• Published 4th Oct 2013
  • 3,170 Views, 25 Comments

Stallions Are So Blind At Times - Redbook

Flash Sentry is like most stallions, he is blind to the sings that mares send his way.

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Chapter One

The moon was rising high in the sky and his charge was in bed, fast asleep after the day’s events. He was glad that he could go to bed soon as well after keeping ponies a safe distance away from the newly crowned Twilight Sparkle while she gave a speech about how glad she was to be a princess, she had to do this at every big city. Flash Sentry was given bodyguard duty after the events at the Crystal Empire and somepony pulled strings to keep him from going back to bootcamp.

Princess Twilight was nice enough to give him the spare room in the library to sleep in for as long as he was her bodyguard. He really didn’t care where he stayed, he would be back with her before she would awake. He would head to bed as soon as one of Luna’s night guard came to relieve him of his post. There were three light knocks which was the sign of the night guard who would replace him during the night.

“Aren’t you a sight for sleepy eyes, Storm Chaser.” Flash greeted the batpony as the door slowly opened so not to make too much noise. The batpony made his way in with a grin on his muzzle.

“I didn’t know you fancy a batpony like me, Flash?” Storm gave him toothy grin as he closed the door. Flash just rolled his eyes and walked with him to a little sitting pillow they used to take their watch.

“Oh yeah, Storm. You are so my type. I’m going to let you play with that fantasy of yours while I get some sleep.” He walked past Storm to his room, as he did so Storm flashed him a wink and grin. Flash just sighed as he walked into his room. “Night, Storm. Please keep the princess safe while I rest.”

“Will do, Flash. Now go rest up and have some hot dreams while you are at it.” Flash in turn just placed one of his forehooves to his face and sighed. What was he going to do with him? Not really caring at the moment, he just wanted to get some sleep. For tomorrow would be another hard day. The princess was due to take the morning train and ride it to Manehattan to give another speech about her becoming a princess.

His room was a little basic looking, only a few personal things laying around. His uniform was hanging in the open closet, along with his armor. On the nightstand next to his bed was a book given to him by the princess on his first day here at Ponyville. The title of the book was kind of an odd one, it was written by the princess herself. How to Survive in Ponyville

Flash was still in the first chapter of the 200 chapter book. He felt that it would be rude if he didn’t even try to read it. The first chapter was called ‘Pinkie Pie’ and the first part of it was about her Pinkie Sense. He was amazed by how such things were even possible by one pony. As Flash was reading, his eyes began to feel heavy as fell asleep on the book.

There was a loud knocking at his door, caused him to fly up to the ceiling. The knocking kept going on, his training kicked in and he flew out the door, landing in the little hallway looking both directions ready to charge at any danger that may have been out there. On one side of the door stood Storm Chaser and on the other side was Princess Twilight.

“See, I told you so. He must’ve been reading that monster of a book you’ve given him.” Storm was chuckling as Twilight was glaring daggers at Storm, then she giggled as Flash was at a loss, just blinking at the two.

“You are right, Storm. He must have been reading my book.” She walked next to him, grinning like a mad mare. “So how far have you made it in the book?” Feeling like he had just walked into a trap set up by the two other ponies, he rubbed one forehoof on the other.

“I ummm… I’m still in the first chapter.” This caused both Storm and Twilight to burst out laughing. Flash’s face was turning red under his tan coat, Storm was the closest thing he had to friend right now and Twilight was supposed to be his charge as he was her bodyguard, but she treated him like he was one of her best friends.

He let out a sigh and looked along the wall for any clocks that might’ve been hanging up. He found one nearby and his eyes turned to pinpricks. It was almost 11 in the morning, the train was due to leave the station at 11:30. Twilight and Storm Chaser followed his line of sight to the clock and both their jaws dropped open.

The three of them began to run around the library to find everything and pack it up for travel. Flash with the help of Storm had barreled down the road with Twilight’s things, causing ponies to dive out of the way. Twilight was not far behind them, trying to say sorry to everypony that they passed.

They made it on the train just as the conductor pony called last boarding. All three laid in a heap on the floor of Twilight’s private car, panting. Flash made it to the window as the train slowly pulled out of the station. He saw all kinds of ponies waving to family that was riding the train. It made him wonder what it would be like to have a family of any kind to wave to him as he left to see other towns, doing his job or some other reason he had to leave.

Flash Sentry didn’t have long to linger on these thoughts as a hoof wrapped around him. “Look at what you’ve done, Flashy. I was supposed to go home and have a nice day of sleep, but instead I’m stuck helping you with sleeping again.” Storm grinned his batpony grin. “But because it means I get to be with a big stallion like you, I think I can deal with it.”

