With the Peace and Harmony of Equestria threatened by the Zebras and the Caribou, Equestrian salvation may lie with the deadliest weapon ever to ride the rails
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Definitely a AU. They have built in censors!
Hello Silentwoodfire,
And yes, it is an AU. I tagged it as such, but just for confirmation, this IS an AU!
I hate it when authors add “censors” to the dialogue. It makes me cringe.
Hello Regandex,
And I know that it may be a little bit cringey, but yet, it does serve a purpose. In all of my writing, I try not to use cuss words. HOWEVER, there are times that involve scenes where a word like one is necessary. I censor F-bombs, and I say, "Gosh-damn", instead of....well, you know. I try not to swear at all if I can help it, but when I do, I try to keep it as clean as possible. This is just a personal preference, so please don't be mad at me!
they played the song “Erika” on an american union pacific armored train.....now its a “Auschwitzsturmjagdflaktragerkugelbegeleitbesonderkraftfahrzeugblitzpanzerflugabwehrkanonebefehlswagenpanther 428/6 IV Ausf F (DAK)” armored train
Hello Wolfie566,
And no, the train is NOT Nazi! I just liked that Wehrmacht marching song, so I used it here.
So... I like the premise and can suspend my disbelief, but I have to say you make doing that... really hard. (Not only is the mc half a furry, but he wears a kitsune mask and he has a talking dog... this is... fine...)
I'm not trying to bash or be negative mind, its your story, these bits just really stick out to me.
Also, it really feels like this is more of a continuation of the prologue than the first chapter. I really feel like maybe just introducing the mask, the fact the mc had a girlfriend with only a brief mention of her death, and not telling us everything about these events around them at this point would have probably beneficial to the story, leaving these questions to be answered later by the mc to a character they've learned to trust as the story went on. Hell, you can say so much about a characters feelings or history about something in just the way they act or interact with an object.
At least that's just my two cents on it. I've still only read these first two chapters, but like I said, You've got me hooked into the premise. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
I'm just hoping its not a complete curb stomp.
Hello AccountNameInvalid,
And yes, Leopard is only half-Human, or to be more specific, he's a Human-wolf. This is because of a super-soldier project gone bad, but I don't talk about that until later on in this story, and the series as a whole. (Yes, "Battleship Express" is just the beginning. It currently has 2 sequels, and a 3rd sequel is in the works). The Kitsune mask is actually a little jab at my brother, who got me into Anime a little bit. I thought that Kitsunes were cute, and I liked the mask, so I decided to include one for Leopard. And yes, Leopard's wolf Aurora talks, but this is thanks to medical enhancements. Again, I talk about this in dept later on in the series.
And I tried to make this its own chapter, but yeah, I guess that it does feel like a continuation of the Prologue. Oh, and Lilly wasn't Leopard's girlfriend, she was his 3rd wife. His first wife Ell died in WW4, his second wife Carla died during WW6, (or so Leopard thinks!), and Lilly died during WW6 as well. He's a widower 3 times over.
And I tried my best with the first parts of this story. It does get better as it goes along, and believe you DO NOT want to miss it, OR any of its sequels! This whole series together is known as the "Battleship Express Saga", and it gets EXTREMELY amazing. This story alone builds up to its greatness, and believe me, it WILL start getting interesting very soon! It's NOT a curb-stomp, it's just a little bit slow at first.
Anyone who followed Hitler should be considered as big as a monster as he was.
Hello Luckyfanisaac,
And good catch
And the only thing cool about the Nazis were their uniforms, and that's because they were designed by a Boss. Hugo Boss![:trixieshiftright:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/trixieshiftright.png)