• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 2,049 Views, 23 Comments

One Minute Between Enemies - Michael Hudson

Diamond Tiara has tormented others in the past. However, as love creeps into her heart, she finds her past is now the one who may torment her.

  • ...

The things we do for love

“One minute, Rainbow, I think somepony is trying to get our attention.” Spitfire was hovering in mid-air, watching the ground.

“Well duh. You and I were awesome before getting together. Now that we’re an open couple, I’m surprised we aren’t getting mobbed just by being in the same town together.” Spitfire chuckled, trying to make out the words on the banner that had been following them.

“Think we could descend, Rain? I can’t read what this roaming banner says.” Rainbow tackled one of the wisps of clouds nearby, snuggling into it.

“No. You’re in town for a week and I’m going to enjoy all the high altitude flights we can get. Whoever is down there should just wait back at my place like a good little fan.” Rainbow smiled at Spitfire, who flew over. Upon stopping she flicked her tail ahead of her, obliterating the cloud Rainbow was sitting on in the process.

Rainbow let out a cry of surprise as she started falling. However, Rainbow was used to drills like this back at the academy, and recovered fast. She was about to zoom back up when Spitfire flew a circle around her. “Rainbow, I don’t think this is a regular fan. Check the banner.”

Spitfire kept circling Rainbow as she looked down at the blue banner. It had gold letters, which made it that much harder to read with the sunlight glinting off the paint. Rainbow’s face turned bright red as she said, “Does that say what I think it says?” Spitfire nodded, blush coming to her face as well.

Rainbow shot downward like a bullet, coming out of the dive last minute to grab the mare that had been holding the banner. Rainbow proceeded to dart through town until she got to Sugarcube Corner where the two crashed into the back room. “Okay, I think we’re safe here.”

“What was that about?” A familiar and very annoyed voice came from underneath the banner, and Rainbow lifted the blue paper to see who it was. She immediately regretted it when she recognized the pink hair and dual colored mane. “What were you doing with this Diamond Tiara? If it was because you were trying to cause us trouble, you’re going to be sorry.”

Diamond’s eyes were wide as Rainbow Dash glared at her. The mare huffed and steam shot out as Diamond cleared her throat. “I was merely trying to grab your attention, and I didn’t think it would be that bad. Actually, I would imagine it was a rousing success seeing as you decided we needed to talk one on one.” Diamond smiled at Rainbow who was holding a hoof up to her head.

“Make that two on one. You didn’t have to fly in here like a batpony out of hell, Rainbow. I just had to pay the Cakes for the baked goods you destroyed on your way in. They said if you do it again you’ll have to work the shop with Pinkie on Wednesday.” Diamond looked with Rainbow Dash as Spitfire folded her wings. “Gotta say kid, that was one heck of a banner. However, ‘Best lesbimares in Equestria’ is a title you don’t actively wave around, no matter how true. So what’s up?”

Diamond Tiara sighed, thankful that cooler heads prevailed, instead of the possible stomping she’d thought she’d been about to get. “Well I was hoping for some help in the romance department. As you may be aware of I am a fellow lesbimare, but I can’t come out to the one I love like you two have.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry, kid. The worst thing they can say is no, or tell you they’re straight. However, if you don’t take the leap, you could end up injuring yourself and the one you love; sometimes literally.” Rainbow winked at Spitfire with the last words, causing Spitfire to shake her head at the blue pegasus.

“I know she’s into mares so that’s not where the problem lies. It’s the fact that anytime I try to be with her, try to be nice and become just friends, I always screw it up. I always say something I shouldn’t and we leave on bad terms. I need help so I don’t do that.” Diamond looked down, sighing. Rainbow put a hoof on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder as she sat next to the pink mare.

“How long have you and Silver Spoon been having problems?” Diamond’s eyes went wide as she shook herself out of the hug.

“What are you talking about? Sure Silver and I haven’t been getting along lately, but I was hoping you would help me with Scootaloo!” Diamond watched Rainbow for a few moments, who was just kinda staring at her. “Rainbow Da-.” Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves in front of the pink mare, staring her straight in the eyes as her wings unfolded, casting a shadow over the two.

