• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 1,359 Views, 138 Comments

Twilight's Adventure - wille179

Inspired by "Twitch Plays Pokemon." Only YOU, the Bronies, can help Twilight reunite with her friends. Twilight's life is now dictated by the comments on this story.

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2- Trauma Care

Twilight's eye twitched. All of this mindless prattle about her nautilus fossil and “Bird Jesus” was really getting on her nerves. She was starting to wonder if it was worth keeping.

Keep it, I say.

“No pony asked you.”

“Go into the house (and eat the cookies).”

Before Twilight could protest that the cabin was probably owned by somepony, her hooves were already carrying her inside through the unlocked front door, which she closed after passing through. Inside, there was a used sleeping bag, a small nightstand with a picture of a mare on it, the table that held the plate of cookies and cotton candy cloud's milk bowl. The unicorn could tell that this place was little more than a makeshift shelter.

Hungrily, yet against her will, Twilight stepped up to the plate and devoured the cookies. They were delicious, but made her both very thirsty and very guilty. She eyed the bowl of milk. Twilight knew that it was not hers to drink. She had already taken the owner's cookies without permission, so she vowed to ignore the milk and search for water elsewhere.

“DrInK tHe ChOcOlAtE mIlK rIgHt NoW.”

Again, against her will, her body acted, summoning her telekinesis to lift the bowl to her lips. It too was delicious, as all of Discord's chocolate milk was.

She was only on her second sip when the cabin door slammed open. The sudden noise startled Twilight, causing her to jump. Her magic spiked, causing her to launch both the fossil and the milk bowl back behind her, where they crashed into the nightstand. The framed picture teetered before plummeting face-down into the expanding puddle on the floor.

The old, pale-orange earth stallion that had entered the doorway shouted, “Who are ya and what are ya doin' in my...” He trailed off as he saw the state of the room. “No!”

Twilight, stunned and desperately trying to think of an excuse that wouldn't make her sound crazy, merely stood there as he barreled past her. The stallion dove for the picture on the floor with a cry of, “GUMDROP! Oh, Gumdrop!” He picked up the soaked picture. As he removed it from the frame to help it dry, Twilight could hear him mutter, “Don't worry, Daddy's here.”

“I, uh, I'm really sorry...” Twilight muttered apologetically.

“YOU!” The stallion whirled around and glared at Twilight, his eyes ablaze with murderous rage. “YOU ALMOST RUINED GUMDROP'S PICTURE!” His features suddenly softened as he began to cry. “You... you almost took her away... *sniff* You almost cost me the very last thing I have of my family.”

“Oh Celestia. I'm really sorry. I... hope you can forgive me. And at least the photo is undamaged.”

He sighed and set the photo by the window, hoping that soon a beam of sunlight would shine through to help it dry. “What were you doing in here anyway? And... oh dear, you're hurt!”

Twilight idly touched her still-stinging cheek. Meanwhile, the stallion trotted over to a saddle bag resting in the corner of the room. He reached in and withdrew a small packet of adhesive bandages and a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and then returned and set to work patching up Twilight's face. “Hmmm... not that deep. That's good. I'll need to clean it out first with some sting juice. This will burn a bit at first...” He poured a few drops into the wound. Twilight winced. “Now, who are you and what are you doing here? Not that I'm not glad to see you, of course. I've been alone so very long now. I'm Trauma, best field medic in Los Pegasus. My special talent is keeping ponies alive until they can get to a hospital. Annnnnnd... done! All better, Ms... ?”

She smiled back at the stallion. The mare noticed his cutie mark, a first-aid kit, adorning his flank. “Twilight Sparkle, Librarian and local 'Egg-head' of Ponyville. Thank you, Mr. Trauma.”

Ally acquired: Trauma: Earth pony, elderly. Occupation: Field medic. Distinguishing features: Left eye is glass, scarred left side of face is hidden by bangs.

Trauma nodded in response to her introduction as he packed away his supplies. “Now, we have the 'who' covered, so why were you in my cabin, helping yourself to my milk?”

Twilight was about to reply when her eyes noticed something amiss; the plate that the cookies were on was gone, as if it had never existed. She mentally shrugged. “It's a long, strange story. You won't believe me.”

