With the Peace and Harmony of Equestria threatened by the Zebras and the Caribou, Equestrian salvation may lie with the deadliest weapon ever to ride the rails
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Rest in peace,
To those have fallen
Hello Marauder 15,
And yes, to the 2,721 Ponies, and 153 Humans, they are gone, but not forgotten. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of Freedom, and will be remembered as such.
man that is the most badass line ive heard so far besides some of the lines that Arnald Schwarzenegger says in some of his movies
for an armored train to have 4 quad mount turrents that house 406mm guns (16in) and all these modern weapons i would at least assume that the train would have one “Sea-Wizz” anti air system on board it
Hello Wolfie566,
And yes, this is one of the most bad-ass lines in the story. Don can actually be pretty savage when he wants to be, which unfortunately isn't too often. However, when he does, quotes like this happen!
Hello Wolfie566,
And yes, we most certainly do! I call them Phalanx Cannons, instead of Sea-Wiz, but they're the exact same thing. I mentioned them specifically several times in a few past chapters, and while I'm not allowed to say how many the actually train has, it's in the neighborhood of 8.
(And yes, if you're wondering why there's a useless pillbox located on the front platform on top of the spiked plow-catcher just behind the engine's headlight and front number plate, that's because it became too iconic to remove. Plans were underway to install a brand-new mini-Phalanx cannon on top of it, and this was scheduled to be done during the train's refit just prior to the Battle of Vegas, but unfortunately, the parts weren't ready yet. Some of them were, but not all of them. Don groaned, and ordered the gun to be installed just after the Battle of Vegas, but due to the train arriving in Equestria, it never gets the front Phalanx-cannon. 4, almost 5 years later, there's still no cannon, but this is because the Equestrians are having a hard time manufacturing the necessary components for a Phalanx Cannon of that size. Don't worry though, by the 4th story in this series, (aka 3 stories after "Battleship Express", the train WILL FINALLY get that much-needed mini Phalanx-Cannon for the roof of that front pillbox!)
hmmmmmmmmmmmm where have i seen that line befor- AH!
Yeah, that's what I was referencing with this scene
Where's Discord in all this? Or does he not exist in this universe or was he not given a second chance to be reformed by Celestia? I'm curious cuz Discord could easily destroy all the zebra and caribou without much effort.
Hello NoobMaster69,
And in all honesty, it completely slipped my mind to write Discord, or Zecora, into this story. I wasn't thinking about either of them at the time, but a few others have asked about them. And because of their inquiries, I have decided to address where they've been, and what they've been up to, in a future story in the Battleship Express Saga. Not to spoil too much, but both Discord, and Zecora exist in the Battleship Express Universe, and will have major roles to play in the Saga's future
What Season does this take place during? Twilight isn't a princess, Discord and Zecora don't appear, and Ember would never side with sexist pieces of crap.