”No!” With that Rainbow Dash set off, Spitfire quickly flying behind; leaving Diamond Tiara all by herself as tears filled her eyes.


Spitfire walked into the cloud that Rainbow Dash called home. Most days it had a warm open feel to it. The nice soft white of the cloud always helped her feel at home, though that might just be because she had always lived in Cloudsdale before. However, that feeling was gone today. Most of the clouds had turned black and the rumble of thunder could be felt as the clouds shifted and quaked. Spitfire scowled as she heard a thunder clap as the door slammed shut.

“I know you care about Scootaloo, but don’t you think this is a little much?”

“No you don’t know Diamond Tiara like I do.” Rainbow trotted in front of Spitfire. Spitfire faltered in her resolve as Rainbow came into view. However, Spitfire wasn’t going to let the small mare down so easily.

“Alright, why don’t you fill me in then.” Spitfire kept her tone even, but Rainbow was too worked up to let it calm her.

“Alright then, where should I start? How about her being the first to really point out that Scoots will probably never fly? Or the fact that for the first year or two they knew each other, all they talked about was the fact that Scootaloo was a blank flank?”

“You mean the fact that allowed her to find the CMC, and the acceptance of her disability that drove her to find a pursuit that was non-flying. I’ll admit, the motivation could have come from better sources, but she still helped Scootaloo grow for it.” Rainbow Dash faltered under Spitfire’s deadpan stare. Never blinking, never moving. However, Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to let it stop her.

“What about getting into high school and teasing her for her sexuality?”

“You mean the sexuality they share, but Diamond Tiara only recently was able to come out about? She may have been jealous, or trying to combat feelings she didn’t know existed.”

“Well what about-.”

Spitfire grabbed Rainbow Dash by the neck, pulling her in close. ”About what? I’m sorry Rainbow, but maybe you need to remember the phrase forgive and forget. Diamond came to us for help. She opened up her heart seeking acceptance and kindness, and what did you give her? What if you had been told by me that everything you had once done made you unable to be loved by a Wonderbolt?”

Rainbow was shocked by the last question. It had come out of nowhere and felt like an icicle being shoved into her heart. She looked into Spitfire’s stern gaze and whispered as tears stung her eyes, “Wha- what?”

“You and your friends had managed to outperform and embarrass us multiple times before we got together. Rarity and you made a mockery of us at your first young flyers competition. People questioned our military effectiveness when one pony could knock us out flat. Not only that, but you also destroyed our funding for a year when you wrecked the V.I.P. area at the Grand Galloping Gala. Our sponsors were so miffed we barely got our base budget, let alone what we needed to repair equipment that broke through the year. And I won’t bother going into the fact that I shouldn’t have even been thinking about dating you when you asked me out. That I should have been thinking about my career and my future as a pegasus like Scootaloo. Because of you.”

Rainbow Dash collapsed onto the ground, her mouth continuing to open and shut, trying to find something to say. She tucked her legs underneath her, trying to hide, hide from the fear she felt. However, Spitfire wouldn’t let her, Rainbow knew that. She would start yelling, and Rainbow would cry.

The words never came though. Spitfire sat down beside her, a wing hugging Rainbow Dash. “I’ll admit, I thought about it. However, every time I tried bringing up the anger and keep it alive within me so I would feel nothing for you, I couldn’t. It took a while, but sooner or later I realized I cared too much about you to get rid of you like that. I think we should give Diamond Tiara the same chance, don’t you?”

Spitfire didn’t force a reply then, the two mares snuggling into each other, Rainbow silently sobbing into Spitfire’s side. Spitfire couldn’t imagine the turmoil she had just set off within the blue mare, but she hoped that it was for the best. It was nearing sunset when Rainbow looked back up at Spitfire with red rimmed eyes.

“What do you suggest? I’m on board, but only for as much as I am absolutely necessary for. You be lead pony this time, got it?” The two smiled at each other and Spitfire nodded.

