• Published 9th Mar 2012
  • 6,470 Views, 113 Comments

Seeing Rainbows - Android

Blindness was never something you let get to you. Seeing was overrated anyway. Only thanks to her, you're 'seeing' straight for the first time in years.

  • ...

Chapter 12. All good things.

Note: Final Chapter.

“Hey. Hey Rainbow Dash. You alright?” Spitfire asked.

You simile, “Yeah she’ll be fine. I’ll go get a cup of a water.”

“I hope so, Storm. We’ve got some training to do if we’re gonna win this year.”

Rainbow shot awake, “Did you say training? I’m gonna be training with you guys?!”

“Well yeah. That’s the idea of having an Equestrian Flight Team for the games. We’ll be competing against several other flight teams from neighboring nations. And we’ll need to be at our best.”

“I’m Training With The Wonderbolts…” Thump.

“And she fainted again.”


“I don’t know about this Storm,” Rainbow said nervously. You were standing just inside the stadium waiting to go out onto the track. The rest of the flight team was waiting on the track, stretching and doing starts. The stadium itself was crowded with all sorts of species. Ponies, Griffins, even some nasty looking gargoyles were attending.

“Relax, you’ll do great!” You console her.

“Heh, easy for you to say! You’re not competing!”

“Damn right I’m not! Been there, done that!”

“Exactly! Do you have any idea how nervous I- wait what?”

You turn around and fly up to stands laughing, “You’ll do great! Let’s see if you beat my records!”

You can’t see her face as you fly up but you know your information tease worked as you land next to Twilight and the rest of your friends.

“How’s she doing?” Twilight asked as Rainbow trotted onto the track.

“I think she’s properly motivated,” you say slyly, “This is gonna be interesting.”


You grin as you, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and the Wonderbolts all head back to Ponyville. Rainbow wears a grin of pride and happiness. Around her neck are three gold medals.
You can’t help but grin along with her. She won all of her events, even beating out some of the Wonderbolts.

“That was so awesome!” Rainbow squeals.

“I’ll say,” you smile, “You won nearly every single one of your events.”

“And I brought home the gold!”

“So you plan on participating next games?”

“Of course! That griffin nearly tied me in that race. Next time I’ll beat him by a mile!”

You grin, “Well you better get training. Only four years until the next games.”

Rainbow’s face drops, “Four years?! That’s like forever! What am I gonna do until then?”

“You’ll figure it out.”

Rainbow groans as the rest of you laugh as the train heads back to Ponyville.



The entire town was celebrating Rainbow’s victory. You couldn’t have been prouder or happier. Your marefriend was now a world class athlete, the best of the best, and everyone now knew it. And best of all, she was yours. She had chosen you. Even after learning about your condition she stuck with you.

You sat at one of the tables near the buffet tables and ‘watched’ as everyone danced. Vinyl played her latest hit which the crowd loved. It was nice since it gave you a clean view of everything. Pinkie Pie was on a sugar high bouncing all over the place. Applejack tossed some sort of thing into the air, you assumed it was a rope of some kind and looped it around the crazy party pony.

“Pinkie! Yall’ve had enough sugar for one lifetime!” the strain in AJ’s voice is clear as she attempts to control the pink menace. Hmm, what did pink look like again?

“HeyAJyoutiedmeupprettygoodthere. IthinkI’msohyperisbecauseofthosesugarcoatedcupcakesDerpy
made. They’rereallygood, youshouldhaveone.oohisthatchocolatecake?” Pinkie said all in one breath.

AJ’s hooves could be heard scrapping against the ground as Pinkie Pie dragged the farmer pony away.

“Whoa! Pinkie!”

You can’t help but laugh at the comedy of the situation as you ‘watch’ blob of cotton candy pull a pony in a Stetson hat across the park grounds.

Suddenly the music stops. There’s the sound of someone testing a microphone. Needless to say the feedback does wonders on your highly sensitive ears and you go dizzy for a second before regaining your footing.

