”

We giggled.

“What about you, didn’t you eat?” She said biting into a couple of sliced apples.

“Yeah don’t worry. I ate as I was cooking yours.”

She simply smiled at me.

My heart was really starting to feel ticklish at that point. I knew it would be worth it. Then again, when was it not worth doing anything for her? I just gazed at her as she continued to eat. She looked back at me and giggled with her mouth full. I looked at her pretty dumbfounded.


She swallowed her food and drank some juice.

“You…” She cleared her throat. “Your face.” She giggled a little more in the most adorable way that only she could accomplish. “What are you thinking about?”

If she wanted the truth, then she shall receive. My face softened a bit as I used my left claw to grab a small strand of her back mane that was splayed across her shoulders. I slowly began to stroke it.

“Nothing. I was just thinking how much I love you.” I said in a gentle, and kind of deep voice that I’m honestly pretty proud of having. Just above a whisper.

Even I was surprised by how much she blushed at what I said. She averted her eyes away from mine, but my gaze didn’t change. She looked back at me but quickly looked away again; with a small giggle.

Cute schoolfilly Twilight is adorable Twilight.

I swear, she’s being adorable on purpose.

I couldn’t help but giggle along with her. I leaned in and gave her another kiss on the cheek. She looked back at me with softened gaze and small smile.

“I love you too Spike.” It was her turn to give me a kiss on my right cheek.

“You finish up okay? Need your energy.”

She smirked at me with half lidded eyes.

“I was already energized as soon as I saw you laying on the bed.”

I rolled my eyes as she started giggling again.

“Twilight.” I facepalmed, but giggled a little too. “There won’t be enough tortillas in Equestria to make quesadillas that can be filled with the amount of cheesiness that came from that sentence alone.”

We were both laughing at that point. My joke was cheesy in of itself but I just had to.

“Okay okay. Let me finish eating.”


After we calmed ourselves down I scooted closer to her where our bodies were touching as she continued to eat. I continued to stroke the back of her back mane.

It was moments like these that helped appreciate even the smallest things that we’ve shared together. Not just the past two days, but also our whole lives. The rollercoaster of emotions we’ve shared will always be treasured.

Though, the past two days were something that I’ll treasure in a deep, secret vault.

Called my heart.

Twilight's right, I've gotta tone down all the smugness.

I trotted back to our room after I got done washing all of the dishes, including the ones from Twilight’s breakfast. We didn’t say much when she was eating, but we didn’t need to. It was also another thing that we never had to worry about because of our relationship, uncomfortable silences.

I opened the double doors to our room and I saw the balcony doors opened from across the room. Twilight was standing on her hind legs with her fore legs being supported by the golden guardrail. She was looking down at Ponyville with a big smile.

I smiled too as I trotted up to meet her. Of course it was a little chilly, but the warmth of our room kept us warm enough. I sat next to her as I looked down with her.

“It sure is a beautiful morning huh Twi?”

“Uh-huh.” She said with a bit of chirpiness. “Almost makes me wish today was Hearth’s Warming morning.”

“I know.”

Comfortable silence reigned over us.

It was a beautiful morning. It wasn’t snowing. In fact, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Everywhere we saw was a clean, smooth, white blanket of snow covering everything. We could clearly see the sun just making it’s way over the last mountain to shine across the town.

The true definition of peaceful.

It was calm.

I smiled.

I looked down at Twilight.

My smile disappeared.

I saw her looking down at her forelegs with a small, sad looking frown.

I sighed.

“You um…thinking about tonight?”

She looked up at me with the same frown.


“Twilight.” I said as I opened my left wing and wrapped it around her. “Everything is going to be fine.” I leaned in and kissed her right cheek. “I promise you that it will. If not, then we'll make sure it will.”

She only sighed. “I wish I shared your optimism.” She said as she left my wings embrace and trotted back inside.

My heart was beginning to ache. I don’t think I’ve seen her this upset since…

No. I’m not going to let that happen.

I trotted back inside and closed the double balcony doors behind me.

I saw her lay new firewood in the fireplace. Once she did that she went to the couch and sat, gazing at the fire.

