• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 3,741 Views, 26 Comments

Morning Magic - RarityEQM

Twilight finds something as simple as getting up in the morning can be a challenge for some ponies

  • ...

Not a morning mare

The gentle touch of gold sweeping over Ponyville didn't take long to find the shadowy room of the Golden Oak's Library. It crept in slow through the window, bleeding in across the floor and slowly spread through the room until it reached the cobalt muzzle resting comfortably atop lavender scented pillows.

For the love of Equestira, did Celestia have to start her mornings so early?

Trixie squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could, doing her best to ignore the glow seeping through the window. She hadn't slept well the night before, (entirely due to the unicorn she now shared a bed with) and while at the time it had been marvelous, Trixie could do with another four or so more hours.

Which she discovered was not to be the case. In that moment the alarm clock next to the bed exploded in a high pitched siren of bells and chimes. A purple arm shot out from under the covers and delicately tapped the at the clock.

"Good morning Trixie! Rise and shine!" A familiar voice screamed- a voice that belonged to the legs that were kicking the covers off the bed. Trixie gave a dark groan. Of course Twilight would be a 'morning mare. ' personal student of Princess Celestia. How did Trixie not see that coming.

"Come on, Trixie! It's morning! A brand new day! We need to get breakfast so we can start studying!" Twilight squealed. Trixie gave another snarl and slowly sat up, rubbing what sleep she could from her eyes.

"You never sat at the cool table in school, did you?" She groused, levitating the comforter back to bed where Twilight had thrown it, and buried herself underneath it. Twilight tilted her head curiously.

"Trixie whats wrong? The alarm went off. It's time to get up." She explained, reaching out to prod at the lump under the covers gently. She was rewarded with Trixie's muzzle- and only Trixie's muzzle, slipping out with a snarl.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie does not start her day before ten am, Twilight Sparkle. It is six am. That is entirely the wrong time to be awake." Trixie huffed. Twilight tilted her head to the other side in confusion.

"Ten am? Trixie thats a whole four hours from now! Do you know how many books we can read in four hours?! Two point seven, if they're small enough. Doesn't that sound exciting?! Think about all the knowledge we could gain!" Twilight squealed, almost hopping up and down with excitement. Trixie huffed once again.

"Think about all the sleep we could gain. Do you even know how to use the snooze button on your alarm, Sparkle?" Trixie snarled. Twilight winced.

"Yes, I know how to use the snooze button, but why in Equestria would anypony want to sleep in?" She quipped. Trixie made a snuffling sound from under the blankets and even though Twilight couldn't see her face, she could feel her eyes rolling.

"Come ooooon! I'll, um, cook your favorite breakfast?" Twilight grinned. The muzzle did not smile, nor speak. Twilight bit her lower lip.

"Uhhhh, I'll...Oh! We can get an early morning duel in before the plaza gets crowded! That'd be fun, right?" Twilight beamed. The muzzle did not smile, nor speak.

"How about we do a brisk jog around ponyville! That'll get your blood pumping!" Twilight quipped, only to have Trixie suddenly raise up from under the blankets with an angry hiss.

"Forget it, Twilight! Trixie is not a morning mare, get it? Just because you wake up at the crack of Celestia, does not mean Trixie follows suit! Trixie's shows are done in the afternoon and at night! Trixie is not a morning pony. Trixie is a entertainer and this entertainer does not arise before she is good, and, ready!" Trixie huffed. Twilight frowned, her ears narrowing back against her skull at Trixie's outburst.

"Well maybe I'm trying to help you find a more healthy style of living! Getting up late, and staying up even later sounds like a slacker to me! You'll be happier with a better schedule!" Twilight huffed in return. Trixie slid back down under the covers and gave another angry snarl.

"Trixie supposes you think anypony who doesn't follow your strict regime of nerditude is a slacker, is that it? Trixie did not ask you to provide a 'healthy' style of living, Trixie does not need you to change her, Trixie makes her own choices, and Trixie is perfectly happy right where she is thank you very much!" Trixie snapped. Twilight gave a quiet snarl and sat down in the middle of the room, staring at the lump under the blankets.

She couldn't understand it; how could somepony so successful also be so lazy? But then, maybe Trixie had a point. She was trying to change her and she didn't even realize it. She'd thought the two of them would hop right up and get to work studying, and it didn't even occur to her that maybe Trixie had a completely different schedule than she did. And who was she to try and change a pony, instead of accepting her the way she was. Good parts or bad, Twilight loved Trixie. All of her. Slowly, Twilight nodded her head, as if coming to a decision and took a deep breath.