The mayor steps forward to speak, “Today we’re here to honor a hometown hero! Winner and competitor in the Canterlot Summer Games, she won gold in five out of her eight events! Element of loyalty and best flyer in Equestria I give you Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow steps up to the podium. Times like this you wish you could see her face. Blindness was something that had crippled you in more ways than one. Until she crashed into you that day. Now everything had changed.

“Hey, uh, Yeah. Hi I’m Rainbow Dash! The fastest flyer in Equestria,” She says awkwardly. This obviously wasn’t her exact forte.

“Well I uh, I guess I won huh?” That elicited laughs from the crowd.

“Well um, I guess I’d like to thank the Wonderbolts for being great partners and teammates and my friends for being there for me and…” Her head turns to you. You can tell she’s staring at you.

“Uh, listen. I’m not good at this type of thing but I have to at least say this. I owe all of this to my coltfriend who’s sitting at the table over there,” she points at you, “He was a great motivator and drove me to fly harder and faster. He helped me prepare for the competition. He’s the wind beneath MY wings and I couldn’t have done it without him.”

Whoa. Now no one’s ever said anything like that to you. But then again you’ve never had a marefriend like her. Does she mean that? She’s Rainbow Dash! The element of Loyalty! She doesn’t need anypony. Does she?

You never really get the chance to continue that thought.

“Come on up here big guy,” she waves at you. Everyone turns. Oh no. You’ve never been good at this type of thing. She doesn’t want you to speak does she? Can’t really refuse can you?

You get up from the table and fly up to the podium, “I never thought I’d meet a guy like him. He’s funny, tough, happy and fun to be around, if a bit secretive at times,” the crowd laughs a bit. You laugh too, no longer ashamed of your blindness.

“He’s hard working and most importantly, he can keep up with me. He’s my best friend and I love him,” she reaches up and pulls your head in and kisses you on the lips. This one out does your first kiss with her. It feels electric, like a connection has been made. Your face must be as red as a tomato. It certainly feels that way. Your face is burning with the heat of Celestia’s sun itself. Your blush intensifies when you realize this perfect moment is happening for all the world to see. An audible, ‘Aww,’ is heard from the crowd. Nothing can ruin this.

This, this is perfect. Just a few weeks ago you had never thought you’d ever meet somepony like her and yet now here she is. She means everything to you and you mean the world to her. Life couldn’t get better. Briefly, you find yourself wishing that you could see her. Just once.


Rainbow Dash lean’s against you as you both ‘watch’ the sun go down. Since you can’t really see it she describes the vivid colors to you.

“Well around the sun are these reds. They look pretty awesome. Ooh! And around those is this orange color. And along the horizon is a streak of pink!”

You can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.

She turns, you guess she’s giving you a look but you can’t really tell what kind, “What? What’s so funny?”

“You. You’re so alive and animated about everything. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

“Oh? What are the others?”

You rub the back of your head, “Well you’re adventurous, athletic, brave, loyal, you know what? Buck it. I love you for you,” you finish with a sigh.

“Ok. Something’s eating at you,” Rainbow says with concern.

“Well, remember that kiss we kinda… you know, shared in front of everyone?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow laughs, “It was awesome.”

“Yeah it was. Just… I wish I could see you Rainbow Dash. I mean really see you. Not just your outline in my head.”

“That’s what’s bothering you?”

“Yeah. I mean. This is the first time I’ve actually had a marefriend that I actually love but… I can’t even see her.”

Rainbow brought her hoof to her chin, as if pondering something.

“Hmm…” she said, “You know, I think I got you covered on that.”

She leans in toward you and sighs contently.


“Come on Storm!”

“Rainbow I can’t see when you do that!”

You still had no idea where you were. Rainbow had successfully gotten some headphones over your ears, basically blinding you to the world without entirely making you deaf.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

You still have no idea where you’re going. Rainbow had been all secretive about it since she picked you up this morning.