I really wanted to tell her that everything was going to be fine with more determination, but as I and Twilight’s friends and family learned in the past, that wasn’t going to do a thing. She had to get all of her thoughts out.

How was I going to do that?

Well, there’s only one thing that I could do…

I was going to get her to freak out.

If I were going to get her to do it, then I’d need to ask her the question that would get the ball rolling.

I trotted up to the couch and sat on the floor next to her so I could be a little more eye level with her. She noticed and we looked at each other.

“Okay Twilight, tell me right now, what is the worst possible thing that could happen?" I said with emphasis as if there really isn’t anything that bad, but I’d wait and see what Twilight would come up with.

She looked at me as if I’d grown a second pair of wings.

“What’s the worst thing that could happen?” She said barely above a whisper. “The worst thing that could happen?” She then said, almost on the verge of yelling.

Perfect. Now drive it home.

“Yes Twilight, what’s the worst. Possible. Thing. That could happen?” It was getting a little hard for me to not smile, I guiltily admit, but come on. As serious as the situation was, seeing Twilight freak out is one of the very few wonders of the world that very few creatures would ever get to see. Yet I’ve seen it more than anyone, all in her adorkable glory.

Her face was contorting in an abstract of ways as she was trying to say something.

But she could only snap.

Everything Spike! Everything is the worst possible thing that could happen!” She practically flew off the couch and in the middle of the room and started pacing.

The first part of her freak-outs were the ‘what if’ scenarios.

“What if all of my closest friends actually don't accept us?!”

Impossible, if it’s not murder or espionage they would support anything we do no matter what.

“What if Cadance will think that us being together will be the true abomination of what true love means?!”

If the changelings could get to where they were today, from being love-sucking monsters to one of the most peaceful nations on the planet then who could possibly doubt love? Besides, I honestly think Cadance would be happy if Twilight fell in love with a freaken yeti. Only if that love were true…which it wouldn’t be!

“What if Shiny does want to beat you up?!”

If he sees that I actually would fight him just to be with Twilight then that alone should tell him how much I care about her and we’ll have a laugh about how ridiculous the two of us were being over O&O.

“What if Princess Celestia thinks I’m no longer capable of making good decisions and takes away my title of being Princess of Friendship?!”

Uh…ouch Twilight I’m standing right here.

“What if my own parents disown me?!”

I sighed. I really wanted to speak up about that one but I had to let her keep going.

“W-what if…” She’s gonna say it. She says it nearly every time. “What if Princess Celestia sends me back to magic kindergarten?!"

Seriously. Why? Why did she always go to that ‘what if’ every time?

“What if the nobles riot in the streets?”


“What if Prince Blueblood gets jealous?”


“What if all of Equestria and the world don’t accept us? What will we do?”

And just like that she has moved on to the ‘what will I do stage’. Except in this case it’s what will we do. She’s never included me in one of her freak-outs before. I’m honestly kind of touched by that.

“We’ll probably have to move far away from all the hateful eyes from everypony, but where. I don’t know if the dragonlands would accept us despite how close we’ve gotten. Maybe we can start our own village…no, our own kingdom!” She said with such cute determination. Oh Twilight, if only you could see yourself. “Yes! Our own kingdom! Somewhere in the central plains of Equestria. We’ll call it... Amare! Where the first amendment will be that anyone can love anyone or anything that they desire and nopony will ever tell them that they CAN’T BE TOGETHER!!!

She stopped pacing as she was trying to breath with her mane lying sporadically across her shoulders. She had her head down, gazing at the floor.

Final stage: letting everything sink in.

I gave a small, gentle smile as I trotted over to the middle of our room where she was sitting. She was still looking down, almost shamefully. I sat in front of her, but still wasn’t looking up at me. I took my right claw and put my index finger under her chin and carefully guided her head up towards mine.

Her eyes were shimmering a little and she was looking at me with a sad frown, but I still smiled.

“Twilight…” I said as I grabbed the back of her mane with my left claw and began stroking it to help straighten it. “…do you really believe in everything you just said?”

Her eyes went downward for a second but came back up immediately.


I removed my right claw from her chin and cuffed her left cheek, which she rubbed against.