Flash just sighed and looked over at Storm. It seemed that no matter how many times he told the batpony he wasn’t into other stallions, Storm just keep hitting on him anyway. There was the sound of giggling coming from behind him, he knew from whom that giggling was coming from. Twilight seemed to enjoy watching Storm passes on him, Flash just wished Storm would tune it down a bit.

“It wasn’t my idea to sleep in, but that book took a lot out of me last night.” He turned his head to look back at Twilight, giving her a smile that spoke many words. “But the book was well written for me to enjoy.” Twilight turned away blushing, Flash just blinked not understanding why she was acting the way she was.

Flash just shrugged off and went getting to work, which was getting all of Twilight’s things put in a safe place during the trip and making sure she was safe too. He let out a sigh as he came back to find that Twilight and Storm had been talking the whole time. “I see that somepony was too busy to help me out.” Storm just grinned and jumped up and put a wing around Flash.

“I’m so sorry my stallion friend, but the Princess was in need of somepony to talk to and how could I deny her sweet little heart an ear?” Twilight was sitting on a pillow giggling at Storm’s little show. Storm was Twilight’s galpal if that term still worked with him. Flash felt out of the loop on a lot of things, but he guessed that was how it should be. He was her bodyguard and the bodyguard doesn’t need to know much about the pony they are guarding.

Flash just let out another sigh and took a seat next to a window. Rain was splattering as the train zoomed down the track. He never understood why, but rain always made him sleepy. He figured that he could take a little nap, nothing much to do otherwise. Storm and Twilight were just gabbing away. His drifted close and he fell asleep for what felt like twenty minutes before he felt somepony snuggling him. He opened one eye to see the pony in question.

Comments ( 25 )

you know what? fuck it! ill read flashlight crap.
im still glad that hes not in season 4 it was confirmed.

No hate from me, but prepare for downvotes, man. People don't seem to take too kindly to Flash Sentry.

I know that there will a tone of down votes, but he is the best pony to write with. He is so blank that I can do what ever I want with him. This goes double with just using the pony version of him. :twilightsmile:

Cute! Pretty good so far.


Cool, but like I said; I'm good with whatever, just don't be too suprised if this isn't received well.

I'm always thinking the worse for my stories when I posted them. :twilightsheepish:

while i don't read flashlight period i'll read this if only for the hilarity that will ensue

Thank you, I'm glad I can bring laughs to someponies face. Even if I use Flash in my story.

yeah people are going to downvote this story solely because it has flash sentry in it no other reason they wont even bother reading it. and there will be the ones who would also downvote the comments as well

I know, but I don't care. They can down vote it all they want. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Justy deleted Oct 5th, 2013

3298360 you might want to polish up the grammar. There are some nasty errors even in the opening blurb. Also the premise sounds kind of cruel from what I can tell (again, the grammar makes it hard to decipher).

3298360 Let them, they will all have downvoted soon, and it only realy matters that people acually like the story. honestly, i would not mind seeing more of this, and you are a better writer than me, if the ratings are anything to go by...

I wouldn't go so far as saying that I'm a good writer. I'm just a writer and love what I'm doing. I will try not keeping you waiting long on the next chapter of the story.


He was her bodyguard and the bodyguard doesn’t need to know much about the pony they are guarding.

*Groans* I see that whoever is in charge of training the guards are getting lax. Knowing the habits and behaviors of the one they're guarding makes the difference between finding their charge quickly, or taking longer, or even not at all. It can also make the difference between spotting imposters posing as their charge. So, whoever is in charge of training Flash Sentry needs to get their act together. Because, next time, it could be the princess lost/ pony-napped, substituted with a fake.



You don't know how many ideas you have just given me for how this story could go. Thank you :twilightsheepish:

I'd like to see more of this.

Nice beginning chapter, but I can't help to wonder why hasn't the second chapter in published. This seems like it could be a great story.

I'm sorry about not working on this story in a while. I got kind of side track with another story I'm working on. I'm really sorry.:twilightsmile:

When is da update?

when are you posting the next chapter??

3297932 Good job, be a man and tough it out. Frankly I don't care either way, Its just another character to me. I read this stuff for inspiration in my own stories, no cares for who the characters are. And the only reasons I can think of to downvote would be if the stories poorly written, or contains BAD content. That's all, keep on writing, and good luck.

Should I assume you, and therefore the story, are both dead?

6517437 I can assure you that I am very much alive. Just a lot on my plate right now. Writing classes in college seem to take a lot of time. I will do my best to start working on updating all my stories, here soon. I am very sorry for that lack of updates.

Hey look! I found a mistake! (I am so sleep deprived right now)

His drifted close

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