“Alright we’re here,” she said. She removed the ear muffs and knocked on the door.

You were in front of Twilight’s tree.

“Alright what is this?” you ask.

“A surprise.”

The door opens. Twilight stands before you.

“Ah Rainbow, You’re here,” she says cheerfully, “You ready for this?”


“What are we doing?” you ask.

“You’ll see.”

You follow them into the library.

“Do you have the spell ready Twi?” Rainbow asks

“Yes. But it will be temporary and you will have to be in contact with each other the entire time.”

“Yeah I know.”

You were getting slightly impatient, “Alright. What is this?”

Dash turns to you, “Well you said you wished you could see me; so we’re gonna do just that. Hit it Twilight!”

“What do you mean by tha-”

A burst of energy hits you. It tingles and buzzes. Soon you can feel the tingling condense behind your eyes. It begins to hurt slightly and you close your eyes in pain.

But when you open them the pain is gone and replaced by something different. Wonder. You can see! Everything has a bluish tint to it but that’s just from your goggles. You remove them from you head and the world comes into focus. The colors are there again! You can see everything again! The library is laid out before you. Books line the shelves and there’s a table in the center.

A purple unicorn stands before you. You assume it’s Twilight. She speaks, “Well it looks like it worked Rainbow.”

“How can you tell?” she asks.


“See for yourself.”

You are suddenly aware of a wing draping over your back. Hers. You turn to see her.

She’s a beautiful Cyan Pegasus. She has a toned, athletic body. Her wings are well kept and cleaned. You can see the muscles that beautifully compliment her athletic frame. But the thing that strikes you the most is her face. Her beautiful face. You stare into her beautiful magenta colored eyes. You could get lost in them. Her cheeks are rosy red in a blush as she notices you examining her. Her main is a scruffy cut. Not too short but not too long. It’s a spectrum of colors that gives makes her signature look and name. Her cutie mark is a blue, yellow, and red lightning bolt that’s shooting down from a cloud.

“H-h-how is this possible?” You finally stammer.

Rainbow blushes even more, “Well… you mentioned that you wished you could see me so… Twilight and me worked something out.”

“The spell is only temporary,” Twilight said, “and you have to keep in physical contact with Rainbow but… you’ll be able to see. If only for a few hours.”

Rainbow turns to you, “You have cool eyes.”

“What?” You had almost forgotten. Before the accident they were an icy blue color. But it looks like the spell had fixed that.

“Your eyes. They have this piercing blue color to them.”

“Oh yeah. I had forgotten. Been a while since I last used them huh?”

A silence filled the room though you hardly noticed. You were too preoccupied staring at the mare in front of you.

“Sooo…” Twilight said, “How about you two love birds get out of here and enjoy the day?”

Rainbow looks up with a blush on her face, “Oh uh, right.”

“And remember, Rainbow, you have to be in constant contact with him or else the spell will be broken.”

“Alright,” she says and guides you out of the tree house.

Once you are in the street you ask, “So how does this spell work?”

“Well Twilight said something about it allowing you to highjack one of my senses for a little bit but whatever. I didn’t listen. As long as it let you see for a while then who cares how it works?”

You laugh, “So what do you want to do today?”

“I don’t care what we do as long as it’s with you.”

Your heart explodes. You feel a single tear begin to form and fall down your face.

“Storm? Are you crying? Come on now; don’t get all mushy on me.”

“Yeah… I’m fine Dashie. I’ve never been happier in my life.”


The two of you sit together under a tree. Rainbow kept her wing on you the whole day. Today was perfect. The two of you toured the town together. It was an exciting experience. Viewing all the familiar places in a new way. In a way you hadn’t experienced in years. She re introduced you to all her friends. While you had to admit some of them were lookers, you only had eyes for Rainbow Dash.