“I figured. Some of those ideas seem rather outlandish.”

She blushed with embarrassment, but smiled.

“Yeah. You um…you did that on purpose, didn’t you.” She looked at me in a playfully accusing manner.

“Heh. Well, I wanted to help you get your feelings across. Even if it had to be in your own crazy way to get you to do it.” I smirked.

She lightly hit my chest as we both giggled. She sniffled and wiped away any water from her eyes. Her gaze softened toward me. She stood on her hind legs, wrapped her forelegs around my neck and hugged me.

“Thank you. Thank you for letting me vent.” She then kissed me on the lips.

We separated, but I nuzzled her nose. I then motioned for us to sit on the edge of the bed so we could properly look at each other when we’re talking. I sat to the right of her.

“So Twi. To get to the main issue, what are you really worried about when we tell them that we’re a couple? Again, I hope it’s not one of those sporadic claims during your freak-out session.”

She glared a little at me and rolled her eyes. She sighed.

“Honestly, I’m not worried about them separating us or anything like that. I’m not even sure why I was actually worried about the nobles in the first place.”

“Thank you.”

She giggled.

“I think…what I’m most worried about is how they’ll treat us after we tell them.”

I was paying deep attention to her while never taking my eyes off of her. I held her right hoof with my left claw.

“Like how?”

She averted her gaze, but in a way that made it clear she was hesitant to continue. She had to though. I tightened my grip on her hoof and decided to unravel my left wing and embrace her. She looked back and I smiled at her.

“Come on Twi, you can tell me anything.”

She smiled, but it looked sheepish.

“Even if it’s weird? Like...really weird?”

“No matter how weird.” I replied without hesitation. Yet, what was weird about our situation?

“Well, it’s just…” She took a deep breath. “We see ourselves as best friends, right?”

I raised a brow at her.


“Right, but um…what if..." She took a deep breath. "...what if everypony doesn’t see us as just that?”

I raised both my brows at her.

“Then isn’t that a good thing? If they see us as more than just friends then-“

“No no, not in the way we want them to, but in a…different way.”

I was lost at that point.

“Twilight, you’re literally not making any sense right now.”

A blush came across her face.

“Well, w-what if they um…see us as…as…” She mumbled something at the very end but I didn’t hear it.


“What if they see us as…brother and sister.”

“Twilight, seriously I can’t hear y-“

“What if they see us as brother and sister!”


Uncomfortable silence reigned over us.

Twilight had her eyes closed. She slowly opened them and looked up at me. Her right eyebrow was raised. Probably wondered why I was staring at her with the most deadpan expression she may ever see on me.



“That is, literally, the stupidest thing, that I have ever heard.”

Her eyes widened as if I just said the stupidest thing.

“Twilight, where in Equestria did you get that idea? Last I checked, we’re not even the same species. Other than the fact that we are both the color purple we have zero things in common appearance wise. So, where is this coming from?”

Yeah, seriously.

She took a deep breath

“Okay Spike, first, you do know that I’ve never seen us in that way before, right?”

“Right. As for me, the only time I’ve ever seen you as a sister was years ago when I was like 3 or younger. After that, you started to treat me like I was older and smarter…”

“Because we knew how much smarter you really were for your age.”

“Exactly. As I was becoming you’re assistant, that was when I started to see you as a friend because we were both able to support each other, instead of one over the other.”


“Then where the heck did you get that crazy idea from?”

She sighed.

“Remember about a few months after we moved to Ponyville and you we didn’t have much to do? We were bored; we haven’t gotten much exercise so we decided to play catch with a Frisbee in the park?”

I had no idea what that had to do with anything.


“When you threw the Frisbee too far and landed behind a tree I went to get it. I picked it up and another Frisbee landed beside me. I saw Derpy trotting towards me and she picked up the Frisbee. She turned towards me and said, ‘It’s not easy is it?’ I asked what she meant by that and she pointed toward her sister Dinky who waved at us. I then looked at you and saw exactly what she meant. I told her you weren’t my brother but she said she knew that. She said bye and ran off before I said anything else.”

She looked at me with concern.

