• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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~*~*~Act One: No Strings Attached~*~*~

"Hmmmrmmfff..." Betsy chewed on a leafy cupcake napkin. The flakey remnants of brown chocolatey bits lingered on the rhinoceros' gray, wrinkled lips. "Mmmfff... y'know... there are some hippy yahoos out there who make edible versions of these thingies that go around the breaded part of a cupcake. And if you ask me... that's total bull bunk. Sometimes you should just have something stupid to chew on after making love to your sweet-tooth. Just 'cuz."

Pots and pans rattled. Drawers opened and slammed shut in the distance.

Betsy's hairy nostrils snorted. As she chewed on the leafy fabric in her mouth, she glanced around the brightly colored confectionery with a squinting expression.

"Grffff..." She waved her horn around. "Why's this place of yours so damned peppy? I swear... it's like my old boyfriend ate a mountain of cherries and just... muckspreaded all over the friggin' room and tables. Hrmmmf... no shit. The color scheme you've got here is like Alcoholics Anonymous for ladybugs. For realsies, girl. I don't know whether to eat in this place or wrap the entire establishment over my shoulders and go hunting for quail."

More rattling. The kitchen echoed with cacophonous rummaging noises.

Betsy sighed. "Ptoooie!" She spat the fabric out and glared across the bakery. "Sweetie Drops, I don't mean to be a bother, but just what in the holy name of hippopotamus clitoridectomies are ya doin' over there behind that counter?!"

Downtown Ponyville – Bon Bon's Bountiful Bakes – Ten Minutes Into The Former Agent Sweetie Drops' Latest Conniption Fit

Bon Bon panted and panted... fumbling through drawers and cabinets full of random metal utensils and lopsided kitchen equipment.

"Come on... come onnnn..." She gnashed her teeth, sweating bullets as her peach hooves made a mess out of once-orderly tools. "Where did I put the d-damned thing?! I know it's not at home! I always figured this would happen at work! That's where everypony sees me!"

"Yo!" At last, Betsy stood up, knocking a table over with her mammalian girth as she marched across the eatery. "Equestria to Sweetie Drops! Are you still alive? Or do I gotta skin your pelt off and raise it at half mast?"

"I'm here, Betsy," Bon Bon grunted, frowning sweatily into her frenzied search. "And it's 'Bon Bon' now."

"Pffft! What the hell kind of an alias is that?!"

"A very unassuming, non-threatening one!"

"Yeah..." Betsy snorted. "Like 'Sweetie Drops' was any more grizzled, ya furby."

Bon Bon glared over her shoulder. "I also happen to be very fond of it."

"I can tell! You put a lot of love into those cupcakes... maybe a bit too much. Lemme guess?" Betsy tilted her head aside. "New stallion in your life?"

"Mrmmmfff..." Bon Bon searched.

"New mare?"

"Grrrrrffff..." Bon Bon searched and searched.

"... ... ..." Betsy blinked. "...don't tell me that you special order from Naughty Wyvern. I thought that was Sharp Quill's sticky schtick."

"I'm looking for the syringe, okay?!" Bon Bon barked over her flank, huffing and puffing. "I... I seem to have misplaced it," she murmured, red in the face.

"Wait..." Betsy's eyes narrowed. "...you mean the League Issued Blood Sampler?"

"Mmmmmmmmm..." Bon Bon hung her face, hiding her blushing cheeks. "...yeah."

"Snkkkt—pffft—hah hah hah!" Betsy's thunderous laughter rattled the glass windows to the place.

"Shhhhhh!" Bon Bon leaned over the counter, grimacing. "Keep it down, will ya?!"

"Girl, you're something else, y'know?" Betsy smirked. "You let me sit down at your table. You stuff me full of chocolate cupcakes. And after all that fru-fru shiet, now you wanna screen me for being a changeling?!"

"Well, it's st-standard procedure, isn't it?!"

"What, the cupcakes? I'm sure that was the furthest thing from Chief Agent Sombra's mind. At least before he turned evil and started... I dunno... rubbing crystals all over his butt."