Now you were sitting under a tree at the lake, watching the sun reflect brilliantly off the water. It was a sight you would miss when you became blind again but you would miss Rainbow’s beautiful face more.

“Today couldn’t have been better,” Rainbow sighs contently from under your wing.


You sigh and nuzzle her face which she returns before turning it into a kiss. You turn and stare into her beautiful magenta eyes.

“I love you Rainbow Dash.”

You see her eyes begin to water. She smiles happily at you and grips you in a bear hug.

“I love you too…”

You close your eyes contently. You feel a tingling in your eyes again. You sigh. The spell is wearing off. At least the last thing you saw was the most beautiful face in the world. When you open your eyes again, the world is black. But that doesn’t matter. You’re here with the perfect mare, in the perfect moment of the best day of your life.


You open your eyes. Again the blackness greets you. Your goggles lie next to you on your nightstand but you don’t reach for them. Not today anyway. You are faintly aware of another pony lying next to you, snoring softly.

You smile to yourself and pull yourself out of bed and flutter down the stairs towards the kitchen. You set about making breakfast of the two of you.

Soon enough you have the food cooking. Haycakes. Rainbow’s favorite. You hear the flutter of wings behind you.

“Morning hotshot,” Rainbow says.

“Morning to you to beautiful.”

Rainbow reaches up from behind you and pulls you into a hug. She gently nuzzles your face. You smile and close your eyes. You’re so content that you fail to hear the carriage land outside, the carriage door slam shut, or your own front door opening behind you.

“I swear dear that was the best trip we’ve ever been on!”

“Easy for you to say! You won all the blackjack games!”

“Oh yeah. I wonder how Storm’s summer wa- oh.”

Your eyes shoot open. Horse APPLES! Your parents were BACK!

“Well I see someone had fun while we were gone,” Your father’s gruff voice reaches your ears.

Rainbow lets go of you and you turn around, “Oh, uh, hi mom, dad. Uh, what’re you guys doing home?”

“It’s the end of summer. So who’s the filly?”

“Oh, uh, well um, uh, you see, this is, uh-”

Dash cuts in, “Rainbow Dash! The fastest flier in Equestria! Well… not anymore at least,” she blushes.

“What do you mean by tha…?” The realization finally began to sink in.

“You got yourself a marefriend while we were gone?!” Your mom squeals, “I told you we should have stayed home this summer! Look what we missed! Miss Rainbow Dash is it? How’s he been treating you? He hasn’t been too big a stick in the mud I hope?”

Rainbow laughed, “Nah, he’s totally awesome and the best coltfriend in Equestria.”

“So…” You say, “What did you guys do this summer?”

“Oh no,” your father says, “You’re not getting off of this one that easily. Why don’t you tell us about YOUR summer?”

“Oh, uh, are you sure about that?”


You turn to Rainbow Dash who gives you an encouraging smile.

“Well here goes nothing. It started the day you left. I went out for a flight like usual…”

Hello Everyone.
I never thought I'd ever be here saying this so I'll get right to it.
This chapter concludes the first story I ever wrote, EVER, on this site or anywhere else for that matter. Needless to say it's been a great run. I hope no one minds the quality too much considering how much of a learning curve I was on when I began this story. But anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who read this and gave a whimp like me a chance. I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who gave feedback on this story. I appreciate it tremendously and because of it I have become a better writer.
Well that about wraps this up. Hopefully you all enjoyed this last chapter. I'll see you all out there.
Au Revoir

Comments ( 42 )

It was great man, better then my first story.

Loved it man, one of my favorites

Brilliant mate definaty one of my favs now

Great story. I approve. It also gives me some thoughts on how to improve a story I've been writing.

And so ends another great story about me.:rainbowlaugh:
Excellently written, brilliant story idea and billy talent backround music to boot. My day is complete.

Great Story. I'll be watching for your next one.