"Ok. If you want to sleep in, thats fine." Twilight explained quietly. "You're a powerful mage, and it's obvious that you have your own time frame in which you do things even if it isn't when 'I' would normally do things. I'm sorry, Trixie. You come and join me when you're ready, ok?" Twilight cooed softly and gave a silent cheer at the quiet flicker of a smile that tugged at Trixie's muzzle.

"Glad to hear it, Sparkle." The muzzle whispered, before disappearing back into the cavernous warmth that was her blanket. Twilight flashed a dark little grin and stretched with a yawn.

"Pity, though. I always take a shower when I get up, and I was looking forward to having some pony help scrub my back and alllllll those hard to reach spots. I got a new shampoo to try out and everything. Oh well." Twilight called out in a sing-song voice before trotting into the bathroom where she waited and she listened. It only took four seconds before she heard Trixie shuffle out of bed and knock on the bathroom door. Twilight grinned.
Checkmate Trixie.

Author's Note:

Insomnia story. Lady Rarity really must get new sleeping medication...but you can be so productive in the wee hours of night....
Yet another Twixie fanfic. Nothing heavy about this- just an interesting problem I can see the two of them having. :)

Comments ( 26 )

I wish there was more to this!

Morning people are the worst.

*imagines a new chapter where Twilight tries to get Trixie to take a sleeping pill* And I am so not a morning person, mornings are when I go to bed!

sweet and nerdy, I like it

Cute and sweet. It bears mentioning again: starting a relationship with another means having to deal with their routines. If you think you can just carry on with your life with no change beyond convenient sex on demand, you're in for a painful realization.

Admittedly I interpret Twilight as being an even worse night owl, constantly pulling all-nighters and sleeping in as a result unless she's getting up for something important. But this story works, regardless. Annoyingly chipper in the morning, ouch. :trixieshiftright::twilightsmile:

I particularly liked the bit about Twilight suggesting a duel, implying that they do those for fun as in Blood Boil. It's a nice touch that feels very sensible for them.

Write more please..... Please?!

You just have to have the right morning motivator, like sex, money or ponies.

Adorable and funny, exactly what I want form this ship!

4960278 It's rated Everyone. What did you expect?

4962490 The picture told me other stuff... :rainbowderp: Didn't even notice that tag.

What's worse: not being a morning mare, or being a mare of the evening?

best part of the story was when twilight said checkmate

4958115 Or worse. Being both. I did that for a week last November. My job is at a restaurant that is open on Thanksgiving. Mainly for large take-out orders so people don't have to do as much preparation for it. During the week leading up to that, we (the employees) were given the chance to do Overnight shifts (8PM to 6AM) at double-pay to get everything for the orders prepared.
Monday (day shift) cheery in the morning.
Monday (Overnight) still cheery at 8PM
Tuesday (day shift) dopey smile, still cheery enough.
Tuesday (Overnight) Caffeine is a wonderful motivator to smile like Pinkie Pie
Wednesday (day shift) More caffeine. Still smiling.
Thursday (day shift) Fanta Brewed Coffee. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
Friday :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiesick:
Worst idea ever. 60 working hours. Paid for 90. :twilightsheepish: Grades drooped.

I recommend, heavily, that you never, ever do something that stupid. Morning Persons should not date Night Owls.

Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants, and you can't do anything but to give in. :heart:

I'm both a night owl and morning person, SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
No, but seriously, awake 'till 4AM in the morning, go to bed, wake up 'round 7AM.

For the love of Mike, did Celestia

Mike? Who's Mike?

She hadn't slept well the night before,

I see no problem with this, way to go Trixie!

"You never sat at the cool table in school, did you?"


Do you know how many books we can read in four hours?! Two point seven, if they're small enough. Doesn't that sound exciting?!


Trixie is a entertainer and this entertainer does not arise before she is good, and, ready!"

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia both get seven hours of sleep and snap out of their beds.

4967230 except vinyl sleeps till 5 in the morning... unless pancakes are involved

"You never sat at the cool table in school, did you?"

Neither did I!

Is "Sparkle" supposed to be something like a pet name? It sounds a little impersonal, considering their relationship and all.

'Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered a capital crime. For a first offense, that is.'

'Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead'
Y. Warner

Very Cute, :twilightsmile: And very well done. :yay:

"For the love of Mike" is an expression.

Same as going "Oh for the love of Pete!" in exasperation.

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