New story!! · 6:06pm Jun 22nd, 2016
This is going to be my first story so... Idk if its gonna be good.OH HELL NO ITS GOING TO BE AWESOME! Its going to a SoarinDash fanfic cuz why not? To be honest its probs the best ship in MLP. So anyways I'll finish the first chap and yea..I'll try to update as soon as possible since its summer and I finished all my exams so I'll be working on the story but to let y'all now that I have a life and i'm not going to stay in my room all day and stare at my laptop
, oh and for the follow 
Thank you! No problem
Thanks for the fave!
Welcome to FiMfiction! 
Like said no probs! And yah u got them writing skills! Keep up the awesome work