• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The End of the Vacation

The End of the Vacation

Alex smiled as he sprawled out in the sand, and soaked in the sunlight.

After a few hours in the amusement park, they finally decided to call it quits when Dash started complaining of stomach pains again. Last thing any of them wanted was to be vomited on a second time…. Or a first time, in the case of Applejack and the Princesses.

So now, besides Rarity and Spike, they were all present at the beach, and loving every second of it.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie called, for the millionth time, “Wanna build a sandcastle?”

“For the last time, Pinkie!” Dash groaned, “No!”

“But it’ll be so much fun!” She begged, “We can make a little moat, and fill it with water!”

“What are you, five?” Dash asked.

“I wish!” Pinkie said, changing topic, “Five year olds get away with so much! They get to spend all day playing, and go to parties with all their friends, and not have a care in the world!”

“That describes you perfectly, Pinkie,” Dash said.

“Oh yeah!” She smiled, “I guess it does!”

“So can you please leave us alone here?” Dash asked sincerely, “I just wanna spend some time with Alex alone.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie said, backing off, “I understand that you and him need your time together! And that means that I can’t be interrupting!”

She gasped.

“I’m so sorry!” She said quickly, “I don’t want to keep interrupting! Have fun!”

And with that, she bounced away, leaving the two alone on their corner of the beach.

“Gotta love that attitude,” Alex said, still looking at the sky, “Pinkie’s awesome.”

“When she’s not trying to drag you around Ponyville,” Dash laughed, walking over, and lying down next to Alex.

“Mhmm,” Alex murmured, closing his eyes.

“So, have you had any Dax thoughts today?” Dash asked, a bit worried that she might make him uncomfortable.

“A few,” Alex said, clearly stiffening up at the query, “I’m surprised I’ve kept it all under wraps so far, Especially after your little incident on the roller coaster.”

“Well, if you need to vent, then feel free,” She offered, “I can put up with it.”

“Thanks,” Alex sighed, closing his eyes, still on his back.

Alex quietly muttered a few of the worse swear words as Dash listened in curiously listened to him. She watched his face as he obviously went through a few different emotions, from happiness, to frustration, to anger, to laughter.

“How did Dax put up with himself?” Alex asked suddenly, surprising her, “All these thoughts are just coursing through my brain. Things I… never think about?”

Really, since Alex had been honest with himself, and accepted Dax, he had to admit that most of the parks of Dax, were just the very worst parts of him. Those dark, angry thoughts he usually suppressed, were so close to the front now, that he had a hard time telling the difference between them, and his normal-happy thoughts.

“You know what else is funny?” Alex said, looking to her, and she listened intently, “I can remember everything he did.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I remember that conversation you had with him before he died,” He recalled, “He told you he had a huge poll.”

Dash cracked a smile.

“Which is odd,” Alex said, losing himself a bit to his new attitude, “Because in this world, I’m hung!”

“You’re… fine,” She shrugged, making him sit up, with an offended look on his face.

“What does that mean?” He asked quickly, “You’ve seen bigger?!”

“Only like, eight or nine other guys,” She said nonchalantly, “And you’re like, six on the size chart.”

“You have a chart?!” Alex shouted, standing up.

“Of course not!” She shouted back, standing up, “You didn’t believe me, did you?”

Alex was quiet.

“I guess Dax was a bit jealous, too!” Dash laughed.

“So, were you joking about the nine guys too?” He asked quietly.

“You’re an idiot, Alex.”


“Sister!” Luna called from the water, sitting in her ducky-shaped inner tube, “Join me in the ocean! We’ll swim as we once did before our royal burdens took over our lives!”

“You mean, when you went to the moon?” Celestia asked.

“Do you insist on holding that one SMALL incident over us?” Luna bellowed, “We had a bad few years!”

“Alright,” Celestia said, standing up, “I’ll come in.”

“Wonderful!” She beamed, “Twilight! You must come in as well!”

“Maybe later, Princess!” Twilight called.

Luna was a bit awkward to be around. Everypony automatically assumed that Twilight was just ‘okay,’ with Luna coming back, and being a princess. But the truth was, she was foreign to Twilight. And because of that, she didn’t truly consider her to be a princess.

For her entire life, there was one ruler of Equestria. Celestia. Now, this new pony was back, and automatically had a fifty percent stake in the kingdom. Of course, she loved Luna as one of her dearest friends. But this Princess was silly. She didn’t carry herself with the same regality that Celestia did. And somehow, she was able to draw her own silly attitude out of her sister, Celestia.