"Betsy, I'm serious!" Bon Bon sputtered.

"Girl, if you're serious, then you don't even know I'm Betsy! I could be a huge doppelganger come to suck your juices out! Hell... I might be ten of them buggers in a suit, ready to dance all over your ass and call it a holocaust!"

"I'm out of the loop, okay?! Can you blame me?!"

"Pffft... in a town like this? No, ma'am." Betsy rolled her eyes. "'Ponyville'... hrmmmfff... real original. That's like if I grew up in a place called 'Hornland' back in the Zebrahara." The rhino sighed. "Look. Sweetie Drops. I'll make it easy for ya..." She reached towards the front counter.

"Huh?" Bon Bon turned, blinking. She flinched. "No-no-no! Betsy! Don't! It's not necessar—" Glass shattered, causing Bon Bon to wince.

"Look..." With casual grace, Betsy took the sharp end of a broken sundae dish and sliiiiiiiiiiced it across her left shoulder. Crimson blood oozed out in tiny little rivulets. "See? Totally not green or sticky! So... I'm not a bug! Just your good ol' rampaging rhino buddarette. Ya happy?" Betsy smirked.

Bon Bon let loose an exasperated sigh. "You really... really didn't have to do that."

"Pffft... it barely tickles." Betsy tossed the remainder of the dish behind her. "Besides... the blood matches the paint job!"

Bon Bon winced as the rest of the dish shattered. "You believe I'm me, though..." She gulped. "Right?"

"Don't worry. I ain't gonna make you do the same thing, girl. Besides... you never cared much for Linkin Pony."

"Okay... so..." Bon Bon faced her from across the glass counter. "...let's start again from the top."

"Well, I'm not sure there even is a top to start from no more!" Betsy glanced at Bon Bon incredulously. "I mean... if Chief Agent Horizons never bothered to page you... then something tells me the ball's no longer in your court. Unless..." She squinted. "...you done dropped that ball."

"What? No!" Bon Bon folded her forelimbs with a huff. "I assure you, Betsy, I've been loyal to the cause of the League for every hour of every day of my hiding!"

"Yeah. Super." Betsy smirked. "So... how many times do you say the mantra between slapping cinnamon rolls together?"

"I'm not kidding." Bon Bon spoke in a serious tone. "All this time... I expected to be called back into duty... but it never happened."

"Did you never once think to contact the rest of us yourself?"

"Well... no. Because I was attempting to lay low."

"Even when the Bug Bear got lassoed? That happened here in your town, girl!"

Bon Bon shuddered. She glanced aside, brushing a hoof over her blue and pink bangs. "Yeah. That was... s-something else, huh?"

"I'm tellin' ya Sweetie Buns... it shook the whole world when that bastard finally fell back into Tartarus! When I heard the news, I leapt up and kissed the closest pony to me! Heh... too bad I was workin' in a morgue at the time."

"So then..." Bon Bon leaned forward. "You've been called? You... Haze... Sharp Quill? Is everyone back in Canterlot?"

"Well... no. But we've been told to wait further instructions," Betsy said. "Me, Haze, Sharpie—we've been chatting up a storm ever since we got word from Horizons. Getting to reconnect and know each other again... just waiting for the order to move in. I swear... this has been the longassiest year that ever did longass'd."

Bon Bon swallowed a lump down her throat. "Is... is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, girl. To be honest, I was a bit worried that we hadn't heard from you. A bit, mind you. It takes more than a tiny dosage of abject loneliness to skewer this horn-valkyrie." Betsy snorted. "I wonder why Horizons never sent you a message?"

"It doesn't exactly surprise me," Bon Bon muttered, gazing aside. "The last time I saw her—the last time I saw any of you... she was implying that I... erm..."

"Yeah? What?"

"Ahem... she seemed to wish that I... just settle and live a normal life here in Equestria."

"You mean drop out of the League?"

