• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 2,272 Views, 34 Comments

Chess Game of the Gods Spoof Chapters! - Cloud_Surfer

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Carl the Creeper

Carl the Creeper
By Cloud Surfer

“What a loser, having a My Little Pony mod for his Minecraft,” the bully yelled into my ear. Well, I guess you could call him a bully, since he harasses me on a regular basis.

In actuality Anthony, that’s the bully, is picked as much as I am at school every day, but here in the Internet Cafe, he’s in charge. He is the king nerd, and no one here is really willing to argue much with him. While in school everyone makes fun of him as the three hundred pound fatso, in the tight quarters of the Cafe he tosses his weight around in both a figurative and literal sense.

For my part, I just quickly slammed my laptop shut and attempted to excuse myself from the scene, but couldn’t find a way past Anthony’s fat blobulous form. “Trying to run away Carl? What, want to run off to watch videos of pony sex now?” his fat voice. I still don’t know if that made sense, but this guy was just that fat.

Just as I was about to utter my witty response, some deep bass voice that just screamed authority yelled “You two trying to start trouble?” Glancing down the hall, it looked like a Spartan from 300. THe guy was jacked up and looked as if he could throw both of us out of the damn building.

Now this may not seem odd since it looked like a fight was just about to break out, but the only internet cafe in our town was owned by the two biggest stoners. They really don’t care what happens as long as nothing breaks, so having some herculean dude threaten the two of us sorta made us lose our train of thought.

“Well, if that’s the case I have the perfect arena for the two of you,” and with that he lunged forward and punched Anthony in the face in a blinding flash. The moment I could see again Anthony was gone.

“What the fuck!!” was all I managed to start yelling before the guy turned and delivered a nice right hook into my face.

Waking up in a forest is never a good thing. This feeling is multiplied when the last memory you have is getting hit in the face by some massive meat head. First thing I noticed though was that I was standing. The second thing was that I had four legs.

In my completely sane moment of panic, I glanced down and what I see has me baffled. Words pretty much fail to describe it, so I’ll just give you an visual This guy. I'm sure you know the name of it.

“Liking the new form eh you little shit?”

Glancing over, I see the asshole who punched me just standing there. Behind the meet head was a Deku Shrub from Legend of Zelda. It started making those squeking noises they make and gesturing between the meathead and me.

“Anthony?” was what I wanted to say, instead it only came out as a “Hissss”

“Don’t bother trying to talk, the lot of you are in Equestria now. Welcome to the game! I’m Hercules, a demi god. I decided I’d have a little fun sending the two of you into this world. Your job is to try and live as long as possible. Have fun!” With that, he vanished.

I turned my attention towards Anthony and started to slowly approach him. I was a creeper, he couldn’t do anything to me unless he wanted to explode. Anthony seemed to notice this and turned tail and ran as far away as possible from me.

Being content with scaring away that bully, I proceeded to head in a random direction hoping to find a pony I could proceed to hug. It took me most of my day, and it was night by the time I saw a pony. It was on the roadside into a small little town I guess near Canterlot, since that mountain had been looming over me the entire town.

The pony itself was a magenta unicorn mare, with brilliant green eyes. Her cutie mark was a heart as well. Once she got a glimpse of me, she seemed rather interested. “Why hello there fella, what going on with you?”

“Hissssssss” was all I apparently could say, but I put on the best sad face i could with a creeper face.

“Aww, you look lonely, do you need a hug?” I eagerly nodded my head. As the mare approached me with a grin, she continued on, “My name is Tenderlock, my special talent is giving hugs to spread cheer!”

I inched out and laid my head on her back as she wrapped her hooves around me. I felt a warm tingling feeling in my heart as we were hugging. It was the best feeling, like all of the tension of my life was just trying to burst out and be replaced by joy.

“I have a quick question though, why are you blinking white?”

Blinking white? Why would I be blinking white, I’m just a creeper... Oh shit “Hisssssss”


The End!

Author's Note:

Just a little something I wrote while bored. Nothing special or serious.

Comments ( 5 )

So is there going to be a random animated shrubbery running around now?

Still funny.

And thus, Carl wins the medal for quickest death in the chess games.

You're damn right there is!

Heh heh heeeeh

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