“I have a plan, but I think a little rest first would be good. Let’s go to bed, and tomorrow can be for just us two. Diamond can wait a little longer.” Rainbow nodded, and the two leaned against each other as they climbed the stairs up to the bedroom.


Scootaloo took a deep breath as she stared at the doors to the restaurant where Spitfire, Rainbow, herself and some mystery mare were all supposed to have dinner at. She’d had plenty of dinners with Rainbow, and even had once had the honor of joining them on a date night, so she’d met Spitfire before. However, she couldn’t imagine who the mare might be they brought was going to be. She was thankful that her first date was going to be with Rainbow though, even if it was only because it was a double date.

Scootaloo looked into the mirrored door one last time, trying to smile confidently at herself. It would be easier if your dress wasn’t something you were borrowing from Sweetie Belle. However, Scootaloo had to admit that she looked good. With a simple blue dress and a cut up the side to show off her cutie mark, a wheel with two purple wings and lightning bolt down the middle, Scootaloo was ready to wow the mystery mare. And with that thought, Scootaloo pushed open the door and let the host show her to the table that was reserved for the four of them.

“Hi Scootaloo.” Scootaloo’s mouth turned dry as she heard the voice. That voice. Looking up, she saw a mare in a silver dress with sequins studded into the fabric that shimmered and shined in the light. However, that wasn’t the important part. No, that was the pink hair that belonged to the owner of the dress.

“What are you doing here, Diamond Tiara?” Diamond winced at the venom in the words as she cleared her throat loudly.

“Spitfire invited me, but I didn’t expect you to be the fourth member to our party.” Diamond gave her a weak smile, terrified of how Scootaloo would react. Where are Rainbow Dash and Spitfire already? They were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.

“You are not the fourth wheel to this. Now what have you done with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash?” Diamond Tiara scowled at Scootaloo.

“I didn’t do a thing to them. Maybe they realized how bad of an idea this whole thing was and decided neither one of us deserved to know.” Diamond immediately slapped herself mentally as she knew her voice had been harsh and hurtful. As always.

Scootaloo huffed and turned on her hind legs. “Rainbow wouldn’t do something like that. Not to me at least.”

Diamond Tiara was panicking as she said, “Wait!” Scootaloo glanced over her shoulder, her face telling Diamond nothing. “Um, well.. theres no reason to let the night go to waste, right? Why don’t we enjoy a nice quiet dinner? My treat.”

Scootaloo pondered it for a few moments. Sure it meant a free dinner, and forcing Diamond Tiara to pamper her, but it also meant spending the whole night with that bitch. The deciding vote came from her stomach as it rumbled, letting her know she needed to eat. “Fine.” Scootaloo climbed onto the booth as Diamond Tiara sighed in relief.

The two sat in silence after ordering, Diamond trying to figure out what to say while Scootaloo just was waiting for the bread to arrive. Finally Diamond decided to try to break the silence with a simple question. “How is sophomore year going for you?”

“Fairly good, especially since you seem to have been staying off of the radar recently.”

Diamond Tiara faltered at the comment and decided to change the subject. “How is Engineering going? Any closer to building mechanical wings?” Diamond added a small chuckle, hoping to ease the tension with a joke. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite remember she had heard the joke before.

“No, and I probably never will, so I’ll be staying as the,” Scootaloo cleared her throat for a moment, “ ‘flightless freak’ for probably the rest of my life.” Diamond Tiara almost smacked herself, now remembering her and Silver’s snide remarks at Scootaloo’s cute-ceañera.

“Sorry, I didn’t-.” Scootaloo let out a long peel of laughter.

“Sorry? Did I just hear that right? Little miss perfect actually decided to say sorry for something? That is a riot, but about a year too late. Or a year and a half if we want to go to the no parents debacle at the freshman homecoming dance. Are you sorry for that too, or were you actually hoping I would take some lucky stallion home where we would be all alone?”

