Takes place right before Newbie Dash, though may contain a few references from future episodes.
Special thanks to Berry Delight for proofreading this! Go on and leave a follow!
After a rather peculiar dream, Dash is forced to think about somepony who she had loved dearly betraying her.
On the other hoof, Twilight has asked of her a request which both excited her and formed a sense of dread in the pit of her stomach…
Cover Art By Me
7324867 Not yet. Update will be every three to five days. I'm just getting a head start so I'll have an extra chapter in case I get busy
One month for one stadium? Wow, that's a very quick construction team. Most stadiums take at least a year to build.
And get yourself an editor, please.
7324986 yeeaah, I was considering the fact they usually take over a year but, it would be absolutely preposterous that the 'Bolts stay for a year…
Besides, this is Equestria.
And you think I've not tried? It's not as easy as you might think.
7325361 Haha, thanks. I was trying to do something a bit different so I guess it worked! XD
feed me more
7325493 update coming in a few days per schedule
OMG yessss!! This looks good
7325674 thanks
I now actually read it (after a day... Yes thats how slow I am) I really like it. Like. Really really. Like really you should defiantly carry on and not leave for a year or something then write again. ... Thats really annoying.
7328796 Coming soon :3
7329067 Haha, don't worry. I have chapter 2 written. I just wanna finish chapter 3 then post chapter 2 :3
Yay owo Thanks! (For updating so fast unlike me XD)
7329159 it's summer soo…XD
Oh... dang I forgot. I'm still at school because im stuck in the UK... School isn't out for another month...
7329193 oh yeah, forgot that school's not out there.
I love this XD
Getting better and better
Keep it up bro
Ima be waiting 4 DA update
7334174 Thanks!

7334233 Don't worry, I'll try and not update only once a month
Rainbow got a sign from the heavens!
Can't wait till next chapter!!!

I can't wait 4 DA rest
, Can't wait for more. 

I really love the chapters so far.
i hope in the ending it will be good with soarindash together.
7350543 almost done!
7350692 glad you like it so far!
nice story!
but wait... did you see that?
lets look a bit closer.
3.666 words.
soarindash1 = illuminatti confirmed
Um im confused, what was Dash worried about?
7388954 idk
7388962 We'll see
I would have laughedmy head off if she flew off really fast and soarin just said "k bye!"
Wait. Bombs are canon in equestria!? Why didn't I know this!?
You got no friends and you got no fans
it cupcakes noooooooo
7390887 finally someone got the reference!
7389606 encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPfBxIXelHMC0Bfwffb5-SIC9Mr3B79tricTrvOiWRwsrHX3qZa1eEPhtYCQ
Ooohh now that is something interesting to read in this chapter, funny, silly, great and also fun to read in. Love it.

I wonder what will happen on the next chapters, and great chapter story, keep up theamazing and funny sweet work, im really looking forward to the nwext ones.

7393478 if you like can't-say-it, you're going to love the next ones
Cupcakes nooooo everyone's gonna die
7394678 They can't escape the The Pinkie Pie
No Rainbow! Don't be careful! Make sure you let more things slip so he'll know it's you!!!!
So when do you think the next chapters are coming in huh huh huh
im really exited and wanting to know what will happen next. What will happen between soarin and rainbow dash when they remember there past as foals, and the promise he made?? 
when when? 

7408175 I'm currently working on it and hopefully it'll be soon enough.