“So, she knows we’re not brother and sister, but assumes-“

“We have that brother and sister dynamic.”

“Twilight, that’s just her opinion, she-“

“No it’s not Spike. It’s not just her. It’s…well; it’s just about everypony here in Ponyville. Canterlot too since we’ve lived there for years. I especially assume that it’s pretty much everywhere in the world! They’ve heard the news about our adventures. They’ve known you as my young assistant. If everypony in Ponyville made assumptions about us having that brother and sister dynamic over the years then there’s no reason that everyone else in the world will assume as well!”

I was still sitting and listening intently to every word she said.

“There were many similar incidents just like the one with Derpy. Even though nopony has ever said it they have made the same subtle assumptions. Even after I would make it clear to them that we weren’t brother and sister they would say ‘I know’ but I always got the feeling that they believed we still had the relationship of one.”

“It was the age difference wasn’t it?”

YES!” She yelled, but she used her breathing technique. “At least that’s what I believe.”

“Well, we’re adults now. I mean, back then maybe they saw us like that but-“

“I think they would still see us the same way now Spike. If they everpony in Ponyville and everyone around the world saw us as a brother and sister then they would see us as one now. It doesn’t matter how old we get. If…I’m afraid if we announced to everypony tonight that we’re a couple then…” I heard her sniffle. “…then they’ll think our relationship is…incest.”

I looked back at just a few of the memories of us interacting with each other. Every time I did before it would always be me looking back at a time of us being the best friends. I only saw the best friend dynamic between us.

I sighed again. I saw our interactions with one another in the past, but from an outside view. Honestly, I could kind of see it. It was kind of surreal. Like a veil had uncovered my face. It actually kind of made since…

You know what?



I unwrapped my wing around Twi and got up from the bed and started pacing around the same spot Twilight did.

“No…no. No. No. No. No. No. NO! NO! NO!”

I stopped and looked at Twilight with a newfound determination and she looked at me with confusion as she got her sniffles out of the way.

“Spike, what is it?”

“Twilight, don’t you know what just happened to me?” I continued my pacing. “I almost ruined what we had all because of the assumption of others! I tried looking back at us being together as that whole ‘brother and sister dynamic’ and you know what? I didn’t like it! Why? Because it’s not how I remember it! I almost tainted my own memories of being with the best friend that I love all because of how others saw it! I almost saw you as a sister for a second and…” I had to shake my head and legs to get rid of the chill I had. “…it was not pleasant! I understand how others may possibly feel when we make the announcement and how weird it may be for them, but that’s the point. We are not them! We are us! When we look back, we see ourselves as the way we remember it and how we look at ourselves now! Nopony else or nobody else! We can’t let their assumptions ruin what we have! We can’t let them dictate our lives! We are in control of our lives and if they don’t see us the way we see ourselves then WHO CARES!!!”

I stopped and looked back at her. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates with her right hoof over her heart. I continued.

“You want to know how I see you Twilight?” I slowly trotted toward her. “I see you, as my one and only best friend who not only happens to be the most beautiful mare to have ever and ever will walk the face of the Equestria…” I stopped right in front of her. “…but is also the mare I love more than life itself.” I leaned in and gave her a peck on the nose. “And nobody, in this world will ever make me change that outlook.” I paused and took a deep breath. "Now, how do you see me?"

Her face changed to an expression that I wasn’t able to read. I was honestly a little concerned, but I still wore a determined smile.

In one. Quick. Fluid motion.

Her horn lit up.

I was off the ground.

I was flipped over her.

I landed in the middle of our bed.

And she flew her entire body right on top of me.

Our muzzles connected.

In the most satisfying of ways.

Our tongues danced around our mouths.

My arms and wings wrapped around her perfect body.

Her forelegs were around my neck.

I have completely submitted to her.

We were in bliss.

Note to self. Opening my mouth leads to make out sessions.

Our muzzles separated and we breathed carefully.

We were both genuinely smiling at each other.



“You’re right.” She said as she leaned up but was still on me. “You’re absolutely right Spike.” She said with so much determination.

“Thank you. I’m glad you agreed with me.”

I smiled at her with gentleness.