Scootaloo was loving this. I almost never get to call Diamond Tiara on one of her little ploys, and the destroyed look on Diamond’s face was- Well it was; actually, Diamond wasn’t supposed to be this upset her plan failed. Maybe she wasn’t- No that was simply wrong. Scootaloo bit her lip realizing she may have taken it just a step too far, but not wanting to apologize for herself.

Luckily for Scootaloo, the waiter finally appeared to take their orders. “What will you to be having this evening?”

“Um, I’ll have the clam chowder. Scootaloo, what will you be having?” Scootaloo faltered for a moment when hearing the slight choke in Diamond’s voice.

“Oh yeah, well, I’ll be having the spring salad then.”

The waiter spent a moment studying the two young mares before turning away as he muttered under his breath, “Having one pair of those ponies was bad enough to begin with. This is supposed to be a place of class.”

Scootaloo reached over for the bread the waiter had brought with him, stuffing about half of a piece of it into her mouth. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes at the spectacle as she slowly brought a piece to herself and bit into it. However, Diamond kept watching Scootaloo as the pink mare spread butter on her piece. It couldn’t hurt to try, right? Diamond took a large bite of her piece, turning back to Scootaloo, her cheeks bulging.


“What?” Scootaloo bust out laughing as Diamond started checking herself, trying to find what was so funny.

“You have butter in your nose, and I never thought I would see you puffed up like that. It was just too funny.” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow at Scootaloo, tentatively smirking.

“I’m allowed to relax from time to time you know. Besides,” Diamond licked her nose, getting rid of the butter, “I make it all the sweeter.” Scootaloo made a gag movement, sticking a hoof a little into her mouth.

“I don’t know if I would go that far. Besides, what would your dad think of the thought of his daughter eating like Twilight?” Diamond’s smile faded almost immediately, her laughter dying. “Whoa, whats wrong?”

“I don’t really think it needs to be discussed, besides our food is coming.” Diamond wasn’t bluffing as the waiter trotted over holding their meals.

“I have your meals, ma’am. As always, Miss Tiara, we made sure to pay homage to your father’s patronage with our nice china. Have a good meal, ladies.” Scootaloo couldn’t quite place what was wrong, but she felt like she should be annoyed. There was something about his tone.

Diamond was having no problem with the tone though. It was the same tone her father used when she failed, the same one her mother used when she wanted to try something rough, and the same one-. Diamond Tiara cut it off there. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stay in check if she thought about Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara blinked once, staring at the spoon in her hoof. Her eyes twitched for a moment, and she took a shuddering breath in.

“Diamond, what's wrong?” Diamond Tiara took one more long breath before replying.

“Nothing, nothing at all. Um, so I hear you and Applebloom have been having problems. Would you like to tell me about that?” Scootaloo shook her head.

“What you’ve heard is wrong and unimportant. Unless you want to leave, I would tell me why you suddenly sound like you’re about to cry with your perfect life. I mean, I don’t think that bowl is supposed to be that big.” Scootaloo chuckled, trying to lighten the mood since the evening had been just about bearable only a minute or two ago.

Diamond Tiara looked towards the door, and started moving towards the end of the booth. “Diamond you don’t need to go.”

“No, I do. We aren’t even friends, so I really should just keep it light, right? You don’t need to hear this.” Scootaloo didn’t have a reply for the misty eyed mare, so she just stared at her salad, her appetite quickly disappearing. However, as Diamond got out of the booth, a trenchcoat flew over the wall between the two young mare’s booth and the one on the other side. The trenchcoat crashed in front of Diamond Tiara, a small squeak coming from the pink mare.

“Rainbow, you okay?” Scootaloo’s eyes went wide as she looked over her at Spitfire. The trenchcoat shook and was then bucked off of the blue pegasus underneath. “Told you the coat was a bad idea.”

Scootaloo just looked between the two before shouting, ”What are you two doing here?” Rainbow shook herself out, scowling at Diamond Tiara.

“We set it up so you two would have to spend time together, not that it matters now.”

“How does it not matter?” Scootaloo’s eye twitched as Rainbow sighed. However, it was Spitfire who replied first.