It was like seeing your mom get really hopped up on sugar, and start acting like a NORMAL pony, instead of the authority figure you’ve known your whole life.

But that was just it. Deep down, Celestia was just as much a pony as Twilight was. And her sister brought that happy and playful side out of her. The Princess needed to relax too, and this is how she did it. By goofing off with the sister she hadn’t seen in a thousand years.

“By the sun Luna, I’ll soak you if you splash me one more time!” Celestia threatened.

A silence followed.

Luna splashed her and was then thrown up in the air by a geyser of water.

“Tia! I apologize!” Luna shouted from the top of the pillar of water as she desperately tried to get her rump out of the inner tube, “We have learned from our mistakes!”

“Good,” Celestia said politely as Luna was carefully lowered back to the water, as the geyser vanished, “From now on, please try not too—“

Luna splashed her again.


“Where do you think they are?” Rarity asked, looking at the populated beach in front of them, “I feel like we’ll be looking for hours!”

“Hmm…” Spike said, scanning the shore, suddenly seeing a giant ball of water form, and drop on a flailing pony, “I’d say that’s a safe bet.”

Looking over, Rarity nodded, “That part of the beach is near-deserted! Wonderful!”

Trotting through the crowds, they passed a concession stand where a familiar apple-bucking pony stood, trying to balance a large number of plastic containers filled with lemonade.

“You need some help?” Spike asked, seeing her struggling with the five cups on her back.

“Thank heavens!” She said as Spike and Rarity each levitated a few off, “Ah’ thought ah’ was gonna make a huge mess!”

“What have you been up to today?” Spike asked.

“Well, ah’ though my family would’ve liked tuh see me, but they’re outta town for the week!” She said, walking alongside them, “What’re the chances?”

“Sorry to hear that, dear,” Rarity said, levitating one of the drinks to her mouth, and taking a sip, before realizing that she probably just took one from somepony else.

“It’s fine,” Applejack shrugged, steering the conversation away from how disappointed she actually was, “What’d y’all do today?”

“Some pretty awesome stuff!” Spike said triumphantly.

“Like what?” Applejack inquired, curious since she hadn’t seen them at all today.

“Well, for the first time, I got to—“

“My goodness, how far away are we from everypony else?” Rarity asked quickly, “Spike, would you run and check?”

Applejack eyed her.

“Sure!” He said, running off ahead of them.

“What was that all about?” Applejack asked, “What’d you two do?”

“N-nothing dear!” Rarity said quickly, “Nothing at all!”

“Wait…” Applejack said, her eyes widening, “You two didn’t…!”

“Even If we had done anything, it would be unladylike to discuss it!” Rarity said quickly.

“So you DID do somethin’!” Applejack announced, jumping next to Rarity and lowering her voice, “What’d y’all do?”

“I already told you—“

“Ah’ know, but if you HADN’T done somethin’, you’d’ve said: ‘Ah’m not that kind of pony!’” Applejack announced as Rarity felt herself blush, “YOU. DID. Sumthin’.”

Rarity sighed in defeat, “Fine, we may have—“


“Hey, Alex!” Spike said, “Guess what I did today!”

“What?” Alex asked, looking to him from his spot on the ground.

“I beat up this HUGE pony and saved Rarity!” Spike announced proudly, “I was gonna tell Applejack, but Rarity cut me off for some reason.”


Finally, the day passed, and they all loaded back on to the train, ready to go back to Ponyville.

The day had been pretty positive for them all and had somewhat made up for the huge catastrophe at Haven Station.

“We should be back in Canterlot by dawn,” Celestia announced to the ponies on the train, “So please, get a good night’s rest, and we’ll have you on the way home to Ponyville tomorrow morning.”

“Thanks Princess!” Applejack said first, with everypony falling in behind her with their own thanks.

“I’ll see you all in the morning,” She smiled, walking out of the train car, leaving them all to their own devices.

“Today was nice!” Twilight said, to everypony, “I got to catch up on some reading, bought some supplies, relaxed on the beach, heck, I even got free cake!”

“Dash did too,” Alex laughed, “Then she shared it with all of us.”

“I was hit by a piece of cake myself!” Rarity said, shocked at the coincidence, “So was a mare I was arguing with! What are the chances?”

Applejack stood in the corner of the car, silent.

She knew where that cake had come from.

She knew who had sent it into the air.

She knew everything.

And she would take it to the grave.


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