“Twilight, may I call you that?” She nodded. “We live in the second era of Discord; nothing is that weird now.”

“Well...” Twilight paused.

What should she do?

Option A: Tell the whole truth.
Option B: Tell a trimmed-down version of the truth.
Option C: Lie.
Option D: Dodge the question and talk about something else.

And in the future when you comment, it's easier on both Twilight and I if you start your comment with A/B/C/D/etc.

Author's Note:

Click here to see Twilight's information.

Had YOU chosen to go directly to Trauma, Twilight would have had a more friendly introduction to the elderly stallion.

Comments ( 52 )

A. If he finds out later you lied, he'll never fully trust you again, and losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend. FOREEEEEVER!

Alright, Twi. This might sound crazy, but there is one constant that you must keep in mind throughout this ordeal. Friendship is Magic. Keep this mantra alive no matter what. And in order to do that, I think you should befriend this stallion, earn his trust, and make amends. If nothing else, you've got a medic on your side who can help you on your journey.


I think B is the best choice, Twily-poo.

f ask the helix fossil


Integrity and honesty are both virtues that were named virtues for situations exactly like this. He also has a point, it's not really weirder than what Discord does. That makes it believable to him. Just make sure you use your love of books to give a decent story.

For people who disagree, it's better in the long run in every way. If he decides to somehow act hostile to what you say, then you don't really want him as a "ally" and if he acts like a civilized old stallion should, then you don't have to keep secrets and he trusts you more because apparently he'll be in you're little group for a good long while and he'd find out if you didn't tell the whole story. Give a better argument, because I don't see how you came to your conclusion.

On the page you linked, I don't understand how a "candy cloud" could be labeled under possessions.


Damn, you're going to tell us what would have happened if we picked the other one?
"Alright, now you picked a zonk, and that's OK, but let's see what's behind the curtain that you DIDN'T pick..."

"It's a brand new car!" >.<

Why don't you ask him why he was yelling, and what it meant?


Also, are you going to add any of the commentators' stuff? (I just checked chapter 1. Nobody explicitly said to add cookies.) I thought we had "reality warping powers", but from the story the only input I see from the audience is the vote, in which case your story has to stand on its own. However, the foundation of your story is your comments, so it cannot stand on its own. It might have been fine if you were updating in real time with a live audience, but you'll need a much larger foundation than just a,b,c,or d, if you want this story to last multiple days/weeks.

For example, when that person wrote that Twilight should have gotten hit by a bus, and got several up-votes for it,you should have done it, even if it just nicked her. That way, you would still be involving the audience while keeping the plot going.

And of course if you don't update because of lack of comments, Twilight gets stuck on the island forever and never sees her friends again. :twilightoops:

We can talk details later. There are things to figure out/discover.

I'd go with B. He probably wouldn't believe everything Twilight said. If he does, then go with A.


The format wil change from time to time. Just wait; you'll see.

And about the cookie thing, one commenter did say "we'll give you a cookie from time to time." Anything anybody says may have an influence, even if it is different from THE comment from YOU.

A, as you'd do better to earn his trust back. I also think you should ask him about anything that could allow you to get some more magic back. Its worth a try.


Okay then. I'll trust ya.

Notice the dome fossil on his wall and notice that both is and the helix is vibrating

D. Dodge the question and blame the voices in your head for everything.

A. I don't see any reason why you'd
need to lie, Twilight. This stallion seems nice enough, and also seems to know a lot about Discord's rule. You should establish trust with him; perhaps he can help you.

A: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

A. You don't have to lie. Trust me, no good ever comes out of it.

Wouldn't that be yelling the truth? WE are to blame, after all.


4576965 4577262 4577661
Please reconsider. I can't think of a way to say "Voices in my head are making me do stuff" come out as not crazy.
And that's not even including the possibility that this stallion doesn't believe Discords powers extend even further to messing with the mental state of ponies.
Even if he does believe that's Discords doing, how is he going to trust Twilight? Hell, I wouldn't trust Twilight, or anybody, if I found out others are influencing what they did. Yeah, if he finds out later, we lose his trust, but we're already losing his trust now. We have to go with the more guaranteed (Even if shorter term) benefits.
Also, didn't Twilight just suffer a blow to the head region? Yes, it is just the cheek, but I don't know anything about the medical practices. He may conclude Twilight received some memory altering trauma.