“No Spike, listen.” She grabbed my right claw with her left hoof. Along with her levitation she lifted me up against the headboard of the bed where I sat as she sat in front of me. “I’m tired of this.”

“Tired of what?”

“I’m tired of not thinking for myself! As princess I may have an obligation to help and satisfy others, but what about me?”

My heart was racing as she spoke with such conviction. I was beginning to smile excitingly.

“Yeah.” I said in response.

“I’m honestly kind of tired of thinking about others so much. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I have to think a little about me for a change.”

“Right.” I whispered

“As much as I love making everyone in the world happy, I want to be happy too.”

“Yes.” My voice rose a bit to normal.

“I should be able to want things too and I want to be with you. To be able to love you.”

My heart continued to race.

“Not everyone may agree with that, but they don’t see what I see. I may try to help them understand why I feel the way I do about you, but if they still don’t see that, then it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be with you.”

“Exactly.” My voice got a little louder.

“Even though this past year has proved that I can be happy by myself, I think I’ve waited long enough to be with the one I love.”

“Yes!” I said louder.

“I’m tired of feeling bad! I’m tired of being sad! I’m tired of feeling upset, angry and depressed!”

“Yes!” I yelled.

“I’m tired of it all! I'm taking control of my life and despite all the 'naysayers' and all of the assumptions they may have about us, I WON’T CARE!”

“Yes! Yes! YES!” I yelled at the top of my lungs and out of pure instinct I grabbed Twilight and pulled her toward me to hug her.

My eyes were watering.


This was the Twilight I really knew!

She may have been much happier this past year, but she still somewhat lacked that ‘Twilight determination’. That attitude where she wanted things to get done as diligently and best as possible. Instead, she only walked around with a soft heart. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but I knew Twilight. She can have an extremely tough and even sometimes gritty attitude. It’s that attitude that sparked my drive to do anything I could do for her to the best of my abilities because she always held things to a higher standard.

This time, she’s holding herself to a higher standard.

And I couldn’t be prouder.

That’s my Twilight.

How I love her.

She broke out of my hug and looked at me with such determination that it sent a chill down my spine. I assumed she saw a few of my tears but that didn’t stop her from wanting to get things done.

“Spike, listen.”

“I’ll never not listen to you.”

“Here’s what we’re going to do.”

“I’ll do anything you ask me.”

Her eyes went half lidded. She leaned in, rewrapped her forelegs around my neck and pecked my lips.

“I know you will.”

Another chill went down my spine.

The way she said that was so…so...


Did I just call Twilight…my long time, best friend…the same mare that still giggles like a little filly on Hearth’s Warming morning whenever she uncovers the tiniest bit of new information while researching…the exact same mare that will be broken out of her concentration because somepony moved her quill from across the room…


It was getting too hot in here too fast.

I swallowed.

“W-w-what do w-want to have me do?”

She started to gently rub my neck.

I started to sweat a little as she was still staring into my vulnerable soul with her berserker of a half lidded gaze.

“Tonight…” She nearly whispered to me as she leaned in and kissed my right cheek. “…at the party…” She kissed my right jaw line. “…after the third slow dance number…” She kissed below my jaw. “…that’s when we’ll make our way to the top of the stairs in the atrium…” My eyes widened as she kissed my neck. “…we’ll stand side by side of each other…” She kissed my neck again. “…get their attention…” She kissed me. “…they’ll all look at us…” She kissed me. “…and we’ll tell them…” She kissed me and leaned into my right ear. “…we’re in love.” She sexually whispered and kissed me on the ear.

No words.

She leaned back. She still had her half lidded gaze as she looked at me and giggled at what I knew were my wide eyes and slightly opened jaw.

“You got it?”

"Y-yes." I barely squeaked out as I nodded.


From our opened bedroom doors we heard the doorbell ring. We looked towards the doorway, then Twilight looked up at the clock and saw that it was 11:00 A.M.

“Oh! That must be the servants, cooks, and staff members here to put the tables and chairs up, cook the most of the food and…well serve us for the evening!” She said in such a giddy manner as if what just happened a minute ago…didn't happen. “Now, you come down when you’re ready okay?”