"More or less, yeah." Bon Bon waved a hoof. "She used Dad's... ... ...Chief Agent Sugar Cane's death as leverage for her argument. And... let's face it... I was waaaaaaay too young to be doing the same kind of things that you and others were doing."

"Didn't stop you from kicking flank in Stalliongrad that one time!"

"Yes, well..." Bon Bon smiled bashfully, fussing with her bangs again. "A mare knows how to make do."

"So... Horizons gave you a sappy speech about going out on your own, huh?"

"Pretty much, yeah. She even gave me her life's savings."

"No shit?"

"It made sense. After all, she was going to go work with Princess Celestia and Luna," Bon Bon said. "By now, the regal sisters must know everything about the League."

"Maybe..." Betsy fidgeted. "...maybe not."

"Huh?" Bon Bon blinked.

"You know how I said that communication has opened... but we haven't been asked to go anywhere yet?"

"Uh huh..."

"Well, according to Horizons, it mainly has to do with finding the right spot."

"You mean..." Bon Bon's muzzle hung agape. "...the League's not gonna operate out of Canterlot anymore?"

"Well, we kinda sorta burned that place to shit over a year ago."

"Good point..." Bon Bon rubbed her head in thought. "Then—like—where else is there to hide out? Manehattan? Fillydelphia?"

"Those were my guesses. But then there was something that Horizons said that didn't make much sense."

"What was that?"

"She said 'we gotta wait for our new friends in the Royal Council.'"

"Royal... Council?" Bon Bon cocked her head aside. "But they operate below Luna and Celestia."

"Right!" Betsy nodded. "Which means that—shit you not—the League may be more common knowledge than we thought."

Bon Bon stared off, heavily contemplating that. "Just... what the Hell has Horizons been up to?"

"Perhaps Celestia and Luna have told her to spread the love around, so to speak."

"How so?"

"Well, think about it. The Bug Bear's back in chains, and that's some good shit. But there are still plenty of Tartarusian freaks lurking about... not to mention a changeling queen that's been missing for Goddess-knows-how long. Celestia decided on complete deniability—just as Horizons and your dear old Pops predicted. If it's time to put the League back together, where can you put them besides Canterlot or the Palace of the Regal Sisters?"

"Well... if the Royal Council is part of the planning process now..." Bon Bon thought aloud. "...then I'm guessing that the nobility are getting involved. And they function hoof-in-hoof with Equestrian aristocracy—" She froze, blinking. "Betsy... do you suppose that...?"

The rhino nodded. "They're gonna privatize us. The League's gonna be operating on a donated budget."

"But that's... that's..." Bon Bon grimaced. "...so sucky!"

"I know. Sharpie and Haze feel the same way. But every time we ask Horizons about it, she clams up over the sound stone leylines... tells us not to get our thongs in a twist." Betsy grumbled, "And now I hear about her trying to shoo you away... you... the daughter of the best damned Chief Agent that the League's ever had!"

Bon Bon bit her lip.

"Something's fishy in monster-hunting land," Betsy muttered. "I came here for more than cupcakes and bloodletting, girl. I came here for answers."

"I'm... not sure I have any, Betsy."

"But together, maybe, we can figure it out. I mean... this place is Lameville." Betsy smirked. "Not like you have anything special planned in this downstream salmon egghole of a farm town, right?"

"Ermmmmm..." Bon Bon fidgeted.

"... ... ...right?"

"Ahem." Bon Bon marched out from behind the counter. "We should... uh... talk about this somewhere more private." She locked the front door and pivoted the dangling store sign around so that it read "closed." "Someplace where we won't accidentally spew forth the secrets of the League any more than we already have."

"Ohhhhhhh... the serious panties kick in." Betsy smirked. "What's the matter, Sweetie Box? Afraid that the local lavender monarch might be listening in? I hear she's a very nosy one, that Twiggy."

"Twilight," Bon Bon corrected. "And, no, I'm not worried about her." She tilted her chin up with a proud smirk. "Because I happen to know that Princess Twilight Sparkle is currently busy with very... very serious matters at the moment."

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