“Because I think we all want to know what our little rich mare has to confess.” Diamond jolted, tears getting back into her eyes. Diamond opened her mouth, about to spout some sort of excuse or dodge, but saw Scootaloo watching her. Scootaloo actually looked concerned, even for someone like her. Diamond Tiara hung her head down in defeat, crawling back into her booth.

“You really want to know?”

“Yes!” Rainbow didn’t even notice as Scootaloo rubbed her ear and nodded at Diamond Tiara.

“Alright, where to start then? There is a lot I could say, but I might just sound pathetic with that. How much do you want to hear?”

Spitfire responded with, “All of it.”

Rainbow Dash, almost shaking with anticipation said, “I always like a good story.”

Scootaloo was quiet for a little bit, thinking. Scootaloo could find out a lot about Diamond here, but how much did she actually want to hear? She bit into her cheek and looked at Diamond Tiara saying, “One word.”

Diamond’s jaw dropped, Spitfire went wide eyed, and Rainbow screamed, “What!” Scootaloo scowled at the rest of them.

“Look, I’m still trying to get over the fact that she might not be changeling spawn so I don’t want to hear about how tragic her priss life supposedly is; not when I’ve been pining for a lot of what she has for forever.” Scootaloo looked back at Diamond, challenging her. However, Diamond already knew the word. It was the same reason she envied Scootaloo. The feeling Scootaloo would have if she wasn’t always surrounded by ponies who truly loved her. Ponies, Diamond had never found.


Scootaloo was caught off guard. Diamond Tiara had always had people. She was one of the most popular girls in school when they were younger, and was still considered popular to this day. However, Scootaloo couldn’t get mad. She actually found herself sympathizing with Diamond Tiara. The downcast glance, the misty eyes. Scootaloo knew that look from her mirror, when the chill of the night got into her soul. Scootaloo extended a hoof, placing it onto Diamond’s shoulder. “Really?”

Diamond Tiara nodded, a tear rolling down her face. Spitfire raised an eyebrow, smiling. “Does this mean there might be a second date?”

Scootaloo shook her head, smiling softly at Diamond Tiara. “No. Besides, this was just dinner with a friend, not a date. Right?”

Diamond Tiara looked up, hesitantly smiling back. “Friends?”


Comments ( 23 )

Will there be another sequel?

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes at the spectacle as she slowly levitated a piece to herself and bit into it.

Levitated? How can Diamond Tiara do that and she's an Earth pony? Also, what happened between her and Silver?

4507423 Er, facehoof. I'm sorry, for some reason I thought she was a unicorn and my head short circuited. I will fix soon. Sorry.

4507031 :twilightsmile:

4507761 I guess you just had some jumbled thoughts.

4507761 Why must you leave me guessing?! :raritydespair:

This is sweet, now i actually want to see them getting along better and better. And i hate Filty Rich again, i don´t know if that was suppose to happen, but something in this fanfic like several other time let me hate him.
Somehow Diamond Tiara is the perfect sad and lonely pony, if i thought about it i start to remeber movies in which such rich people like her don´t have the nicest life.

I would of loved this to have gone on a bit longer. I have to say the ending sort of came out of no where for me. Bit blindsided, honestly. I had to re-read that Scootaloo part over again just to make sure I wasn't misreading it.

I guess we'll have to ponder about what's up with Silver and Apple Bloom. This could of easily continued on for a good 1-2k more. The neutral ending just felt like a tease. So much more drama can pop up with these two, from AB or Silver hearing untrue rumors about DT and Scoots being seen having a date at a fancy restaurant, to many more things.

This was a great sequel, everything was moving along just fine. The hint that maybe Silver might hate lesbians or something could be a thing. DT could of gotten a rather cold, deadpan stare of unreadability from Silver since then. One that led to Silvy to treating Diamond differently, distancing herself more and more now that she knew her friend was into that stuff, DT apparently having had a crush on her all that time.

Maybe Silver felt cheated on when she learned of why Diamond always followed the CMC, feeling Diamond wasn't worth it anymore because apparently she wasn't good enough to keep Diamond's attention all to herself?