I'm replying to get all of your attentions. I beseech to you all! Reconsider!
4576433 4576444 4576629 4576666 4576673 4576703 4576454 4576706 4576716 4576783

you have important things to do. like saving Equestria. get the old coot to understand the gist of what's going on, then have another cookie ;)

D. Blame the cookies then. Tell them you are sensitive to sugar.


Nah, still A. If the stallion is really a medic, as his cutie-mark entails, then he won't really lose trust in Twilight. Instead, he might treat her like a patient and try to help her along the way.

Besides, adventures are boring if you keep everyone you meet distant.

A But be gentle with your answers. Expect him not believe you even if this is discords era. Just apply a bit of....

Sorry couldn't help it... Also, twilight was that bed always a flora princess style with pink petals on the floor around it?:rainbowhuh:

That is exactly why I voted B, I want him to think Twilight's crazy.

4578544 Yes, but we need to keep him as an ally. So, why not throw something in to show we maybe real at the end.:pinkiecrazy:

Plus think of the mind crush :rainbowkiss:

and ask if there's anything you can do to help him. And for that matter, what a Gerump is.

4577983 The Helix speaks of one who would never tell a lie, even when it's convenient. Twilight should follow this example, for the Helix predicts that it'll lead to good fortune. Sure, Trauma might think she's crazy, but insanity and malevolence don't go hand-in-hand. She needs to recover from this bad first impression and show that she's not a bad pony. :duck:


Well I like to think that taking these risks is worth it. If the old dude believes her, great! She now has a medic with her. If he doesn't believe her, then that's actually good too. Now we will know that nopony will take her situation seriously, and she should not tell anypony else.

4577983 :ajbemused:
They are on,
A floating island,
In the middle of the sky,
Talking after she just drank chocolate milk,
From a cotton candy cloud.
In what situation would someone not have voices in their head not be sane compared to this one.

4577983 You've got a point. In that case, then I'll go with B for chapter 2.

4577983 I can, we all have limited affect on the world. So to do something, together. Would allow us to be known... Though how that would be taken. Is on a different level. The power of we:pinkiegasp:

How to make it not sound crazy... say crazier things have happened and you're all good.

I wouldn't try and convince him that Discord was the direct cause, you're right in that regard. And besides, "tell the truth" doesn't intail her telling him Discord's the blame, unless I missed something that says that she believes that. In that case Twilight! Discord didn't make this possible!

And what could she use a field medic in the short term for anyway, nobody is hurt and probably won't be for a while. Long term investments are almost always the better option in the grand scheme of things unless you are in a very bad place that might not let anything "long term" take place. :twilightoops:

B) He seems a little... well, not all there, but nice so he'll probably belive you.

A. Then fuck him in the ass

Comment posted by Shock Jock deleted Jun 23rd, 2014
Comment posted by Shock Jock deleted Jun 23rd, 2014

A, then proceed to rub his glass-eye

A. Its seems like a good idea.

I would say option A.

But, on another note: Anarchy? Democracy? Pah! Conquer the world with our reality warping powers! -Tries to summon the One Ring, but failing that, at least one of the Nine-



Now Twilight's stuck on some island in the middle of nowhere with an old man and some now expired milk. They're just sitting there, staring at each other, because the story didn't go on!

Heck, with all the months that have passed now, Twilight's probably pregnant! But the father's so old that her foals are going to come out old too! And then she'll be a friendless recluse with no love left for the world!

Author! What. Have. You. DONE!?

Aw man... Why u put story on hiatus!?

But for when it comes off Hiatus I pick A, then throw your hooves in the air like you just don't care.

A & Have Spike wash up on shore... IN A BLACK FEDORA! :pinkiehappy:

Option A. Wying isn't vewy nice:scootangel:

I know it's on hiatus but...I will choose any way. Option A, but she says it in rhyme.

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