• Member Since 13th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2017

Professional Horse

do not disturb sleeping book horse


An elderly stallion stands atop a cliff, looking at the valley below, at the black clouds rising from burning shrines and temples. The temple behind him is the last one standing.

And then she arrives. The sacred Princess herself.

The warm, beaming smile that once decorated her face is gone. Her eyes do not eminate kindess, but hatred.

As he looks at her, he sees something else, something hiding beneath the flaming veil.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

I thought I recognised The Emperors crusade in there, The Last Church is one of my favourite stories with After Desh'Ea :twilightsmile:
Hope you write some more, stories of Celestia during this time are a favourite of mine.

Headcannon accepted.

I think the story's tone works I just felt like there needed to be a little more to the last part. Why is celestial fine with letting ponies worship her given her actions to stop that very thing? How does making her abode in the only place of worship she didn't destroy help her at all?

Am I'm missing something here?

6806164 Hm, you're right, I should've explained things a bit more at the end. Oh well, this happens when you decide to have no pre-readers. Not sure if I'll change anything at this point, because I feel like I'm done with this. Thanks for the feedback, nevertheless!

6807381 This is refreshing to see. Many anti-theists I've come across are just as mindless and dare I say brainwashed in their opposition to religion as the religious zealots they try to oppose. It's like they themselves are religious zealots for some paradoxical anti-religious religion. You, however, are reasonable.

Likewise, I like to think I'm a reasonable religious person. I take many biblical passages with a grain of salt. I recognize that, regardless of the nature of its divinity, the Bible was ultimately physically penned by mortals, and thus contains numerous imperfections, especially translated versions, which are missing a lot of context due to the nature of language differences. I also recognize that it's not meant to be a history book, science book, fact book, or law book. It's a guide book-- that's basically all it is.

Strange how this sort of discussion came about as a result of a story about magical talking horses...

6807591 MLP:FiM has proven a useful catalyst for a staggeringly wide range of stories, which this site bears ample evidence to.

And I echo your praise of 6807381 BTW. I'm an atheist too, but so often people just can't articulate "view the world through the lens of reason" vs. "down with all believers". Physically wrecking churches and idols disperses the faithful and drives them to worship to where they can't be seen (often for revenge against or protection from the wreckers, which quickly leads to a desire for violent reprisals), but getting the ignorant to see strangers as fellow people does far more to combat the twisting of long-dead wise ones' words to justify oppression and violence.

Exactly. It made me rather happy. The Last Church is an excellent story.


Although I say they have different motives. The Emperor wanted to weaken superstitious thought and religion to weaken the Chaos Gods and to toughen up humanity. Celestia probably does want to 'toughen' up the ponies (that is make the stand on their own hooves) but mostly as guy here says, she's feeling guilty and this is more of an atonement.

6807950 A few things I'd like to point out. First is something you seem to have been misinformed upon: Catholics do not do circumcision. I don't know of any Christian groups that do. Whatever source you got that bit of info from was incorrect. The only thing Catholics do to a baby is wipe some oil on their forehead and splash a tiny bit of water on the back of their head, and even that is usually saved until they're a little under a month old.

Secondly, regarding the guide book thing... Have you ever heard of the Jefferson Bible? Thomas Jefferson (yes, that Thomas Jefferson, the U.S. president) took the gospels and edited out all the religious stuff, leaving only the philosophy of Jesus. Whether you're religious or not, Jesus had some good ideas. I just wish more of my fellow Christians would listen to them, but that's a discussion for another time and place.

Granted, that's only part of the Bible. I do know there are parts of the Bible that some consider less that morally right, but since I admittedly haven't read it nearly as much as I've been encouraged to, I am in no position to debate about that one way or another.

6806490 Fair enough! Have fun with future writing!

6808464 I didn't think of the appeal to authority. I was just using the Jefferson Bible as an example of a non-religious application of biblical philosophy. I probably should've made that more clear.

I think my religion has made me a better person. I have noticed changes in myself. Without it, I'd be a pervy homophobe with little respect for those outside my social circle. I know, in a way, some may consider it ironic that I learned to not be homophobic from being a Christian. Mostly, I just listen to the good stuff, like how we should love everyone, not just those who love us in return. I'm hoping that that at least is a phrase you can at least partially agree with. Everyone has a good point at least once in a while, and the writers of the Bible (and, by extension, the people they write about) are no exception.

As an unrelenting optimist, I am not afraid to admit that I have a tendency to overlook bad things in favor of the good when analyzing and judging things. I'm not blind to the bad parts; I just see them as less important. Some may accuse me of cherry-picking the best parts and call me a hypocrite. I think of it more as finding diamonds in piles of manure, so to speak. I'm not just talking about religion, either. This tendency is probably why I was able to enjoy the Star Wars prequels and the live-action Transformers films. Not really relevant to the discussion, but they're examples.

In short, while religion isn't for everyone, it works for me. I think I've said all I have to say on the subject. My short attention span is wandering away.

If my interpretation is correct, she no longer believes herself worthy of being worshiped, but Starswirl convinced her that it'd be wrong to force her belief in her non-Divinity on others.

What would happen if God stopped believing in himself?

Where's the Warhammer 40k tag?

A good book that has any example like that is Christopher Moore's Lamb the gospel according to Biff Christ's childhood pal. While it's written to be a Comedy it does have believable moments such as Jesus doubting if he is the messiah even traveling and studying different religions to find an answer.

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