"Okay." I nodded.

“Great!” She leaned in and pecked me on the nose. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

Just like that she teleported out of the room to go help.

I closed my eyes.

Placed my claws over my heart that was still beating furiously.

And on my face was admittedly the dreamiest smile that I know my lips have ever produced.


It was ten minutes until 6:00 P.M. When everypony was supposed to arrive. While all the servants and staff members were busy making the final touches for the evening, I was still up in our bedroom waiting for Twilight to get ready.

Everything was going good downstairs. The food was looking real good and the tables and chairs didn’t effect any of the decorations. The staff members were able to bring in the food that the Apples and the Cakes made just in time for tonight.

However, what wasn’t going good was up here in our room. Twilight has spent 20 minutes in the closet trying to put on whatever it was that she was trying to put on. For me, I have nothing on. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put a dash of cologne on.

No harm no foul.

I trotted next to the closet door and knocked.

“Twilight, we need to be down in ten minutes, what’s the hold up?”

“I’m almost done. I just need to clasp…this thing…on and…”

“You sure you don’t need help?”

“No! For the last time Spike it’s a surprise.”

Pff…stupid surprises.”

I trotted next to the couch and leaned against it. Just as I was making myself comfortable I heard the closet door open.

My eyes widened.

She closed the door behind her and looked at me with a confident grin.

“So, what do you think?”

What do I think? What do I think?!

She was wearing a beautiful Hearth’s Warming outfit that resembled what was commonly worn before Princess Luna’s banishment.

She wore a red robe with the classic holiday white fluff along the edges as it traced just before it got to her flanks. On all four legs she wore red socks with the same white fluff. A red poncho adorned her neck along with a red ribbon with green and yellow edges tied snuggly just below her chin. To top it all off she had on the traditional Hearth’s Warming cap.


…she was beyond cute.

I trotted over to her with a small smile. I leaned in and gave her a deep, loving kiss. She cuffed my cheeks with her soft socks.

I pulled back and smirked at her.

“Did that answer your question?”

She smirked back at me.

“No. You just kissed me.”

We both giggled.

“Okay, how about this? Twilight, you need to form another word that means more than just beautiful because I can’t think of one.”

“That was just a statement. You still didn’t an-“

“You’re beautiful, okay?! Sweet Celestia.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

She giggled at me as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

“Thank you. You also look very handsome as usual.”

We both gave genuine smiles.

“Lets head downstairs we got like five minutes.”

We then both trotted out of our room and continued down the hall. She was trotting to the right of me.

Just cause, I opened my right wing and wrapped it around her.

She leaned her head on my shoulder in response.

Once we got to the top of the stairs in the main atrium (the same place where we’ll announce our courtship the everypony) Twilight broke my embrace and cleared her throat.

“Attention everypony!” All of the servants, staff and guards who arrived later turned their gazes toward Twilight. “Please let me say thank you all so much for taking the time out of your own personal lives to help make tonight truly special for all of my friends and family. As well as the rest of this town and other guests. For your time and hard work I guarantee you all two weeks off for you to make up lost time with your families.” All of the ponies quickly bowed and murmured genuine thank you's.

“I know that with all of your help, you’ll make this the best Hearth’s Warming Eve ever! Thank you!” Everypony bowed once more and went off to their duties.

Twilight and I both looked at each other and nodded.

She teleported us to the front door just as the clock struck 6:00P.M.

We both looked at each other once more…

...and smiled.

“So Twilight. Are you ready?”

She took a deep breath and stared at me with confidence.

“I’m ready when you are.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for taking the time to read this :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 37 )

It's time!!! Yes. Also great chapter with Spike's internal dialogue.

Overall, this is good, but the whole brother and sister thing was odd to me. I get that they don't see each other as such in this story, but it almost felt like you were attacking people that see their relationship that way. I don't beleive that was your intention, but that was the impression I got.

Thank you, I'm glad you're liken it so far :twilightsmile:

Hmm, I went back and read through some of it and... yeah, I guess can kind of see that :twilightblush: But you're right about my intentions. I have NO intentions of badmouthing or attacking those who see their relationship like that. Heck, I see their relationship as just that in the show.

