• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 1,928 Views, 28 Comments

Doctor Whooves and Assistant: Hello Sweetie - CrackedInkWell

When Luna was a filly, she had a series of nightmares that made her too terrified to go to sleep. So help arrives from a blue box from a staillon who calls himself "Doctor" along with a pony who she once thought was imaginary.

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8: The Awakening

For a brief moment, there was blinding light; and the next, Luna was back in her room once more. She found that it was morning. And if the sun is out, that can mean only one thing.

“Luna!” She found herself being tightly embraced by her older sister. Despite getting crushed, she took saw that River, as well as her husband, was awake too, fiddling around with the contraption that they were once hooked up to.

“Luna,” said Celestia, “that was either the most foolish or the bravest thing that you have ever done. I don’t know how you were able to do that, and as of now, I don’t care. For now, all I can muster to say to you is… thank you.”

“But, what about those monsters? What happened to them?” Luna asked.

“Well, there’s some good news,” the Doctor said, “well, mostly good. It looks like most of those nasty nightmares have been captured in here. Thee not so good news, we haven’t gotten all of them.”

“So wait, they’re still out there?” Celestia asked.

“I’m afraid so.” Said River, after looking up from the machine: “I don’t think those nightmares will truly go away. So the best you could do is…” River trailed off but then asked. “Luna, what’s that?”

Luna gave her a confused look. Celestia looked down where River was looking at.

“Lu, look at what’s on your flank,” Celestia said with a smile.

Luna did look. There was a white crescent moon on both sides of her flank.

“My cutie mark!” Luna exclaimed, “I’ve finally got my cutie mark!”


“And that should do it!” The Doctor said as he put in the last piece of River’s ship back into place. “All you just need to do now is turn it on and it’ll be ready to go.”

River gave her husband a quick kiss: “Thanks a lot sweetie. These past few days have been eventful haven’t they?”

“You can say that again.”

“Getting sucked into a black hole and into another universe. Becoming the imaginary friend of a future princess. Banishing nightmares. Has anyone had any more fun than us?”

The Doctor chuckled and gave his wife a sad smile.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” River asked.

The Doctor shook his head. “Spoilers. You know, I think you should come back here a little more often.”

“Oh, of course, I would more than love-“

“I was talking about Luna.”


“So Doctor,” Ditzy asked, “what’s going to happen to Luna now?”

By now, the Doctor, Ditzy and Tick Tock were released from their charges and set free. Now they returned to the TARDIS.

“Very soon, little Luna will be taking the throne beside her sister for the next several centuries to come. Plus with her new cutie mark, she gains the title of “The Dream Princess” since her duties will be to banish nightmares from other ponies.”

“But what about Nightmare Moon though?” Tick Tock asked. “I mean, it’s still going to happen isn’t it?”

The Doctor fell silent for a moment. “Tick Tock, Ditzy, remember when I scanned Luna for the last time and told her that she doesn’t have the Hunllefau's in her head? I lied. There’s still one, a very small one that’s still in her.”

“What! But Doctor, why didn’t you tell her?” Ditzy asked with concern.

“Because all the events for Nightmare Moon to happen is a fixed point in your history. There are some things that can change, leaving little to no consequence, and there are others that have to happen, no matter what. And I’m sorry to say, Nightmare Moon is a fixed point in time.”

“But what about River?” Tick Tock asked, “Isn’t she coming with us? She is your wife after all.”

“She won’t be coming with us. Besides, she has somewhere else to be in another place and time.”

“Do you think you’ll see her again?”

“At this point, I truly don’t know.”


Many years ago, before the nightmares, before she was crowned Princess of the Night, even before she encountered the Doctor and his assistance, Luna was completely alone in her room. That night long ago, her older sister had to be a way for the preparation of ruling a united Equestria.

Luna had toys lying about the floor as well as a few drawings, but on this night, she felt lonely. She was shy of the new servants, and to make matters worse, none of the servants knew her very well.

It was on this night that she was sitting near a fireplace, looking at the burning logs that brought warmth and light to the room. It was in a moment like this, that she wished she had someone, anyone to talk to, if not for just a moment.

There was a flash with a ‘pop’ that Luna looked away from the fireplace, seeing that she was no longer alone. She saw a full-grown mare. With a curly orange mane and a pale yellow coat. Her blue eyes spotted the young filly.

“Hello there sweetie.” She said.

“Who are you?”

“Formally, I’m Professor River Song. But I’ll let you call me River.” She looked around the room, “And by the look of things, I guess you probably want someone to talk to, right?”

Author's Note:

At last, the end! That's right, I'm finally putting an end to this tribute. I don't know if it's good enough, but at least I'm satisfied with it.

Comments ( 8 )

“Very soon, little Luna will be taking the thrown


Comment posted by CrackedInkWell deleted Nov 26th, 2014
Comment posted by CrackedInkWell deleted Nov 26th, 2014
Comment posted by CrackedInkWell deleted Nov 26th, 2014

That was good. Nice and short, though I would love to see a longer fic about the Doctor. Well written, well designed. I wasn't lost with all the characters, even though I only know about River. I liked it! This deserves a spot on my Inspiration bookshelf!

4700722 Tick Tock is an OC from the actual radio show.

First, it was proofread by SecretBrony01. Secondly, this is obviously an early story so I'm not that surprised by the reaction you just posted. Of course, I did learn a couple of things since then. At the same time however, I can hear you asking: "Why don't you edit yourself? It's easy." Well there's a saying that is especially true with me: "Those who proofread their own work has a fool for an editor." So even if I somehow got an army to edit this one story, this is no guarantee that it would be flawless.

But that's not to say that I don't accept volunteers. So unless you or someone else comes up to say that they want to correct whatever flaws there are in this, I'm afraid that this is as good as it's gonna get.

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