And for Apple Bloom? That's some good stuff. I can totally see the country life treating AB to grow up with certain views, say stuff that offended Scoots or maybe something else!

But, that's the point. We'll never know! (At least until a sequel is hopefully written with these awesome young mares and how they deal with all the not so love and tolerance they are being pelted with on a daily basis! Even at home far as DT is concerned with apparently not being good enough or always disappointing her parents in some way.)

Long rant short, I wish it hadn't ended so dryly there. Very neutral. Touching, it opens up doors at least, but the Story felt like it took a bit of a Bad End/Normal Ending path in one of those date sims. WTB GOOD END! :fluttercry:

P.S. For what's worth, I love the story. You had me hooked. I just wish you'd a gone a bit further. Or maybe announce a possible sequel? I do hope we get more! :rainbowkiss:

4531436 Actually, originally, Silver Spoon was going to show up and that was how the inner turmoil of Diamond Tiara was going to be shown. However, I ended up rewriting everything past Spitfire and RD's talk three-four times trying to get this story to be how I wanted it to be. As for the sequels part, yes. I have been hesitant to actually saying anything seeing as I try to keep these to one shots because they were originally not going to even be a series. However, you can see that that isnt true. I dont know when more will come out, but I promise that I do have ideas, especially for these two young mares. Happy?:heart:

4531607 Having read a story I apperantly read a while back, only to be reminded of it after the line about how he shouldn't ask anymore questions if he didn't want another black eye, I have to say when I fell for this universe as it hit me that THIS story is actually a sequel to that last story.

"I can say this much, she won't be flying away from me anytime soon."

It was obviously Scoots, but what hit me was realizing there WAS a prequel to this.

I guess using Sequels and Prequels to describe them isn't fair. More like, an "Ongoing" slice of life series much in the vain of how different things got between S1 and S3. I like it. I really enjoy your "Not a sequel but in the same universe" stories. It really makes one care about the characters a bit more knowing they're all still growing and we get to see another chapter of their lives play out.

So, yeah, I like the stand-alone reads perfectly fine. It's just nice to know it's all in the same universe at least. I can't believe it took me this long to even comment on the last story. Which, gotta say, Rumble is a cool friend.

Anyhow, glad to hear you have more in store. You did have a few repeat words in that last fic though with "time time" and a missing quotation mark that made it seem like the narrator was getting a speaking role with one of Button's lines breaking into DT's descriptions. But I have to say it was all just too wonderful to care and didn't break my immersion with the story. Just thought you might want to know if you ever get the urge to go back and fix stuff.

I'll stop babbling now, these pain killers are making me jump topics left and right. xD

I like your writing. You have a great little world going here. Hope you do something with Twilight sometime. It's good to see her support Diamond, or lol at least be her usual patient self as she always tries to educate ponies and stop fires from starting. ;3

Have a follow!
Oh, look. I'm number 50! Time to make a Gold Edition portrait for myself I guess xD

Dt got friendzoned

4548466 i call 'em as i see 'em

i love how she got friend zoned:trollestia::heart::heart:

Same exact context.

4987085 Sort of, it was well written, and a very fun read, but I felt a little jipped at the ending. I'm a big time shipper and love happy endings so I was a little disappointed at the ending.

4987119 I will admit that I understand why some people are jipped by the ending. Personally though, I think one fic wasn't enough, at least not this fic, to establish two long rivals as lovers. In fact, this fic should have a sequel by now, but I have had to wait on cover art for a *Jumbled checks watch* ugh.


*looks at story*


What do you mean, "complete"?

5646773 There is a sequel if you want them actually getting into the relationship.


It's just, this story clearly isn't finished. You established a conflict that you didn't properly resolve, and heavily hinted at a second one that was never elaborated on. You made promises here that you didn't fulfill. That's not really something you can simply put off for the sequel, because that still leaves this one feeling unfinished.

5646888 I... don't really know what to say, because you are correct. There is a problem with this story, but it was from a time when I didn't think about all of this enough to realize that. Also, the One Minute series was always oneshots before this, and that may have stopped me too. I'm sorry.

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