This is a case where you're afraid of what people think of you, in some cases the more you think about it the more you worry or afraid of assuming the role that they assume you are. Overall, I wanted to convey that they're afraid of what everyones going to say about their news and I wanted to choose a subject that could help cause great fear in them. And the brother/sister dynamic came up for me at the time. The way they're expressing against that is them saying is 'No! There's no reason to worry about what others think of me because I already know who I am and I won't let peoples words discourage me for being the way I believe I'm meant to be.'

But, with that being said, I guess it does seem a little too strong. I was feeling inspired when I wrote that. It's not meant to be words of anger but words of passion.

But I could tone it down a little when I get to it.

Thanks for your feedback I appreciate it. I hope you're enjoying everything else though :twilightsmile:

Another great chapter! You're keeping me hooked.


Wow. Nice job at addressing the whole "Brother-Sister" thing. I actually kind of hope that instead of saying anything, Spike and Twi just kiss in front of everyone. The reactions would be priceless.

Can I restate that fluff commetnfrom last chapter too? Seriously, you have a talent for writing fluffy romance fics. I could see you doing this with a lot of other ships. Fluttercord, Twicord, SpikeXEmber (Don't know their name), and who knows what else.

Also, I like how Twilight is beginning to recover from her depression, though I hope you'll still have it linger around if you continue. Its certainly not as big a problem, but depression isn't something that just goes away. I feel like now that Twilight finally has a special someone, her depression will instead manifest into doubts about her self-worth for Spike.

Thank you, I was really nervous on how I would write romance when I first wrote Number One Assistant, but from the feedback I got there I've since felt much more confident. So thank you for saying so. (FlutterXSombra has honestly been more my cup of tea :twilightblush:)

As for how you think they'll tell everyone, well...lets just wait and see :ajsmug:

You're right, depression does NOT just go away. If you look back at my previous story you'll see I kind of addressed Twilight's self worth toward Spike and how she felt toward him since her birthday. You may ask, well how is that possible if they weren't even together yet?

Well, again...lets wait and see :ajsmug:

So much love for this chapter! Go Spilight!:moustache::twilightblush:

Thank you, glad you're lovin it :twilightsmile:

Can someone tell me the name of this ship?
Great story, by the way. :pinkiehappy:

I gotta say seeing this story having a sequel sure does puts a smile on my face tho I don't want to ask much but I'm hoping that I get to see Twilight's own P.O.V flashback about how she had feelings for spike back then when spike had given a speech about her at her birthday, I just want to see her reaction from her perspective. But anyway I'm really glad your making a sequel to this and I'll look forward to what u have in planned for our lovely couple in the next chapter :)

I'm glad you addressed the elephant in the room in this chapter. I myself, am on board with Spike's view - I see them more as friends than non-biological relatives. I'm also glad that Twilight and Spike know how they will defend themselves if anypony cries out the I-word.

I really hope to see more of this.

Pls don’t be dead. :(

Hope this continues for the holidays!

Blueblood will be jealous. He knows he will never get the rank of cutest royal couple in Cosmarepolitan now.

Thank you for your comments I appreciate it :twilightsmile:

I'm sorry for giving diabetes, but I don't condone the way anyone here got em :pinkiecrazy:

Hey dude glad to see you're back can't wait to see how this amazing story continues

I hope you update the story on this holidays

i just finished reading your Prequel and it was amazing i hope sequel will be just as amazing

Hey, friend! Still here waiting. Dont think I forgot about you or your amazing Spikelight stories. :)

I have to say that this might be the best Twi-Spike fic I've read so far. Hope you get around to finishing it!

Genuinely hope this fic (and your writing) isn’t dead. I know college is a bitch but I really do hope you come back someday.)

I would like more please.

I don't know when this story will get an update but I can't fucking wait!

It feels likes it's been to long I hope he's doing okay with covid and all that over the past year

Comment posted by Faithful Follower deleted Mar 22nd, 2022

Looking forward to reading more of this story. Great work. :twilightsmile:

Still waiting patiently... :twilightsmile:

Hope all is well and that we can see an update soon

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