• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2023


The End!


Spike and Twilight take a train to a familiar place to meet up with the newly made king. Spike is very excited to see his best friend, Thorax.

Warning: Gay interspecies romance, goofy and cheesy events, changed-lings

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

Wow! This is really awesome! Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more soon.

8108574 Let's hope I don't take a month to make a chapter again XD

How's the story coming along?

HA! Looks like Spike's starting to crush on a certain:moustache: Changeling King. LOL

Oh, and please keep the rating at T please. We've already got enough porn crap out there, we don't need more....:flutterrage:

Calm down, it's T only because of questionable dialogue, no actual sex

That's Fine. I just remembered that you had sent an update (I think?) that said if someone wanted you to change the rating to M instead of T, then just to let you know.

No I was talking about a spin-off story to this. Not this story itself

It's okay, I'm working on the next chapter right now by the way!

8154641 Tell me if you like it ^^

Boom! Awesome story bro. You deserve a nice bag of potato chips! ( Hands you chips)

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