Awww, that was a really nice ending. :pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by Riften Guard deleted Dec 30th, 2012

Awesome story man keep at it

1888595 Was my first story ever. Still have no regrets about it though.

I accidentally forgot that this story existed...
So I accidentally made my own story about a blind protagonist...

I now feel very retarded of myself.

My question is, why does it say it including sex? I didn't see any in there, great story by the way! :rainbowkiss:

2515950 I put it in there as a safety bit when I was writing it and just never removed it.

2515965 Ah okay, great story, the way you described Storm sounded like how I would look funny enough, I have the same eyes and black hair ha ha. Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading any more stories you have.

I liked this story, but you could probably cut out the sad, random, adventure, and comedy tags. While these are kindof part of the story, they aren't the focus.

That was really good(apart from grammar issues and being a bit rushed). I hope to see more stories from you in the future:raritywink::raritywink:

Its funny that Storm has a similar ability to my OC in a story i'm trying to get going. Shadow Wing, being me, can sense the electrical impulses of the nervous systems of any living creature. When he goes from his normal pegasus form into the alicorn state, the ability intensifies to the point where he can see all of the creatures of the universe. He has control over the power of lightning and storms. I just wish I could get past my writer's block.

I was so sure that Rarity would find out about Solar's mother and flip out the same way Twilight did.

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Sequel Please :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2938535I'm with you on that one.:rainbowlaugh:

This was a great story and all but... where did the mature tag come into play? (Slight confusion)

3698384 What mature tag?

Sorry. I saw it in the sex category of the second person group so I just assumed.....
(I really should pay attention to these things more)

Nothing can ruin this.

I was expecting something to ruin everything......but nothing happened.

Wow... that was great :D
For a first it's unbelievable!!! I would've thought this was your 4-5th or something :O

I don't wanna sound mean or grouchy or anything, cuz I absolutely loved the story :P
But you can remove the sex tag of ya wanna. Te most it has is kissing which is covered in romance :3
Soooo..... Sequel? :D

6346383 Yeah, this was from almost 4 years ago so the quality is not that good. I keep it up just for sentimental value but it's no where near some of my newer stuff on this site or anywhere touching the stuff I have on my PC.

6346632 Maaaaaan, I did not know you replied to my comment! Dx
Sorry for the ultra late reply.

I can understand the sentimental value bit, I've done that with a few.
i may check out some of your newer stuff, sometime :P

6483847 If you ever do get around to reading some of my newer stuff (newer being a relative term as I've been really busy with IRL stuff and haven't gotten the chance to write here for a while now), I'd recommend CyberFire. Again, looking back on it, it's about 2 years old now and is not as good as I could make it now if I were to completely rewrite it but it's what I'd consider my masterpiece for this site.

6484757 Cyberfire huh? I'll check it out when I can dude, legit saucyness :yay:
hehehe, thanks for the suggestion.

I really like this story. Yea it's old and I bet you have improved your writing skills since then. But, it's still a heart warming story. I hope you improve this one day. :twilightsheepish:

6927911 Oh yeah it's old. This thing is 4 years old. I really just keep it up for sentimentality.

6927920 Even without improvement as one of the first stories I read on the site this one will always be a favorite of mine, and you will continue to be one of my favorite authors. Keep on keeping on Android, and thanks for the work you put into these stories.

6951868 Thanks dude! :twilightsmile:


7447042 Umm, thank you. I guess because I wrote it, I find I'm super critical of it since it was my first. :twilightsmile:

Wonderfully beautiful story

I didn't even notice this has the same amount of dislikes as my story. Of course, this one is either better or, well, actually that is probably it. I mean, my story has 87/88 views and a 1/8 like-dislike ratio. Mainly because it has 1 like and 8 dislikes. So there must be something wrong with my story. Even if I don't see it. But this story is much better than my story, both in my opinion and in the general opinion. Unless it is just mandatory for first stories to have exactly 8 dislikes, but I highly doubt that.

That... is a lot of blue tags. If your a FiM writer you know what I mean. (3 max).

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